Chapter 7|Only blood will burn in the eyes of yours
Also I don't think y'all understand how much I love writing murder/gorey shit 😍😍😍
No one pov
Iguro sister immediately calls the police. As for Iguro, he was left in pure shock. How could someone get away with murder in a wedding? A wedding? Then the police arrived. Since the wedding was taken place near the police station, they arrived very fast.
As Iguro sister was talking to the police, another one of Iguro sisters goes to him. 'What happened Iggy?' His sister ask. 'I was just cleaning but when I looked in the trash can, there was body parts everywhere.' Iguro whispers having noticeable fear in his voice.
'You know I'm going to your school right?' She tells Iguro. He nods. She puts her hand on Iguro hand. She was still in a dress. 'I know Scar.. I know..' He tells Scarlet (Scarlet is his sister she is 16. Her old school burnt down so she is going to Kimetsu academy. Also him and Scarlet aren't twins, Scarlet was adopted when Iguro and her were both 7. They're close because yes👍)
Then the police tells Iguro and Scarlet to move out of the way. The police reaches their hand in the trash and pulls out a torso of a police officer.
(Gore part in coming! Skip if you don't enjoy it!)
The torso had veins all over it. A few pieces of the lungs were on it. Iguro felt like gagging. Then the police officer pulls out a brain. Blood was all over it. 'Still warm ain't cold. Murder took place during the wedding I think.' He tells Iguro sister.
Then he pulls out a head with eyeballs out of its socket. It was hanging on the body. Its veins were noticeable and bloody. Then they pull out a heart. It was pumping still. The veins were noticeable. Blood was all over the heart.
The police officer pulls out a lung piece. Everyone felt like throwing up. The body parts and organs were bloody and fresh.
Iguro couldn't bare looking anymore. 'If your uncomfortable you can leave? You guys are too young to murder so leave and get changed.' One of Iguro sister tell Scarlet and Iguro.
Iguro drags Scarlet out of the building. He couldn't look at it any longer.
(Gore is over.)
'Couldn't stand looking at it Iggy?' Scarlet teases as they walk home. 'Duh! I mean c'mon isn't a blood eyeball enough to get you a little creeped out?' Iguro tells Scarlet. She laughs. 'I have seen so much worse!' Scarlet tells him. Iguro rolls his eyes.
They both eventually make it to their house. Scarlet uses her keys and open the door. They both enter. She shuts the door and walks to her room. 'Going to get out of this uncomfortable dress.' She tells Iguro as she opens her door.
Iguro nods. He heads to his room to get Kaburamaru. His snake was claiming Iguro bed. 'Forgot to j put you in your cage huh?' Iguro tells Kaburamaru. He carefully picks up Kaburamaru so he doesn't wake up and slowly puts him in his cage. Iguro grabs snake food and pours some in his cage.
Iguro pets Kaburamaru slowly. He goes back downstairs and sees his sister standing waiting for him. 'Wanna go out for a walk? I need to ask you about the Kimetsu academy school thing.' Scarlet tells Iguro. 'Eh I don't feel like walking now.' He tells Scarlet.
'Ah okay. Wanna go to my room?' She ask walking to her room. 'Sure I guess.' Iguro responds. Scarlet opens her room door and lets Iguro in. He was surprised to see the amount of manga books she had on her bookshelf. 'You read so much manga!' Iguro says sounding amused
'Ikr! I have a ton of Oshi no ko copies, a few Spy x Family, some Naruto, almost the entire set of MHA!' She says flexing off her manga. 'I have more but it would take years to tell you them.' Scarlet tells Iguro. 'Anyways! What is it like in Kimetsu?' She ask
'Its kinda nice. Better than your school at least.' Iguro tells Scarlet. 'Teachers are decent to say the least. I think they're introducing clubs soon.' Iguro says sitting on the ground. Scarlet starts day dreaming. 'So are we allowed to choose are locker places?' She ask
'Yes. I chose mine I dunno if you can choose yours.' He tells her. 'Mmm okay okay. Do siblings get the same schedule?' Scarlet ask. 'I think. But I'm unsure.' Iguro says. 'I don't wanna be weirdos! Wait do you have friends?' She ask
'Are you kidding?! Of course I have friends! Unlike you who's lonely as fuck!' Iguro tells her. Scarlet gasp. 'The disrespect!' Scarlet says dramatically. 'If they start a drama club, you should so join it.' He tells Scarlet. 'Is that and insult or?' 'It was a request.' He tells
'Well I'd rather join a cooking club!' Scarlet says muttering. 'They're people who plan on starting a anime club?' Iguro tells Scarlet. 'Really? Then either that or cooking.' She says. 'I wanna go on a runnn!' She says changing the topic.
