We finished the fourth season of the show yesterday, so we wouldn't be shooting the fifth season for a few months, if that.
I'm just shocked that we went almost six years creating a show for young viewers.
Jace's caller ID popped up on my lock screen.
"What Jace?"
"Can you believe we're on the last season of Henry Danger?"
I smirked, "I'll be away from you, so yeah, I believe it."
"There you go with the sarcasm again. I'm surprised Cooper hasn't berated you about that."
"And I'm surprised you know what the word 'berate' means." I shot back, putting my shoe on my foot.
"I know more than you think, Mackenzie. Don't underestimate the Normster."
"Don't you ever call yourself that again."
I ended the call, grabbed my bag and headed over to Riele's.
It's been two weeks since Ella told us about Sean, so today we're going to help her get over fear of telling him.
I parked my car at the end of driveway, grabbing the pizza that I previously bought.
"Hey. Ella's pacing around my room right now."
I walked inside, "Wow. She's really acting like Piper with all that pacing."
I followed Riele to her room, Ella standing still. I pried her phone from her hand, seeing Sean's contact name.
I smiled at the name she gave Sean; seanybear.
"Should I?"
"I'll do it for you if you want." I offered as I pulled my phone out.
She nodded when I went to Sean's contact name.
yo are you with anyone?
nah jace just left with xander, what's up?
well...remember when you overheard ella talking about the guys she likes?
i guess? i have a bad memory
explains why you're so stupid
ANYWAY she wanted me tell you who she likes
okay one RUde and two who is it? it's not jace is it cause that would be weird as he plays her brother on the show
let mE TALk
she likes you, sean but she couldn't tell you
oH mY gOd
i'll be back
whatever you do, don't get hit by a bus like brad
Sean left me on delivered for ten minutes before Ella screamed. I ran over and saw Sean's name pop up on her lock screen.
We all looked over her shoulder at the message displayed on her phone.
My eyes widened and I snatched the phone away from her.
"Mackenzie told me what you said...let's meet tomorrow for lunch. ELLA HE WANTS TO MEET YOU FOR LUNCH!"
For the next five minutes, we screamed in joy for Ella and Sean. Ella did just turn fourteen back in March, and Sean will be eighteen in August.
"You'll come with me right?"
I gritted my teeth, "Can't. I'm hanging with Jace tomorrow," I lied so I could give Ella and Sean alone time.
I drove back to my house, with my drunken mother passed out inside, and packed my bags. I can't stay another single day here with her.
I picked up my phone and dialed Cooper's number.
"Hey kid, what's up?"
"I need someplace to stay until I get my life situated."
"Do you need to crash here for a while? Liz and I don't mind."
I let out a breath, "Really? Thank you so much Coop. I owe you."
"Of course."
I had eight duffel bags packed up with my possessions and clothes. My dressers could stay, but my bed sheets couldn't.
I stuffed those into another bag and dragged them downstairs.
Jace and Cooper came over to help load my things into their cars while I drove mine over to Cooper's place.
"Thanks again for this. I appreciate it."
"Anytime Kenz. There's a guest bedroom upstairs, third door on the left. Make yourself at home."
Jace carried my four bags up the stairs as I had my other four in my hands.
"You're down the street from me." Jace pointed out as he flopped on the bed.
"I didn't ask Jace."
I started to unload my bags into the spare dressers in the room that Cooper lent me.
"Why so rude Mackenzie? Are you okay?"
I slammed my hand on the dresser, "I'm not okay, Jace. Just go, leave me alone right now."
He stood up and didn't say another word as he left the room. I sat on the edge of the bed, just thinking.
My life was so much easier when I was thirteen. My dad was alive and able to do things with me, but my mom never really did.
She worked twenty-four seven to make sure we had a decent living condition.
Now, my mom is barely able to keep herself alive. I stopped taking care of her when she refused to get help.
I wanted her to get better, but she didn't care.
I don't have a motherly figure who's stable in my life anymore. The only fatherly figure that I think of is Cooper because he's been there since my dad died.
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