Four: Otis
I had three roommates, and I felt like crying. I hated people with a phat passion. And this kid, Leo, was going to be the death of me. He just wouldn't stop talking. Like seriously, he just went on and on and on, and it didn't necessarily seem to annoy Jason too much which was strange.
Leo flung open the door to our room and turned around dramatically. "Tada!" He exclaimed. "Welcome to the crib."
There was already another boy in the room and he turned around, an annoyed expression on his face. "Leo shut up, I'll kill you if you don't start acting like a normal human being." This boy was short too, but not nearly as short as Leo. He had black hair and wore an aviator jacket that was a little too big for him.
"Nico!" Jason chuckled, "threatening people is the exact reason you got sent here." He walked up to the boy whose name was Nico I'm guessing, and gave him a bear hug. Nico didn't seem too keen on the hug, but didn't push Jason away.
"This is Otis," Jason introduced me. I gave a small wave before turning to look around at our room. There were four beds pushed up to one wall. And four desks on the other side.
"This is your bed," Leo said, gesturing to one of the two in the middle.
I chucked my duffel bag on the bed and plopped down, watching as my three roommates went about unpacking and chatting about their holidays and general stuff.
I decided that I couldn't be in here anymore, I needed to get some air. Standing up, I quietly excused myself, although I'm not sure any of them noticed, and walked out of the room, down the hallway.
The school was biggg and I had no idea where I had initially come up from. So naturally, I walked around aimlessly, corridor to corridor, searching for a door that would take me outside. I grumbled, frustrated that I seemed to be 1. Stuck inside forever, and 2. Lost.
"I'm pretty sure this side is for the girls dorms. I don't exactly know what the rules are, I'm new, but are you even allowed over here?" A girl came up to me and I groaned internally, turning so I could give her a bitchy answer face to face.
Nevermind I take that back, she was kinda sorta really beautiful, so no bitchy reply would be given.
She was about average height, and had long black hair that framed her pale freckled face perfectly. Her blue/green eyes were glinting brightly under the fluorescent lights, and her pinkish lips were slightly parted, her brows furrowed.
"Uh," I said, getting shy as usual. I was a very antisocial person, and talking to people, interacting with them, I just didn't know how to without making a fool of myself.
"Yess?" She said in a playful tone, edging me on. I scrunched up my nose, stuffing my hands in my jean pockets. "I'm lost-" My voice cracked. See what I mean? I'm SO awkward.
She laughed softly, "well I wish I could help you but like I said, I'm new too so I don't reallllyy know where anything is. Anyways shouldn't you be unpacking or something? What were you even trying to find?"
Grr she talked a lot. "I don't feel like unpacking right now, I just felt like getting some fresh air but I can't find a way out." I replied, looking down at my shoes.
"I'm Nika," the girl held out her hand right under my nose and I jerked my face back, not wanting to be hit. She totally just ignored what I said didn't she. Because InTroDuCtIonS were more important. Oh well, I'll play along.
"Otis," I said, taking her hand and quickly shaking it before letting go and stuffing my hands back into my pockets. "I should probably get going... catch you around..." I continued, wanting more than anything to get out of this conversation. I was totally embarrassing myself and it was not a vibe at all.
Giving Nika a small smile and a nod of the head, I started walking down the hallway on the right.
"Wrong way you silly rat!" Nika yelled after me. I held back a gasp. Did she just call me a rat?? What the hecK-
I swung around on my feet, giving her a questioning look and strutting up to her so we were face to face. "Call me a rat again and I'll make your life here living hell."
See that's me being an idiot and proving to myself that I deserved to be sent here. She was obviously joking, judging by the tone she had used, yet I still got offended and mad at her, pulling a Nico and threatening her.
She laughed again, "It was a joke, no need to be so sensitive." Rolling her eyes, Nika pointed in the direction of the other hallway. "Go that way and then take a left. Go down the stairs and there'll be a door to your right that leads outside." Turning around Nika bounced off without even a goodbye, leaving me wondering.... Well I don't know... wondering who she really was. Taking her directions, I headed down the stairs and out the door, feeling the cool, wet, mountain breeze ripple through my clothes. It was a little cold but I liked it.
There were still kids arriving, I guess it would go on like that all day, and I dilly dallied around listening in on all their conversations. We love a good old eavesdropper.
One boy was having trouble saying goodbye to his mother. Well it was more that she was having trouble saying goodbye to him. "Percy, you need to call me more often!" She had sniffled, straightening the sleeves of his shirt. "I know mom I will, now can I go? I wanna find Annabeth!" He replied to her. Annabeth must have been his girlfriend or something because he seemed highly agitated to go find her.
I kept walking, leaving Percy and his mother behind and getting lost deeper and deeper in my thoughts. My mind came a full circle around to the girl I had met, Nika. There was just something about her that made me want to get closer. And for the first time in my life, I actually wanted to be someone's friend.
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