Thirteen: Nika
Who killed Will. And Hazel and- Ugh I needed to stop thinking. This was all so frustrating.
"Come on Nika!" Otis hurried me along. We were making our way up the steps to the boys dorms when an announcement came over the loudspeaker.
We were still so far from the place we were heading, oh no. It was at this time that Matron came hurtling down the steps, holding a baseball bat in her left hand. I had to admit, she looked pretty scary.
"This way children!" She urged, guiding us down the steps. "There's no time to get up there!"
Matron led us back down the steps and through the hallway that the classrooms were in. It was dark since the lights were all turned off and the sun had already started to set, so I had to squint my eyes to focus on my footing.
"Boys and girls separate!" Her shrill voice rang down the halls. Really? She was worried about separating us? I stifled a giggle, not sure why I found it so hilarious.
"NOW!" She yelled, totally freaking us out. Otis let go of my hand, moving to a chemistry classroom down the hall. I hadn't actually noticed that he was holding it, and I felt my face heat up. The boys all left us, reluctant of course, but Matron was so intimidating that obeying seemed to be the only option. I noticed a tear glisten on Nico's cheek.
"In here," Annabeth whispered. She was smarter than Matron, who had been letting the whole school know where she was by talking so loudly.
The other girls and I filed into the social studies classroom, closing the door behind us and locking it. Matron told us she was going to go look for more stray kids around campus, and asked us to wish her luck in case she ended up 'getting maimed' was the wording she used. It was a rather scary conversation to be honest.
Oh gods..." Calypso muttered, "I hate this."
Piper hugged her, repeating the reassuring words and patting Calypso's back. "What if it's one of us!" She cried, "Piper for all I know you could be getting ready to kill me."
I scoffed, it seemed to me that Calypso didn't trust her own friends very much. I sat down at a desk at the back of the class and clasped my hands together placing them in my lap. This was Stupid. There was no use locking everyone up separately.
Annabeth walked up to me and sat down in the next seat over. "How are you holding up?" She asked softly.
I nodded and muttered a quick "good," before going back to staring down at my hands.
My anxiety was kicking in.
There was a knock on the door.
Calypso gasped, clutching onto Piper's arm. Rats we were in trouble.
Annabeth stood up wearily, walking to the door, "who is it?" She asked, her voice shaking.
"It's Harris, let me in," the muffled voice of everyone's favourite detective came though. Annabeth peaked through the small window and saw that it was in fact him.
As she unlocked the door, I sucked in a breath. What if he was the killer? What if this was a trap?
He walked in quickly and shut the door behind him. "Are you girls ok?" Harris asked, very obviously in full work mode. There was a gun at his side and a walky talky on the other. Annabeth nodded, too nervous to say anything. Reyna grabbed onto Piper's other arm, and we were all tense. He had a gun for goodness sake, any wrong move could get us shot.
"May I take note of all your names?" He asked, taking out a small notepad and pen out of his pocket.
Annabeth, Piper, Reyna, Calypso and me.
He wrote us all down.
"So... " Harris paced slowly around the room. We all stayed still, not knowing exactly what was happening. "Do any of you have any idea who it might be?"
Reyna sobbed, "why would it be us??? They were our friends!?!? Hazel, Frank, Will, hell even Pete was nice to us." She buried her head in her hands and continued to cry softly.
I stayed silent, looking at my shoes.
Harris looked at all of us again, sizing us up before nodding his head and making his way back to the door. "I'll be back soon to check on you, no one will leave. I'll just finish my rounds quickly." he said sternly, before shutting the door with a sharp clunk.
My vision started to blur.
I was going to throw up.
"I-" my throat closed up and I felt blood rush to my face. Standing up, I stumbled to the door and reached for the handle.
"What are you doing?" Annabeth grabbed my hand to stop me but I yanked it back. "I need to leave," I managed to choke, before swinging open the door and running out into the hall.
No one followed, and within a second I heard the door slam shut behind me.
They didn't care, they weren't my friends.
Along with the rising panic attack, my blood boiled with anger.
I found the ladies room and stumbled inside, the automatic LED lights turning on as I entered.
As I emptied my stomach in the first stall, all I could think about was how much I wished Otis was with me.
A tear escaped my eyes and I plopped my but down on the floor, wiping my mouth. Ew I hated being sick.
"Hello...?" I heard the faint voice of a boy outside, "is anyone in there?"
The voice didn't sound concerned, almost angry.
Oh- Was this it? Was this how it was all going to end???
Was the killer after me now?
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