Chapter 5: Sky and Shadows
Ω Jack's POV Ω
After a billion attempts at trying to fly, as well as try to lift up all my friends, I managed to get us a few feet off the ground without one of us speed rocketing towards a tree.
Unfortunately, for all of us to fly, they had to hold onto me. Merida and Rapunzel latched onto either one of my arms... While Hiccup clung to my back like he was a human backpack.
"I hate this..." He and I said together.
Rapunzel smiled and snickered once she noticed Hiccup's position.
"Let's just go..." Merida groaned, actually appearing kind of nervous. "The snow is starting to freeze my hair together."
I looked back at Toothiana and North and saluted... Which reminded me of Leo for he seemed to do that to me every time he was seeing me off. Even at night time, he would knock on my cabin door, salut, and then run off without a word.
The two guardians returned the action and watched as I finally flew off in a hole that was made for the sled.
Hiccup yelped and held onto me tighter, which made me gasp since he was crushing my rib cage. "Dude... I can't breathe..." I forced out.
Hiccup fortunately loosened up but not really that much.
"It's freezing yet satisfying." Rapunzel noted. I blushed a little and decided not to say anything.
With a sigh, Merida began kicking her legs back and forth, while whistling some Scottish tune.
"Where would the Roman camp be?" I ask everyone, wanting to break the silence.
"Why do you ask?" Rapunzel hummed.
"Just wondering..."
"It moves around." Hiccup said, resting his chin on my shoulder. I shiver at the contact.
"Well sort of. More like the entrance moves." Merida stopped whistling to add to the conversation.
"Yeah that makes absolutely no sense but I guess it's smart to just take your word." I mutter and gripped the staff in my hand. "Hey Punzie?"
"Yeah?" She said lightly.
"I just remembered, back when we were at the hunters' camp. You tried to tell me something."
Rapunzel blinked and looked up at me. "Huh?"
"Back when Tadashi was... You know..."
She thought for a moment before the memory flooded back to the both of us...
"Where are the others?" Tadashi asked slowly, while moving in front of me protectively.
Rapunzel squeaked as the woman held an even tighter grip. I felt the urge to jump forward and save her but the giant bear was in the way.
"Where are they?" I gritted my teeth, repeating Tadashi's words.
She pushed rapunzel toward me, surprisingly letting go of her arm. She stumbled forward and I quickly caught her before she could fall to the ground.
"Captured..." she sobbed and clutched onto my shirt. "Hiro... Hiccup... Eug-"
The bear suddenly roared and I held Rapunzel closer to me as Tadashi stood in the way.
"You said Hiro and Hiccup, and then tried to say another name... But there was no one else." I said slowly. "Do you know who was captured."
"—this is part of the quest, you have to tell me." I said firmly, recognizing the silence that Merida and Hiccup were giving off.
"Okay yes I know!" She snapped and gave me a harsh look. "But I'm not going to tell you because it'll set us off track.
"Of track from what? This captive boy might be our key to finding whoever the bad guy is."
"That's not our quest. Our quest has been, and always has been to restore the gods items." She argued back.
"So we're just gonna let them die? Is that what you want?"
Rapunzel opened her mouth to yell back at me Merida, fortunately broke off the argument by telling us to shut up.
"Rapunzel is right." Merida growled. "First we take care of the gods. Because if we take any less time doing that, we'll have a bigger problem on our hands."
I stayed silent and continued to fly towards New York City.
Ω Elsa's POV Ω
"Jack?" I called hopelessly. "Jack can you hear me?"
Silence. Still a hollow silence.
I sighed and looked at the fire I had made right in front of me. It was so much easier to call him when I could so clearly see him. And I couldn't do an Iris message for every time I did, it would buzz out with static.
"Please save Eugene. I can't be there to help you anymore... You're on your own." I whispered, wrapping my jacket around my shoulders.
"You look cozy." Someone spoke up.
I yelped and cautiously looked around at my surroundings. "Who's there?"
"A boy who loves the shadows." He said in a dull tone.
"Can you show yourself at least?"
The voice sighed before stepping out from the shadowy foliage, like he was the darkness himself. "Hey."
"Uhhhh... Hi..." I say hesitantly. "Who are you?"
"Nico... Son of Hades."
"I'm Elsa, daughter of... Um... Khione."
Nico raised his eyebrows before stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets and sitting across from me. "Oh... So you're Jack's sister."
"You don't hate me?"
"Huh? No. I've had those moments where demigods hated me because my father is the God of death. I don't like passing on the judgment to demigods with parents like... Well parents like yours. If you get what I'm hunting at."
"Yeah I understand..." I nodded and cover my nose with my sleeve. "why are you here?"
"To take you to camp halfblood so that we can help you get in contact with Jack."
"So you know?" I smiled. "I should give you young ones some more credit. I'm 21, and a little boy is better at figuring things out better than I."
Nico gave me a look before averting his eyes and twirling a skull ring around his finger. "We wouldn't have figured it out if it wasn't for Jack announcing it to everyone."
I smirk and look back at the fire. "Then I go back on what I just said."
Nico sighed before standing up and offering me a hand. "Cmon lets get this over with. I hate shadow traveling, I just want to do it quickly."
"Who said I was going with you?"
"Who said I was giving you an option?" He retorted.
I smile and took his hand. "I like you, kid. Bring me to your camp if you so wish."
Nico flashed a quick smile though he hid it by pulling me into the shadows of the forest surrounding us.
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