Chapter 3: Dragon Celebrity
Author's note:
Oh my gods
Who would've thunk
I finally updated
You're welcome
Praise meeee
Ω Jack's POV Ω
"Isn't it awesome?!" Merida yipped as she gestured to Hiccup's new foot.
Hiccup lifted it up for Rapunzel and I.
"What does it do?" I ask, looking at his metal work.
"It turns into a blade." Hiccup smirked and shook it. The peg part of the prosthetic foot sprouted a knife. "So, you know... if I like... kick someone... round house kick if I can actually do that...."
"Yeah I get it." I laugh.
"So we can actually go on the quest?" Rapunzel beamed.
"Well..." I laughed nervously and scratched the back of my head. "We need a new list."
They all gave me an irritated look.
"Hey it not my fault. Hephaestus and Khione didn't wish to stay in the same spot. We need to pay a trip to the guardians. They knew the last locations, they may know these."
Merida tapped her chin before grinning. "Sounds like a plan. I might not be fond of those guys but that bunnymund guy called me a princess. I'm not letting it pass."
"I'm in. I heard North was blessed by my father." Hiccup raised his hand, "He must have been on good terms with him."
"Same. I would wish to speak with Toothiana and Sandy again." Rapunzel smiled.
"Then it's settled. Lets go talk to Chiron." I smirked, leading my friends to the big house.
When we got there, Mr. D, Chiron, and an uncomfortable looking man who had many eyes all over his body.
"Chiron sir. Hiccup has perfected his prosthetic foot... I think it's about time we set off again." Rapunzel spoke for all of us.
"Well this is sudden..." Mr. D coughed, swirling the soda in his wine glass. "Hey Jonah," he looks at me with a grin.
"Uh... It's Jack." I corrected and inched away from him.
Chiron wheeled his wheel chair towards us and studied Hiccup's foot carefully. "No explosions?" He asked as if it happened all the time. Which I'm sure it did with other Hephaestus children... Leo, for example.
"Nope. I assure you it hasn't killed anyone... Yet." Hiccup made little finger guns at the activities director. But Merida immediately slapped his hands down and flicked his head for looking like an idiot.
"I assume Jack told you all where you should be heading." Chiron said, ignoring Hiccup's gesture.
"Yup they know. I told them what you told me." I nodded.
"The thing is, we need a ride... There is no bus to Vermont today..." Merida laughed nervously. "Those chihuahua hell hounds seemed to have collided with the whole bus schedule. Like they were trying to not let us reach our destination."
"Oh then it's simple," Chiron chuckled and waved over the man with the uncountable eyeballs. "Argus can take you in the camp van."
I expected Elsa, the girl who kept whispering in my mind when I first arrived here in camp, to tell me who Argus was before someone could actually tell me face to face. She hasn't once got through to me since the incident at the huntress's camp. And that's something I needed to do, find her.
Argus smiled and started to lead us towards his van [A/N I'm so sorry if that sounds wrong omf].
The thing about Argus was that he preferred not to speak. Rapunzel said it was because he had an eyeball on his tongue. Part of me wanted to ask how he was able to eat or if he ever gotten pink eye on his tongue-eye-thingy... But I guess that would be insensitive.
"The no speaking thing reminds me of Sandy..." I mutter as he started to pack our stuff into the back of the vehicle.
Argus motioned for us to get inside and we got in without a word, as if we too had an eyeball on our tongues.
Argus hummed all the way to Vermont. Rapunzel even joined in with him. But kept silent as I had no clue what the songs were.
"I wonder which one of our parents we are going to meet next." Hiccup spoke up from next to me, keeping his eyes on the scraps of metal in his hands as he tinkered away with them.
"Honestly I could care less. I want to get my mother out of the way... But I feel like Hephaestus is a cool dude, and maybe he'll calm me down?" I respond, rolling my pendent between my thumb and index finger.
"I miss Apollo..." Hiccup shrugged and glanced up at Rapunzel. "he would make a great parent despite the fact he looks like the same age as me."
Merida laughed and sat forward in her seat. "I remember the first god that I met. It was Hermes... I liked him."
"Why?" Rapunzel spoke up.
"Because he was a God that seemed the most human." She said. "Our life is a message we send to everyone we meet, and I guess all humans have the urge to steal."
I stare at her, completely understanding her words.
"Even if stealing means stealing another person's life. It's only human."
Once we got dropped off, Argus immediately sped off towards New York, leaving us in his dust.
"Be careful, alright?" Rapunzel informed, swinging her bag onto her shoulders. "I bet they set their traps back up, I don't know if it's the same obstacles..."
I gripped my necklace and started to lead everyone up the mountain, careful of my every step. I wasn't here when they encountered those explosive flowers, but I certainly didn't want to come across one blowing up in my face.
"Look..." Rapunzel tapped my shoulder and pointed down into the woods. "Looks like the guardians got ultimate security."
We all looked over to see a dragon curled up in front of a pathway. I had no idea what mortals have been seeing this whole time.
"Well... All we have to do is try and convince to it that we know the guardians... Right?" I hissed.
"That would probably be the only option..." Merida laughed nervously, but stepped up to it first.
"Let it smell you." Hiccup peeked over from behind a tree.
"Hey... Dragon..." Merida forced a smile and bents down to get the sleeping animal's attention. "Wakey wakey..."
The Dragon snorted and looked up at the red head with a drowsy expression. He blinked and looked past her, and straight at me.
Immediately, he bowed his head and moved out of the way, letting us continue our path.
"How 'bout that?" I grinned and put my hand on Merida's shoulder. "I'm famous amongst the dragons."
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