Winds of change
After the battle with Muzan, Giyuu cut his hair and Sanemi is kinder now. They both equally feel like they are missing a piece of their heart after Obanai died. But now.. Tomorrow being Giyuu's 25th birthday. Giyuu's demon slayer mark is going to get to him. And now Sanemi has to be a lone breeze. . .
No ships :3
Sanemi angst
Manga spoilers (Kinda)
. . .
*Ploosh.. Ploosh*
Giyuu- It's raining Shinazugawa..
Sanemi- Almost your birthday..
Giyuu- What?
Sanemi- Tomorrow..?
Sanemi- Tomorrow is your birthday?
Giyuu- It's not my birthday yet Shinazugawa?
Sanemi- What do you mean Tomioka?
. . .- I'm not Tomioka, Shinazugawa!
Aoi- Are you alright?
Sanemi blinks and looks at Aoi
Sanemi- I'm sorry..
Sanemi- I feel like I lost everyone...
Aoi- Hey! You have me, Kanao, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Inosuke, and even Zenitsu!
Aoi- You also have Uzui and his wives!
Aoi- Your really not alone..
Aoi holds Sanemi's hands and pats it gently
Sanemi- . . .
Aoi- Go get rest now..
Aoi- Like you said.. It's Giyuu's birthday tomorrow..
Sanemi- Alright..
Sanemi gets up and walks inside the butterfly mansion
Kanao- You're still here Shinazugawa?
Sanemi jumps
Sanemi- Ah.. Yes I am..
Sanemi- I don't want you guys unsupervised
Kanao- Me and Aoi can take care of ourselves..
Sanemi chuckles
Sanemi- Yeah yeah..
Kaburamaru hisses at Sanemi in a delightful way
Sanemi walks closer to Kanao and pets Kaburamaru, who's now guiding Kanao.
Kanao- He really misses Obanai..
Sanemi- Does he?
Kanao- They seemed so close didn't they?
Sanemi- They were like Father-son..
Kanao- I always noticed that whenever Nee-san(Shino) was around check up on Obanai...
Kanao- He(Oba) didn't want Kaburamaru to get hurt and always kept an eye on him
Sanemi- Obanai loved Kaburamaru..
Sanemi- He(Kabu) was Obanai's first friend
Sanemi- Maybe that's why they're so clo-
Sanemi- I better head off now Kanao!
Sanemi- Take care of yourself!
Sanemi runs out of the Butterfly mansion and looks around the abandoned demon slayer corps place
Sanemi walks to a clean estate trying his best not to get soaked in the rain.
Sanemi~ Why must it rain so much..
Sanemi💭At least make it sunny for Giyuu's birthday..
Sanemi heads straight to his room and lies down
He closes his eyes and falls asleep
Sanemi💭Today's Giyuu's birthday.. I should.. Brush my teeth first
Sanemi gets up from his bed and brushes his teeth
Sanemi💭I need to move out of this place soon.. Aoi and Kanao plan on going somewhere.. Maybe I should with them
As Sanemi walks out his estate, he notices the sun beaming straight into his eyes
Sanemi looks around the abandoned demon slayer corps, upset
He felt like more than half his heart was empty ever since the fight
Sanemi💭I should see if Aoi or Kanao are awake
. . .
Aoi- Came early huh?
Sanemi- Yes I have Aoi
Aoi- Me and Kanao are moving soon with the triplets
Sanemi- Can I-
Aoi- Of course you can stay with us!
Sanemi- How did you know?
Aoi chuckles a bit
Aoi~ Your lonely.. I don't want your last months being by yourself..
Sanemi- What did you say?
Aoi- Nothing!
Sanemi- Get Kanao by the way, I'm visiting everyone's graves
Aoi- Don't forget to buy flowers!
. . .
???- Here's the flowers!
Sanemi- Arigato Miss
???- No need to thank me!
. . .- Hey Shinazugawa! Your here too?
Sanemi grabs the flowers from ??? and turns around to see Tengen
Sanemi- Hi Uzui
Tengen- Hello Shinazugawa! How are you doing during this fine morning?
Sanemi- How about you save your crappy flirting for your wives and not here?
Tengen- Heh.. Fine! Oh and Suma should be outside! You should say Hi to her!
Sanemi- I will don't worry
. . .
Sanemi sits next to Obanai's & Mitsuri's grave (Buried together), putting a big bundle of flower on it
Sanemi~ Oh Obanai..
Sanemi~ It feels like so long since we talked..
Sanemi~ I miss you so so much..
A small gust of wind hits Sanemi after he said the words
. . .
Sanemi looks at Giyuu's grave
He places a bundle of flowers on it
Sanemi~ Happy birthday Tomioka..
Sanemi~ I keep hallucinating you being here..
Sanemi~ One day.. You, Iggy, and me will be together in heaven soon..
Sanemi💭Maybe Genya too..
A big breeze flows past Sanemi, stroking his face slightly
. . .
After Sanemi placed more flowers on all the hashiras graves, he sits next to where Genya's grave would've been
Sanemi💭I'm sorry Genya.. I'm so sorry!
Sanemi~ I should've treated you better Genya..
Sanemi~ Your brother really cares about you.. I just didn't want risking losing another family member to a demon..
Sanemi's eyes slowly start to water
Sanemi~ Oh I'm so sorry Genya..
Sanemi~ You could've had a long and happy life.
This wasn't long tbh..
Not even 1000 words ;-;
Should I write more angst? :3
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