Chapter 11
Elaina's POV
A gasp escaped my lips as I saw not one or two, but three dolphins heading our way. Llyr noticed my line of vision and when he turned around to see what caused my reaction a boyish grin broke out on his face.
"Rory, Cody, Nyla! You found me," he said and the three dolphins nudged him like a dog would nudge his owner. They also sprayed water at him and I laughed when I felt the cool drops spray over me.
The dolphins attention was focused on me and they gave me curious glances. They made small noises and Llyr replied by making clicking noises.
"You understand them?" I asked shocked.
"I guess it's a merfolk thing," he said with a smile. They came close to the dock.
"They want you to pet them," Llyr said. I looked at him for reassurance and he gave me a small smile and I reached out to one of them and soon all three were vying for my attention, I must have leaned out to far because the next thing I knew I was falling and I screamed. Luckily Llyr reacted quickly and caught me in his arms.
"You have a habit of falling from things," he said as I clung to him for dear life. I looked into his eyes, a grey colour that invited me in.
"Unhand her!" A sudden scream filled the air. My head whipped to the side and I saw Rhixton with two other guards, Thomas and Terrence, their swords were drawn.
I heard a low growl and only realised after a second that the sound was coming from Llyr.
Rhixton had an angered look on his face and he looked ready to kill, the same look was plastered on Llyr's face.
"Rhixton, drop the sword," I said.
"What? Princess this man is trying to kill you!"
"He isn't Rhixton, he just caught me, I slipped from the deck and he caught me. Now would you lower your swords," I said.
I locked eyes with Rhixton and gave him a gentle nod. That was enough to reassure him.
"Put away the swords," he ordered the two men beside him and the gave him a perplexed look before seathing their swords away.
"Thank you," I said before I turned to Llyr.
"Will you place me back on the dock now?" I asked him. He pulled me closer to his chest before he gently lifted me back on the deck. He only retracted his arms once he was sure I was steady.
"You have some explaining to do, princess," Rhixton said.
"Rhixton, this is Llyr. Llyr, this is Rhixton my personal guard and two palace guards, Thomas and Terrence," I introduced.
"Who are you and what do you want with the princess?" Rhixton interrogated.
Before Llyr could even speak, I spoke for him.
"Rhixton! He is a friend," I said.
"I'm sorry for the mistrust, but she is under my protection and I won't allow anything to happen to her," Rhixton said.
"I understand, but know that princess Elaina is save with me and I mean her no harm," Llyr said very diplomatically and reminded me off Ethan.
"If Elaina trusts you, then I trust you to. Malady, it's getting late," and only then did I notice that the sun was low on the horizon.
"I didn't even notice the time," I said.
Rhixton came over and helped me up, he picked up my art supplies and handed it to Thomas.
"Terrence, please guide princess Elaina to the dining room," Terrence nodded and helped me along.
"Bye," I said with a wave in Llyr's direction and a smile.
"Bye," he whispered back.
I spared him a last glance before I was led away by Terrence.
Llyr's POV
I watched as Elaina walked away with the support of the guard and I wished I could be the one to give her the support she needs. Elaina's personal guard watches them leave and once they were out of sight his gaze turned towards me.
"As I said before, I'm princess Elaina's personal guard, selected by her family to protect her and I won't hesitate to do whatever it takes to ensure her safety," he said with a hard expression.
"And as I said before I mean her no harm," I said.
"Why are you here?" He asked and I knew I had no choice.
"Do you know anything about merfolk?" I asked.
"Unfortunately not," he said.
"Well then, let me introduce myself, I'm prince Llyr, the crown prince of Oceania," I said.
"What are you doing here Prince Llyr?"
"I'm going to tell you this because it concerns Elaina's safety," I explained.
"I'm all ears?" He asked.
"Do you remember Elaina fell over board?" he nodded and I continued.
"I was there, I pulled her out of the water," I said.
"Why would you do something like that? You owed her nothing," he said. He was
"I don't know why, but I have an overwhelming sense of protecting her, all that I ask is that you allow me to get to know her so that I can understand these feelings I have," I said. He gave me a contemplating look before he conceded.
"I will allow this, but I would be present until I can trust you," he was her personal guard so I agreed.
Elaina's POV
I sat at the table playing with the food on my plate as I waited for Rhixton who had yet to return. I wondered what he was going to say. Was he going to prohibit me from seeing Llyr again? Was he going to send me home? What if he told my parents and the decided that I had to return home immediately.
My thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and Rhixton entered.
"You cannot do it!" I said without thinking.
"Cannot do what?" Rhixton asked.
"You cannot prohibit me from seeing him or send me home," I said.
"Why would I do that?" He asked.
"You mean you're not going to prohibit me from seeing him or send me home?"
"No, why would I. I had my suspicions but after I talked with him he seemed like he was sincere, I trust your judgement princess and he seems far from the harming type," Rhixton said and I knew Rhixton was an excellent judge of character. That was why he was such a great guard.
"So I can still go to my dock?"
"Yes, he wants to earn my trust and once he earned it I will allow you to be alone, but until then I will be with you at all times," Rhixton said. I knew he was just being cautious.
"That I will agree to, thank you," I said.
"And of course I will need to inform your parents," he said.
"Why not? They need to know," Rhixton insisted.
"Not yet, I just want to get to know Llyr a little more, if my brothers knew they would force me to go back home and I might never see Llyr again," I explained.
"Fine, but you will have to tell them sooner or later," Rhixton said.
"I will."
"Now let's get you off to bed, it's been an exciting day," Rhixton said before he picked me up in his arms and started to take me to my room.
"Thank you Rhixton," I said.
"For what?"
"For looking out for me and always being there for me,"I said.
"Well, it is my job," once we entered my room Ida was already there waiting for me ready to help me.
"Ready for bed?" Ida asked after Rhixton bid me goodnight.
"Yes," I said as a yawn escapes my lips, what a busy day indeed.
Ida quickly helped me to get dressed before she helped me into bed, once I was comfortable she bid me goodnight and blew out the candles.
Before I knew it I was in dreamland with a silver eyed man.
Unknown POV
"Why didn't you kill the girl?" My mother asked.
"Because, Llyr had to be a hero, but don't worry this will make my new plan extra sweet once I execute it," I said as a grin spread on my face.
In a little while the ocean king would be very sorry that he banished me, he will be torn apart when I'm done and when I have him where I want him, I will tell him how I killed his precious queen.
And then my plan will come together...
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