One: Nika
The drive was foggy and I was absolutely miserable. Going to boarding school was definitely not a number on my list of things I wanted to do in my life. Especially when the school is meant for kids who are apparently 'troubled.'
I'm not troubled, but my parents hate me and don't want to be there for me. They don't want to care for me.
Framing me as a troubled kid was the easiest thing they could do. Like sure, I've done a couple questionable things, but so had every single other teenager I had ever met.
"Nika talk to me!" Mom said cheerily, looking back from the front seat of the car at me and fixing her already perfect hair with her long talons that were painted a deep red. Her plastic face was pulled up into a fake smile.
"About what." I said drearily, leaning my head against the cool window and sighing.
"You're leaving!" She said, still in that overly cheerful facade. "I want to spend every last second I can with my angel daughter."
It was all lies.
I hated her so much.
When I decided to not reply, my father glanced back at me, and then to my mother, and then again back to me.
"Talk to your mother and stop being difficult." He said curtly. Another worthless order.
I Again decided to ignore the both of them, and it obviously didn't affect them too much because within a minute or so, Mom started to tell Dad all about how her gym membership was coming to an end and how she wanted to start working out at a more expensive gym instead.
They didn't care about me, and I had come to accept that over the years. And now, a month after I had turned 16, my parents meant absolutely nothing to me, and I meant nothing to them. Thats why, sending me away made them happy, and made me feel even more numb than before.
The school was about a three hour drive from where we lived, and was at the top of a mountain. As we got closer, the road got narrower, and soon we started to climb up the long and twisty road that led to Charford boarding school.
When the large buildings finally came into view, I squinted, rubbing my eyes. I was expecting more of a military school vibe, but instead it was almost like a... Harry Potter vibe? The buildings were made of stone, and looked more like mini castles than anything.
Maybe this wouldn't be completely terrible. It was the kind of place I had read in my novels, the kind of place I had always wanted to visit.
Dad parked the car and I opened the door immediately and got out. The air was fresh and there was this kind of eerie feel flowing around that made me feel magical.
Mom got out, wrapping her cardigan around her tightly, walking around to my side of the Chevy, her heels clicking on the concrete.
"Ahh my beautiful girl Nika." She said closing my door, which was still slightly open, as if to say 'run along now, we don't need you anymore.' Dad got out and opened the trunk, taking out my suitcase and wheeling it over to me.
"Have fun." He said nonchalantly.
I took the suitcase from him and gave them a small wave.
No hugs were exchanged, and I was thankful that neither of them had offered me one.
Just like that, they got back into the car and left me in the middle of the parking lot to figure out the rest by myself.
I stood there staring at the school for a couple minutes, not wanting to leave the strange state of mind I had been in.
"You good?" I heard a female voice ask me from my left. I looked to the side, and a pretty girl who looked about my age was standing there. She had a feather tucked in her thick, messy braid, and was wearing a simple tank top with jeans. A tattered backpack was slung over her shoulder and she wore bland running shoes that were ripped in at least three places from what I could count.
I nodded, putting on a somewhat fake smile. I didn't completely hate the place so far, but I was still rather salty about my messed up family situation.
"I'm Piper," the girl smirked and held out her hand for me to shake. I took it, pinning her as the type of person I wanted to befriend. "My name's Nika," I said softly, feeling shy for the first time in my life. I was usually a pretty outgoing person, so I wasn't sure why I suddenly felt a little timid.
I shook her hand and she motioned for me to follow her. "C'mon I'll take you to the matron. She'll show you where your room is and you can meet your roommate and stuff."
I nodded, grabbing my bags and following Piper to my new, mysterious life.
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