Chapter 17
Llyr's POV
I spent the whole morning talking to Elaina and I asked her to describe the man to me. When she described him I immediately recognised who he could possible be, Rogan. Rogan was the siren prince Olga's brother. He killed a human after my father passed the law of no helping or killing a human and my father banished him.
Elaina asked me if he sounded familiar to me, but I lied and said no. I didn't want her to stress to much. I ate lunch with Elaina in her room and after that I told her that she needed to get some sleep. She agreed to sleep if I lay beside her and I agreed.
I waited for her to fall asleep before I climbed out of the bed careful not to wake her. I tiptoed to the door and after I closed the door behind me I came face to face to face with Rhixton.
"How is she?" He asked.
"She's fine, she just needs some rest. Would you look after her for a while? There are some things I need to take care of," he nodded and I made my way back to the ocean. I needed to see Primbroock.
I was surprised to find Myx at the record room talking to Primbroock.
"Llyr! There you are!" He said.
"Can I talk to you in private?" I asked and we all made our way to Primbroock's office.
Once we were alone I told them everything that happened.
"So Elaina saw your mother being murdered? By Rogan?" Myx asked.
"Yes, I think she experienced sea memories," I said.
"Sea memories? It might be possible. But I've always believed it to be a myth because it is said that only people who have a true and pure connection to the ocean experiences it, why would Elaina?" Primbroock asked.
"It might have something to do with my dreams about her and my feelings for her. I thought this information might help your research," I said.
"It does. What are you going to do now?" Primbroock asked.
"I'm going to spend the night at the ocean palace incase Elaina gets more of these dreams. Myx, can you cover for me?" I asked my best friend.
"You know I can," he said and I thanked him. I told Primbroock that he should call on me when he found something and he agreed that he would.
After that I headed back to the ocean palace.
When I entered Elaina's room I found her still fast asleep. When I layed back down next to her she started to stir.
"Where were you?" She asked as she cuddled closer to me and I held her tight.
"Just took care of something," I said as I placed a kiss on her brow. She fell asleep. Seeing her so calm and peaceful made me feel it to. Soon after I was also submerged into darkness.
I was awoken by someone shaking me. When I opened my eyes I saw that it was Rhixton.
"Sorry to wake you, your highnesses, but the princes' carriage just arrived and we need to get Llyr out of here," I sprang to my feet and Elaina told me to go through the door across from her bed. Just as I closed the door behind me I heard Elaina's door open followed by two loud voices.
Elaina's POV
My brothers entered the room with boisterous noise like always.
"Elaina!" They said as they came over to hug me.
"Rhixton told us you were not feeling so good," Eldrich said, concern lacing each word.
"I'm fine now. Nothing a few hours of sleep can't cure," I said with a smile.
"Unfortunately we can't stay, we're on our way to a meeting with the dwarven region," Ethan said.
"Oh it's quite alright. As you can see I'm perfectly fine," I said.
"Then we'll leave you to rest some more," Eldrich said as he placed a kiss on my temple.
"Send a message if you need us," Ethan said.
"I will do, journey safely," I said as I watched them leave.
"Are they gone?" Llyr asked as he came from the adjacent room.
"Yes, you're save to come out now," I said as I gave him a smile.
"That was close," he said when the door opened and we both tensed up. Both of us thought my brothers returned but when Rhixton stepped inside followed by Ida we both sighed in relief.
"We brought you some food," Rhixton said as he flashed us both a smile.
"You poor dears were already fast asleep when I came to check on you," Ida said as she handed Llyr the tray and they both excused themselves before leaving us alone.
"Thank you for staying," I said as Llyr and I ate our breakfast.
"You're welcome, any other dreams?" He asked.
I shook my head. I had slept so peacefully and I've never slept this peacefully in my entire life. This must've been because of Llyr. Somehow Llyr's presence made everything better.
We spent the whole day in my room and when I tried to leave Llyr told me to get back into bed. I taught Llyr how to draw and some of the board games my brothers and I love to play. As soon as Llyr understood the game well, he would win.
"Wow, are you sure you've never played these games before?" I teased.
He would give me a small smile and shake is head. He enjoyed the games and he loved the food Ida brought for us. We spent the next five days like this. Me and Llyr in my room keeping ourselves busy with games and drawings. Did I mention how well he could draw?
It was on the sixth morning when I woke up that I decided that I couldn't stay in my room for another day. Ida brought me breakfast and I asked her to help me get ready for the day. I soaked in a lovely bath before she helped dress in a simple, comfortable blue dress. Once I entered my room I found Llyr sitting on my bed.
"So I guess you're tired of these four walls?" He asked.
"Yes, I know you might disagree, but Llyr-" I wanted to beg him to let me out of this palace.
"I don't disagree and I can see the colour has returned to you face. I think the sun would do you some good. Shall we?" He asked as he stood up and held out his arm for me.
I hooked my arm through his and he helped me, but when he got to the stairs he picked me up and carried me down. He walked with big strides and it was hard to believe that he was actually a merman.
We took a walk on the beach. The walk consisted of me walking a few paces and the resting a few moments. I could walk further without getting tired. Once we found a nice spot Llyr and I sat down and started to build a sandcastle. He was getting quite good with it.
While we were busy I stopped to watch Llyr. His blonde shoulder hair was curly and ruffled. His grey eyes were drawn in concentration and he build the rest of the sandcastle. He was the most handsome man I've ever seen and I think that I was deeply in love with him.
Should I tell him? What would he say? Would he be appalled to hear that I love him? Does he love me? All these thoughts were rushing through my head.
"Llyr?" I said. He looked up and gave me a small smile.
"Yes, Elaina," he said.
"I..." I wanted to tell him how I felt but the I lost my nerve,"We should probably head back to get some lunch. And your castle looks great," I said. He gave me his usual smile that made my knees weak. What was he doing to me? Did I have the same effect on him?
"Let's get some food in you," he said as he stood up and held out his hand to help me up. We made our way back to the palace and everything was calm and peaceful even the ocean, but inside my head their was a raging war...
Unknown's POV
I watched the prince and princess build sandcastles together and I could see that both of them had a look of love in their eyes. They were clearly in love with each other and that thought caused me to grin. It would just be so much fun to use this love against them.
The prince was going to pay and the princess was going to die. The plan was perfect, I only had to wait for the ball to come...
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