Ronin's leg bounced as he waited outside his chambers. Freya's painful screams filled the air and he wished he could take away her pain. He was overwhelmed with the urge to barge into the room, but there was nothing he could do for her.
He couldn't take it any longer and started to pace the length of the hall.
"Well, isn't this a familiar sight?" He spun on his heel when he heard the voice of his father-in-law, Keelan. A smile graced his face when he saw that his family was here for support. Javier was here with his wife Auliria and his mother-in-law, Rose as well as the enchantress Carling.
"I wondered if you would be coming," Ronin said as he smiled at his family. They might not have been his blood family, but they were his family in bond. They took him in and he felt like their true son and brother.
"And miss the birth of our first grandchild? Never." Rose said. He hugged her and Carling before he greeted his brother-in-law and sister-in-law.
Another scream filled the air and all eyes went to the door.
"I think we should go see if everything is alright," Rose said worriedly before she pulled Carling and Auliria along. The men were left outside to wait.
"Don't worry, son. Freya will be fine," Keelan told Ronin as he placed a supportive hand on his shoulder. Ronin tried to smile but he was to worried. He was worried for his unborn child and his wife's safety.
"I hope so." He whispered. He couldn't imagine what he would do if something happened to Freya. His only true love. The one who saved him. He will die without her.
The screams finally stopped after he paced the hall twice. The door opened and Auliria stepped out with a small bundle, wrapped in a blue blanket. Ronin's pacing seized immediately when his eyes landed on the bundle in her arms.
He approached her quickly.
"Congratulations, you have a son." She said with a smile as she placed the small baby in his arms. Ronin stared at the small baby with wonder. Keelan and Javier came closer to take another look. They were broken out of their enchantment with the small babe when another scream filled the air.
Ronin's eyes shot up immediately. A frown made its way on Auliria's face before she hurried back into the room.
"What's wrong?" Ronin asked. As if the baby sensed its mother's pain he started to wail and Ronin gently bounced him up and down. His instincts took over, something he was worried about when he found out Freya was pregnant. Would he be a good father? He often wondered, but as he stared at this small boy in his arms he knew he would do anything and everything for him.
"Shhh, it's alright. Mama will be fine. Shhh my boy." He cooed as the baby started to calm down a bit.
A few minutes after the screaming stopped Rose came out with another blue bundle.
"It's another boy," she said as she placed the other one in Keelan's arms. Ronin stared at his other son in amazement. He was blessed with two beautiful sons. Rose beamed at her grandchildren. She knew she would spoil them rotten.
"How's Freya? Can I see her?" Ronin asked while he rocked his son.
"She's fine, but-" Rose's words were cut off when another scream filled the air.
A very worried look appeared on Rose's face as she ran back to the door. Ronin followed behind her but the door was closed in his face. What was wrong? Why did Rose say but? Was Freya okay? What if she died? He thought. How will he be able to look after these two boys without her? They needed her. He needed her.
They waited for what felt like an eternity before Moira stepped outside.
"You can come in now," Ronin was extremely worried.
He rushed to the room with the small baby still in his arms. Freya was laying on the bed with another baby in her arms.
"Triplets," Ronin said breathlessly he didn't only get one child or two, but three little babies.
Freya looked up at him with pride in her eyes. He took a seat on the bed next to her and looked at the baby who was laying very still in her arms.
"She is very weak, but she's a fighter." Freya said as she looked at her daughter who almost didn't make it.
"She will be fine, won't she?" Ronin asked worry evident in his voice.
"She's an Oakheart. She will survive all." Freya said. Keelan walked over and handed the other baby to Ronin who took both boys in his arms.
"We'll leave you to rest," Rose said as she and the rest of the staff left the king and queen with the three new additions to the family. They placed the three babies next to each other in the middle of them.
"What should we call them?" Ronin asked.
"I always liked the name Ethan," Freya said.
"Ethan it is, how about Eldrich?" Freya agreed.
"And then this little one, how about...Elaina?" Freya asked.
"It's perfect. Our little Ethan, Eldrich and Elaina."
Ronin placed a kiss on Freya's temple before all five of them fell asleep like the perfect family they were.
Ronin stared at the triplets as they played. The boys were running about, but his little girl only took a few steps before she fell. But atleast she got up once more. Only to fall again.
"Something is wrong," Ronin said to Freya.
"I know, she isn't keeping up with her brothers, it took her twice as long to learn how to crawl and now she can't even walk a few paces. Do you think we should call the doctor?" Freya asked as she worried her bottom lip. Elaina was struggling and all could see it.
After the doctor's visit Freya sat with her little girl in her arms who was sleeping peacefully as she rocked them on a rocking chair. Ronin entered the room with the two sleeping boys in his arms.
"What did he say?" Ronin asked as he gently placed the boys in their cots.
"She has a muscle problem. Her muscles aren't fully developed and this causes her to tire easily. Walking for her takes 10 times more effort for her than for us." Freya said as she looked at her girl. She was beyond worried about her little girl.
"Don't worry, love. We will help her. I promise you she will get through this." Ronin said as he placed a kiss on his wife's temple.
They could only hope Elaina's condition will get better.
Hey guys,
So this is Hidden by Foam, the third book and I hope you enjoy it just as much as I'm enjoying writing it.
What do you think about the triplet? I always wanted to have a triplet in my books and now I finally have.
Hope you enjoy this story.
Happy reading.
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