Chapter 13
Elaina's POV
"You cheated!" Eldrich accused Ethan as Ethan won another round of the game we were playing, it was a family game called Castles and Kings and Ethan won most of the time. Eldrich being the competitive brother never took it well when he lost a game.
"I didn't, I'm just better at games," Ethan said and that sent Eldrich over the edge, before I could even try to stop them Eldrich tackled Ethan to the ground and they brawled about. When I was a little girl, I remember calling my parents whenever one of my brothers attacked the other one, because I feared they might kill each other. But now I only laughed at their antics. They might brawl and fight like an old married couple sometimes, but I knew that they held a deep-rooted love for each other, the same love they had for me. I was lucky to have such a loving family.
I started to grin wide at the thought and once my brothers were done and saw the look on my face they shared a perplexed look.
"What are smiling about?" Ethan asked.
"You two, I love you both and I'm grateful for being your sister," I said. They both looked at me before they tackled me to the ground causing me to laugh.
"We love you two sis, and we miss you. We want you to come back home," Eldrich said and my laughter died. Yes, I loved them and yes I missed them, but the thought of returning home and not seeing Llyr again made my heart ache with pain.
"I missed you guys to, but this is my home now and I can't help but feel I belong here. I love the ocean," I wanted to say I love what's in the ocean but then the sudden thought made me pause.
Did I just admit that I loved Llyr? Could I love him? I know I enjoyed spending time with him and I loved swimming with him, but was it love? You can't possibly love someone that fast can you?
"Elaina?" Ethan said, pulling me from my thoughts.
"Sorry, I guess I was lost in thought," I said.
"Probably dreaming about mermaids," Eldrich said and they both chuckled. I couldn't help the giggle escaping my lips. How right they were and they didn't even know it.
"Something like that," I said before we finished our boardgames. We had a quick lunch and afterwards we decided to spend some time on the beach.
We built a sandcastle before Rhixton came out of nowhere and crashed it. Of course Ethan and Eldrich were not impressed and they tackled him to the ground. They pushed each other around and I felt the occasional sand hitting my body. Boys would always be boys.
When they finished their brawl we sat on the beach and enjoyed the view. The sun was nearing the horizon and my brothers announced that it was time to leave.
It was a heartfelt goodbye and I wished they could stay here forever but they both had their own responsibilities to get back to.
"Visit soon," I said as I hugged them. They nodded and I watched their carriage pull away and waved until they disappeared from sight.
"Can you take me to the dock?" I asked Rhixton who quickly picked me up and carried me to the dock. I only hoped that Llyr was there.
Once Rhixton placed me down on the dock he asked permission to visit Ida and I shooed him off, he really loved that girl and I wanted him to spend time with the girl he loved.
I waited a few minutes before Llyr's head broke the surface. The smile on my face was instantanious.
"Did you have fun today?" He asked as he swam closer before he climbed out of the water and sat next to me on the dock. I enjoyed his closeness. He placed both his hands behind him and he rested back as he watched the view.
"I did," I said as I rested my head on his shoulder, he stiffened for a second before he eased back. I could feel my eyes growing heavier and the last thing I remember was feeling a soft kiss on my forehead.
Llyr's POV
I placed my arm around Elaina's shoulder as she was fast asleep and I could feel her shiver a bit from cold. I looked at the sleeping girl next to me and wondered how this land being could have such an effect on me.
I placed a kiss to her forehead.
"I think I love you," I whispered softly. I only wish I could tell her that while she was awake but I was scared.
"Someone was tired," I heard Rhixton's voice behind me and I gripped Elaina closer.
"She was, will you take her to her room? I don't think it's good for her to say here in the wind, she needs to rest," I said.
"You can spend the whole day with her tomorrow," Rhixton said as picked her up and I had to force myself not to growl. I know he was her protector but seeing another man touch her somehow angered me a lot.
"Goodnight, Llyr," he said as he walked away with Elaina in his arms, how I wished I could be the one to carry her to her room.
Once they were out of sight I jumped back into the ocean and clicked my tongue, calling the dolphins to follow me back home. I was tired to, and I missed not spending the day with Elaina, so I promised myself to spend the whole day with her tomorrow and I was going to teach her how to swim with Nyla.
Elaina's POV
"Hold on to her fin right here," Llyr instructed as he guided my hands towards Nyla's fin. I was currently in the water with Llyr and his three dolphins. They were truly like his pets and they always tried to gain our attention. Llyr's one hand was showing me where to hold Nyla's fin while his other hand was wrapped around my waist to keep me afloat. I wore an old pair of trousers I dug out of my brother's closet because it was just more comfortable to swim in.
"I've got it," I said with a determined smile.
"If you feel like you can't hold on or are uncomfortable just say so, I'll be near you all the way," Llyr said and I nodded in agreement.
"Okay Nyla, gentle," Llyr said before Nyla pulled away with me. It was amazing swimming with a dolphin and Nyla was going as slowly as possible to ensure that I was fine.
Llyr and I spent the whole morning playing in the water with the dolphins. We only took a break when Rhixton brought us some lunch. Rhixton was more comfortable with Llyr and he left us alone most of the time.
"I want to swim a bit deeper into the sea," I said as I ate the last of my sandwich.
Llyr looked like he was doubting it.
"Please Llyr, you'll be there beside me if I need you," I begged, I wanted to be as far as I could in the ocean.
"Okay fine, but if you get tired, we're heading back," Llyr said and I nodded enthusiastically.
"Thank you, thank you!" I said and before I could stop myself I threw my hands around Llyr. He was caught off guard but soon returned my hug with a low chuckle.
"If it makes you happy," he said as he looked me in the eyes. His grey eyes made me stare at him as if in a trance. I quickly shook my head before I cleared my thoughts.
"Shall we swim then?" I asked.
He nodded before he picked me of the dock to place me in the water. He made a clicking noise and the three dolphins appeared around us.
They swam around us happily.
"They really love you," Llyr said as he watched the dolphins.
"I love them to," I said.
Llyr and the dolphins then took me deeper into the ocean where Llyr allowed me to be pulled around by Nyla.
Nyla and I were busy swimming around when I felt a bit tired. I pulled on her fin to let her know that I wanted to stop. She stopped and I leaned against her. Drifting.
"You okay?" Llyr asked from a few paces away where he was busy playing with the two dolphins.
"Just taking a little break," I said with a smile but my smile was quickly replaced by a frown when I felt something swim past my legs. I froze.
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