Change of Plans
"Alright men, our objective has changed! Instead of heading to Argodat, we have been instructed to keep a lookout for German U-boats and shoot them down!" Park declared as the men ate breakfast, the soldiers in training mumbling to each other until Park raised a hand to silence them.
"We are heading to the Western Approaches first, then we will do an anti-submarine patrol around the coast of Ireland. Four escorting destroyer ships will be meeting us there to act as defense since this ship has light armor and few weaponry." Park continued, his gaze landing on Shawn.
"I don't care what we end up doing, as long as I can kick some German arse then I'll be happy." Shawn replied, earning a few cheers of agreement from several of the men while Park smiled faintly.
"Either way, we will continue training for the day we do end up fighting in land battles. Any questions?" Park finished, Jamie raising his hand.
How far are out are we from the Western Approaches? Jamie wrote, showing his notebook to the commanding officer.
"Shouldn't be too long since we just took off a little while ago. Estimated day of arrival is September third, probably sometime in the evening." Part answered.
"Now, meet up on the deck with your weapons in five. Oh, and do try to not shoot anyone." Park joked as he usually did, the soldier that had shot Shawn flushing red as he lowered his head in shame.
"It's alright, I know it was an accident." Shawn told the male, reassuringly patting him on the shoulder as he and Jameson grabbed their guns before going up on deck.
The next several weeks passed by in a blur full of the same training regiment that now involved learning how to use sonar technology to spot submarines, the same canned food, and the same amount of fear for Jameson, Shawn's injured shoulder gradually healing day by day.
Before long, the HMS Courageous arrived at the Western Approaches, four escorting destroyer ships waiting for them.
"Not gonna lie, this job is kinda boring compared to actual battle." Shawn remarked under his breath as he stared out at the ocean with Jameson, a cool salty breeze caressing their faces.
The four escorting destroyer ships were visible in the distance, circling nearby the HMS Courageous like sharks circling their prey.
Jameson didn't reply as he looked out at the horizon, watching the golden sun gradually sink out of sight with a collage of pinks, oranges, and yellows surrounding it.
Every sunset could truly be my last, I have to enjoy them while I can, Jameson thought, jumping slightly when he felt Shawn lightly nudge him.
"I know that face, you're thinking about something. What's up?" Shawn prompted, Jameson tapping his pen against the side of his notebook thoughtfully before writing his reply.
I can't help but think that every sunset I see could be my last, I want to enjoy all of them while I can
"Yeah...I've been thinking about that too." Shawn admitted quietly, the Irishman letting out a long sigh as the pair stood in silence for a moment to listen to the waves lapping at the side of the ship.
"Park will kill us if we stay up here too much longer, we have to return to the radars and keep looking for submarines." Shawn added, walking back below deck.
Jameson followed for a brief moment before pausing to look back at the sunset, the dying rays of the sun illuminating Jameson's face with its warm glow.
The mute closed his eyes for a moment to relish the warmth before reluctantly joining Shawn, sitting at his post.
A/N: This chapter is shorter since it's a transition chapter, more will be happening next update
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