"Look At The Stars In The Big Black Ink!"
Ever since Rengoku died, Giyuu was heartbroken of course but he was quick to find new love. Who was his new lover in particular? Kocho Shinobu. All her teasing and annoying made her become more than just a friend in Giyuu's eyes. Expect.. After the battle with Muzan.. He lost one of his best friends(Obanai). And yet again.. The love of his life...
•Slight Inoaoi
•Very small Tankana
Giyuu angst?
Manga spoilers..?
Shinobu- Tomioka-san~!
Shinobu- You can't ignore me forever Tomioka-san!
Shinobu- It's rude to ignore your friends!
Shinobu- Now now!
Shinobu- No need to be so stubborn!
???- Oi Giyuu
Giyuu- What is it Sanemi?
Sanemi- Tanjiro and the others are moving
Giyuu- Ah.. Right..
Sanemi- Did you forget?
Giyuu does a swift nod
Sanemi- Just go say good bye to them before they leave
Sanemi walks away from Giyuu, heading towards Kanao
Giyuu💭How could I forget?
Giyuu💭What was I thinking about..
Rengoku- Tomioka!
Rengoku- Do you want to eat with me?
Giyuu💭I need to visit Tanjiro..
Giyuu stands up and walks over to the entrance of the Butterfly mansion and finds Tanjiro with the others
Nezuko- Good afternoon, Giyuu-san!
Nezuko runs up and hugs Giyuu tightly
Giyuu- Hey Nezuko-chan..
Giyuu pats Nezuko's head
Tanjiro- Giyuu!!
Tanjiro walks over and hugs Giyuu
Giyuu was being suffocated by the two Kamado siblings
Giyuu- Y-you guys a-are choking m-me..!
Nezuko lets go, including Tanjiro
Zenitsu was glaring at Giyuu
Nezuko- We will see you again some day right? Right??
Giyuu chuckles
Giyuu- Of course
Tanjiro- You should come over to our place whenever you and Sanemi aren't busy!
Giyuu- I will, I will..
Giyuu smiles
Aoi- Hey guys!
Inosuke- Food lady!
Tanjiro- Hi Aoi!
Giyuu- Hello Aoi
Aoi- I brought you guys some food, since you guys skipped breakfast!
Aoi hands Zenitsu, Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Nezuko some food
She gives extra to Inosuke
Giyuu notices Inosuke have a faint blush
Giyuu💭Young love..
Tanjiro- Do you.. Know when Kanao.. Is gonna move with us..?
Tanjiro says, devouring the food
Aoi- Once Sanemi finds a place to live
Aoi smiles warmly
Aoi- Do you have a place to go Giyuu-san?
Giyuu- I'll stay at the butterfly mansion with you and the triplets, Aoi
Giyuu smiles at Aoi
Aoi smiles back
Giyuu💭She's like a sister to me..
Giyuu💭I can't let her die.. Not again.. (Referring to his actual sister)
Aoi- It'll be nice to have you as company, Giyuu-san
Giyuu- Of course..
Zenitsu- When are we leaving?
Nezuko- No need to rush, Zenitsu-kun!
Zenitsu- Of course, Nezuko-chan!
Tanjiro- We're leaving when everyone is ready!
Inosuke- I'll have you know that the king of mountains is prepared!
Aoi- It'll be lonely without you, you know Inosuke-san?
Giyuu💭Right.. She likes Inosuke
Inosuke- HAHAHAHAHA don't worry food lady! I'll always ask you for food!
Aoi- Of course
Aoi- Oh! And Giyuu-san
Giyuu- Hm?
Aoi hands over a small box with a light purple ribbon on it
Giyuu- Eh?!
Aoi- Kanao made it for you!
Aoi- She said she wanted me to give it to you!
Giyuu grabs the gift and looks at it
Giyuu- It's very pretty
Tanjiro- Aoi! Giyuu!
Tanjiro- We're leaving now!
Aoi- Eh?! Already!
Aoi- Then I guess this is goodbye for now huh Tanjiro?
Tanjiro- Of course!
Tanjiro- I'll go and find Kanao to tell her I'm leaving! You can leave without me! I'll find you guys!
Zenitsu- Ya sure Tanjiro?
Tanjiro- Yup!
Nezuko- Don't get lost Onii-chan!
Tanjiro- I won't, don't worry Nezuko
Giyuu- Then this is really goodbye huh?
Tanjiro- It is isn't it?
Tanjiro- I just want to say thank you for everything Giyuu!
Giyuu- No need to thank me! Really..
Tanjiro- I also have a gift, by the way!
Giyuu- What?!
Tanjiro hands me a small box with a red ribbon on it
Tanjiro- Take it! Please!!
Giyuu- Th-thanks..