'Fine! We can go on a run!' Iguro says. Scarlet smiles and kicks Iguro out of her room. Iguro gets out of her room. 'Go change into something appropriate for running!' She says sounding a bit muffled through the door. 'Okay is uh a hoodie good?' Iguro ask. 'I guess.'
Then Iguro goes upstairs and changes into a hoodie. He doesn't go out for running often only walking. He heads downstairs. 'Wait are you done?' Scarlet ask. 'Yes?' 'Get two or one bottle of water!' She requested. Iguro goes to the kitchen and grabs to water bottles. He fills them up with cold water.
Then she comes out. She was wearing a tank top with a jacket on to cover her arm and shorts. 'Thank you Iggy!' She says. 'You know Scar? One of my friends came up with the nickname Iggy actually.' He says opening the door to the outside world.
'Really?' 'Yes! How weird is that?' He says. They were outside. Scarlet starts to slowly run. Iguro just walks. 'I heard there was a murder at a cafe? Was the murder the same as the one at the wedding?' She questions. 'That's a question for the police. Also yeah there was a murder at the cafe. I saw it outside.' Iguro tells Scarlet.
'Damn! Can murderers catch a break? I swear there is too many deaths going on in this city! Why did mom even make us move here anyways?' Scarlet ask Iguro. 'I don't know! Ask mom!' He says. Iguro started speed walking because Scarlet was running. Surprisingly enough he was as fast as Scarlet despite not running.
'You're a fast runner!' She says. 'I'm walking?' He tells her. 'Oh...' Scarlet thought he was running. Scarlet knew he goes outside more than she does to run. Iguro doesn't enjoy walking but likes when the sun rises so he walks just to see sunrise or sunset. Twice a day he walks.
It was awfully quiet during the run. 'What time is it Scar?' Iguro ask ruining the awkward silence. Scarlet checks her smart watch. 'It's 1:38pm! How about we walk until it's like 1:45?' She ask. 'I was walking the whole time but sure.' Iguro agrees.
Then they just walk and talk. Eventually Scarlet got hungry so they stopped at a nearby fast food place. She ordered a bagel and Iguro just ordered juice. Scarlet paid and they both left. 'We have water why get juice?' She ask. 'I gave myself a small amount of water so I'm replacing it with juice.' He says twisting open the water bottle.
He pours the juice inside and throwes away the juice bottle. 'I didn't know you liked orange juice.' She says sounding surprised. 'You saw what's under my mask! Don't act surprised. You've seen me eat an drink before.' Iguro tells Scarlet, quickly taking off his mask to get a sip of juice. He immediately puts it back on.
'Let's go back home. All we did was walk to be honest.' She says heading home. Iguro agrees and they both go home. Iguro was glad he forgot all about the wedding thing. But for some reason the both of them though someone or something was watching them.
Every step they took, they felt eyes on them. They thought it was just them but it wasn't. Someone was actually watching them. That's why Scarlet wanted to go home.
Tf is wrong with me writing stalker shit?
Anyways this is one of my shortest parts! Next chapter with be fluff cause y'all need breaks from all of this blood, gore, murders, and stuff.
Written- 7/9/23
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