Chapter 8|Only the brightest days will happen after the darkest
Fluff chapter and just a bit of angst :D y'all really need a break from all this murder so here is some fluff! (AND ANGST!!!)
No one pov ~With Krista and Cherry at the cafe still~
'Thank you officer!' Cherry says sounding better. Although her sister is dead, everyone has their own fate. Cherry was forced to close the cafe though. Police were doing further examinations on the cafe to try catching the murder.
Cherry and Krista were informed to go home so the police can work on the crime. 'Wanna get ice cream or maybe go to my place?' Krista ask. Now that Krista and Cherry are dating, Krista wanted to keep Cherry safer than ever.
'Your place.. And again thank you for helping me with this Kris.' Cherry says softly as they walk to Krista place. Krista smiles and grabs Cherries hand. 'Follow me!' Krista says sounding very energetic. Then Krista starts walking a little faster. Cherry follows from behind.
~12 minutes~
The both of them eventually made it to Krista house. 'Hope my older brother doesn't mind you.' She says grabbing her keys. 'Hopefully James doesn't mind. If he does then I'll hit him with a flip flop.' Cherry says sounding a lot better.
Then Krista opens the door. 'JAMESSSSSSS!!!' Krista yells. 'WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT KRIS?' James screams back. 'MY GIRLFRIEND WILL BE LIVING WITH US!!' Krista screams. 'STOP SCREAMING IM COMING DOWNSTAIRS!!! YOUR MAKING ME DEAF!!!' James yells loudly.
Then Krista and Cherry both hear footsteps. James comes downstairs. 'Hi Cherry I didn't know you and Krista were Lesbian.' James says. Krista rolls her eyes. 'Yeah yeah I didn't know you were gay.' Krista tells James. 'Anyways since Cherry doesn't have family left... She is staying with us!' She says sounding a bit happy.
'You're kidnapping your girlfriend is what your trying to say?' James says sound confused. 'What! No! Krista would never! I bet you would try kidnapping your boyfriend James!' Cherry says. James gasp. He acts like he has been seriously offended.
'Pfft this is why I love you Cherry.' Krista says hugging her. 'Lets ignore the disgrace in front of us and go to my room shall we?' Krista says brushing James aside. Cherry nods trying not to laugh and they both go to Krista room.
'This question might be personal but how did most of your family die Cher?' Krista sitting on her bed. Cherry sits on Krista bed next to her. 'Well you know how Mika died..' Cherry said quietly. 'Mhm..'
'Well about my parents.' Cherry muttered under her breath. 'If your uncomfortable-' 'No no.. It's just that.. I don't.. Know how to.. You know... Word it?' Cherry says. Krista didn't want to make Cherry uncomfortable. But she was so curious about her family.
'My dad was.. An alcoholic.. He would drink a lot..' Cherry starts saying. Krista was intrigued. 'One day.. He drank too much and we made him angry..' Cherry starts grabbing the bed sheets. 'He got very drunk.. and he hit our mom but.. During that... Someone came.. Someone armed and dangerous entered the house.' Cherry starts whispering.
'The person shot my dad and almost shot my mom. Me and Mika were terrified. My mom told me to call the police and so I did. Me and Mika did. But we were too late. The robber murder shot my mom straight threw the head.' Cherry tells Krista.
Krista eyes were widened. Cherry starts crying a bit. Krista gets up and grabs tissues. She hands them to her girlfriend. Cherry wipes her eyes. 'The police came eventually. Me and M-mika hid for over 25 minutes. The murder got arrested but... My parents were gone..' Cherry says crying more.
Krista wipes Cherries eyes. 'Calm down.. How about we watch a movie..? To calm you down? You know.. Netflix and chill?' Krista says trying to brighten the mood. 'Sure.. We can do that.' Cherry says sounding better. Krista grabs the remote to her TV in her room and turns it on.
'What movie do you wanna watch?' Krista ask sitting next to Cherry. 'You can decide! I don't mind.' Cherry tells Krista. Krista chooses a movie and grabs her bed blanket. She wraps it around both her and Cherry. They then watch the movie Krista selected.
No one pov ~With Giyuu and Sabito~
Both Giyuu and Sabito have been walking for what felt like years. 'We should've tooken the bus Tomi!' Sabito says groaning. 'There's a bus stop over there?' Giyuu says pointing to the bus stop. They both run to the bus stop.
Sabito and Giyuu sit down. 'So.. Why do people ship us?' Giyuu ask Sabito. 'I really don't know.' Sabito responds. It was quiet. Sabito DID like Giyuu but he believed Giyuu didn't like him. The quietness grew bigger and bigger until, the bus arrived for them.
They enter and sit next to each other. 'Isn't odd that it's only 1:58pm right now?' Giyuu asks. Sabito just nods. They both wanted to go home because of there exhaustion. The bus stops at the street Giyuu and Sabito houses were. They get off.
Sabito and Giyuu both walk home. 'Wanna go some where?' Sabito ask. 'Mmm... Where though?' Giyuu says. Sabito thinks of a place. 'There's a nearby park we could go to?' He says. Giyuu thinks about it. 'Wouldn't be better to just go to your house or go back to our houses?' Giyuu says.
Sabito sighs. They continue walking to their home. It took a while but they eventually made it. 'See you later.' Giyuu says going to his home. He opens his door and enter his house. Sabito walks to his home. He sighs again.
Sabito eventually makes it home. He grabs his keys and opens the front door. He then goes inside and shuts the door.
No one pov ~With Mr. Flashy Flashington and Sir. Rendonuted~
'So what flashy things you wanna do?' Tengen ask. 'I don't know! I'm craving donuts though. Maybe because I skipped breakfast!' Rengoku says. 'Lets go to the nearest bakery then!' Tengen says. Tengen did actually bring his wallet and Rengoku only brought a few dollars.
Tengen wanted to see his three girlfriends but why not get donuts with his best friend? They go to the nearest bakery and go inside. 'Hi welcome to The Kotetsu (the name of that one kid in swordsman smith village lol. Couldn't think of a name to call the bakery.) Bakery! What would you like!' A girl decently tall ask.
'Two donuts please!' Rengoku says. 'Flavors?' 'I'll take a strawberry one! And Tengen will take a chocolate one with sprinkles!' Rengoku says. 'That'll be $18.44!' The worker says. Tengen pulls out his wallet and gives her $20. She hands back the change and tells them to sit.
Tengen and Rengoku both sit down. 'You know what donut I like without me telling you!' Tengen says. 'Of course I know best buddy! We get donuts often! Of course I know your flavor!' Rengoku responds happily. Then the worker comes and hands them the donuts. 'Enjoy!' The worker said.
Both Rengoku and Tengen eat their donuts. They have a small conversation and eventually leave. They both say their goodbyes and leave.
So as you can see I got lazy at the end because I have no idea what to write!
I love you guys (IN A PLATONIC WAY)! I wish I can post more frequently but my motivation kinda disappeared so I don't know how to write so much with out any motivation.
Have a great day/night/afternoon!
Written- 7/14/23
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