Inosuke- Monjiro! Are you comin'?
Tanjiro- I will!
???- W-wait!!!
Kanao- Y-you're leaving already?!
Tanjiro- I'm sorry I didn't tell you Kanao
Giyuu💭They're rambling..
Giyuu💭Inosuke definitely isn't happy about this..
-Timeskip brought to you by the author of this book-
Giyuu- Bye Tanjiro! Bye Inosuke!
Kanao- I'm wishing you guys the best! I'll come soon!
Tanjiro- Bye Giyuu! I'll see you soon Kanao!
Inosuke- I'll see you next week for food, Aoi!
Tanjiro and Inosuke, the last two to stay behind, leaves
Aoi- H-he said m-my name correctly..
Aoi's eyes were watery
Giyuu- Oh don't cry over him pronouncing your name correctly, Aoi
Kanae hugs Aoi
Kanao- Go to your room, Giyuu. It's late.. You have to get some sleep..
Giyuu- Of course mother
Giyuu then walks away, with two gifts in his hand, into the room he is staying in
Aoi~ Giyuu's birthday is in a few weeks Kanao..
Kanao~ I know.. Is that why you were crying?
Aoi does a soft nod
Aoi~ I don't want him to be reminded of his death date..
Giyuu puts the gift Tanjiro gave him on his bed
He decided to open Kanao's gift first
Giyuu💭What could've Kanao given me..
Giyuu untied the ribbon and lifts the top off slowly
His eyes widen
Giyuu💭I-is that..?
Giyuu grabs the beautiful butterfly hair clip and holds it delicately
Giyuu- Shinobu...
His eyes start to water
*Knock knock*
Giyuu wipes his tears and places the clip in the box gently
Giyuu- Come in!
Sanemi opens the door
Sanemi- What are you doing, emo?
Giyuu- Opening the gifts Tanjiro and Kanao got me
Sanemi- They got you gifts?
Giyuu- Yeah?
Sanemi- They didn't give me any-
Giyuu- Where's Kaburamaru?
Sanemi- Asleep
Sanemi- They're much more less energetic than before
Giyuu- It's normal
Giyuu- After all-
Sanemi- Don't remind me of his death..
Giyuu💭He's still heartbroken..
Giyuu💭I felt how he felt.. Twice..
Sanemi- Anyways, what gifts did Tanjiro and Kanao give ya?
Giyuu- Kanao got me..
Giyuu- ...
Giyuu grabs Shinobu's butterfly hair clip and shows it to Sanemi
Sanemi- Kanao gave that to you?
Giyuu- She did..
Sanemi- She must really trust you huh?
Giyuu- You could say
Giyuu- Should I open Tanjiro's gift?
Sanemi- Of course!
Giyuu💭Right.. I keep forgetting he isn't here.. Oh Obanai..
Giyuu grabs Tanjiro's gift and opens it
Inside was the previous flame hashiras sword hilt
Sanemi- He gave it to you because..
Giyuu- He knew about me and Kyojuro's relationship..
Giyuu- That's why..
Sanemi- That's reasonable..
Sanemi- Put those aside for now.. I have something planned for tomorrow..
Giyuu nods and puts them in there respected gift boxes
Sanemi leaves, saying goodnight
Giyuu💭Kanao knew how I felt for Shinobu after Kyojuro.. D-died..
Giyuu💭Tanjiro knew that me and Kyojuro liked each other expect.. We failed to confess in time..
Giyuu💭They should have done so much for me..
Giyuu's eyes were watering
He felt like crying a waterfall but knew he shouldn't
Giyuu💭I.. Need to sleep.. Sanemi said he had something planned.. For tomorrow..
Giyuu plops down on his bed, after putting the gifts away and closes his eyes and falls asleep
Shinobu- Hey hey! Tomioka-san! Look at the stars! They look like they are in a ink you know?
Giyuu- They do.. Don't they..
Shinobu- Now now! I want you to tell me what you feel and think when you look at these stars!
Giyuu- I feel.. Cold..
Shinobu- Hmm? How come Tomioka-san?
Giyuu- It is cold outside.. Unless I'm going crazy
Shinobu- You are right it is pretty cold out!
Shinobu- You know.. There's a song I've heard before..
Giyuu- And that is?
Shinobu- It goes by the lines, "Look at the stars, in the big black ink! Tell me what you feel and tell me what you think! Is it cold outside? Is it cold out?"
Giyuu- It sounds nice.. Doesn't it?
Shinobu- It does!
Shinobu- How about after we kill the demon king, we can go to the place where I heard the song?
Giyuu- Of course, Kocho..
Why won't she get out of my head? Why.. Kocho.. Why.. Why did you have to die?!
This could've been more angsty but it isn't :(
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