Love nymph?
Honestly I don't know wtf a love nymph is because the definition of it is a type of goddess or something
Requested by RoachJuiceViolent
Sanemi, Giyuu, and Obanai all have a mission together. To kill a love nymph. The three didn't know what they are or what they looked like so it was going to be a pain in the ass. They head to the area, where supposedly the love nymph is supposed to be.
•Slight mentions of Rengiyuu?
•A small pinch of Obamitsu (Not canon in this book though, just Obanai mentioning Mitsuri)
Sanemi- Do any of you guys know what a love nymph is?
Obanai- Nope
Giyuu- No.
Sanemi- Well great! Seems like Master gave us a useless mission!
Obanai- Hey! At least he told us where to go to find them! If we just wondered around we would be here all year for fuck sakes!
Giyuu- He has a good poi-
Sanemi- Shut up
Giyuu rolls his eyes
The three then wonder around trying to look for a love nymph. Although they never encountered or saw what they look like, they plan on killing anything they see.. Expect for animals they DO know.
Eventually they give up after 49 minutes
Sanemi- Now we're lost
Obanai- Guess this all was for nothing
Giyuu- I guess
Sanemi- Let's just leave
Due to convenient plot and them being the main characters, they run into a love nymph (RoachJuiceViolent TOLD ME WHAT THEY ACT LIKE AND HONESTLY I'M SO CONFUSED)
Love nymph- Hey wanna join my p0rn flim?
Sanemi- ... This is a FVCKING LOVE NYMPH?!
Love nymph- Look, y'all are hot which is perfect for my p0rn flim!
Obanai- Uhm..
Giyuu💭What the fvck
Obanai- Y-your a love nymph?
Love nymph- Yup! Now you wanna be in my top very secret p0rn forest film nymph thing?
Sanemi- So your telling me.. Master told us to kill a "love nymph" which is a p0rn thing?
Giyuu- Looks like it..
Obanai- Geez Master hates us
Love nymph- Hey cheer up and join my p0rn film!
All three of them use their strongest form on the love nymph and the love nymph dies
Obanai- Was it necessary for THREE hashira to use their strongest form on a love nymph?
Sanemi- Eh no but it was funny
Giyuu- No it wasn't
Sanemi- Shut the fvck up Giyuu
Obanai- Let's leave already, I wanna see Mitsuri after this
Sanemi💭Seriously Mitsuri? (Bro is jealous😏)
The trio leave the area after they obliterated the love nymph.
Obanai got to hangout with Mitsuri, Sanemi was trying to prevent Genmui from happening, and Giyuu is being irritated by Shinobu for the 1919282+129388448×919191918282828181+918282838383694203939393939 time!
Giyuu- Now that I think about it, what was our reasoning to do that to the love nymph?
Shinobu- Someone finally bothering to talk, hmm Tomioka-san?
Giyuu- ...
Shinobu- Ah! You know you can't ignore me forever~!
Shinobu- I'm the only person who bother talking to you! Your too emo for anyone's liking!
Shinobu- You have to show more emotions Tomioka-san!
Giyuu💭Isn't she faking her own feelings?
Shinobu💭Only faking them because before Kanae died she wanted me to smile more Tomioka-san!
Giyuu💭You can read minds?!
Shinobu💭Yes I can!
Shinobu💭And I know how much you think of Rengoku! Do you like him by any chance?
Then Shinobu magically died
The end
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