9. On the way 1
Bottle's POV:
We go back to our house, still thinking about what just happened, like geez! How did Pie beat Tree that easily?? I thought about it before I suddenly got held again, I snapped out of my thoughts and realized I was about to hit the wall of our house before Pie grabbed me, I look down at her
Bottle: Oh! Thank you!
Pie: Welcome, But be more careful
Tree: And we're here at last! Now let's go have our short break, then adventure
Bottle: Mm, yep!
We head inside the house and I immediately grabbed another snack, this being chocolate! I sat down on the nearby chair while the chocolate was in my mouth, spinning one of my swords while doing so
Tree's POV:
I lost to the laziest teammate in here... huh, that is something I never thought would happen. I kind of feel mad? But then again, it was just training so...there shouldn't be any hard feelings
I shook my head to get these thoughts off and went to the couch and sat on it, I look over to see Bottle spinning her sword
Tree: ...Are you sure that's safe?
Bottle: *muffled* Yep! Don't worry about me! I know what I'm doing!
Tree: ...I Don't understand a word you're saying
But then suddenly, the sword hit her head while she was trying to eat the whole chocolate, causing her to fall down with the chair
Tree: Oh dear
I got up and ran towards her
Bottle: Owww...
Tree: Oh geez, you broke a part of yourself!
Bottle: Dangit...
I hear Pie running over and when she does approach Bottle, she picks her up to help her stand
Pie: Bottle!?
Bottle: Ugghhhh...I'm fine!...
Pie: No you're not! You have a crack on the side of your head!
Bottle: Oh yeah that, but trust me I'm fineeee!
After saying that she tries to walk but then ends up stumbling and grabbed the table to help her balance
Bottle: ...Okay maybe I'm a little dizzy
Pie: "A little"? Bottle that was not little!
Tree: *Sighs* it's okay, I'm sorry since I can't heal you until I get my healing spells back, which will be tomorrow so... we're just gonna have to be careful
Pie: Tree what? We can't send her out like that!
Tree: Pie you're being dramatic, I mean, she's only a bit dizzy, what's the worst that can happen? We just have to supervise her
Pie: ...Fine, I'll be holding her the way there
Tree: You sound like you want to do that
Pie: ...Shut up
I put my hands on my hips and watched Pie walk over to Bottle, I shake my head and sigh
... I'm thinking about him again
Pie's POV:
Tree's probably right, I guess I was being "dramatic" but did you see what she just did? She can't even walk without stumbling over! Ugh... I just hope she doesn't get injured further, because we still need to fight the Ink Freak known as Pen and we can't fight him with just two people
I sighed as I walked over and held Bottle in my hands
Pie: Hi
Bottle: E-eh? What're you doing now?
Pie: Just to make sure you don't fall when walking
Bottle: I'm not walking now though?..
Pie: You still look dizzy
Before Bottle can speak, Tree cleared his throat
Tree: I think we should get going don't you think?
Pie: ... Right fine
Tree: Come on guys, let's go *sighs* to the forest, again
Bottle: I wish it wasn't filled with so many traps :<
Tree: Yes, but we just have to deal with it, now let's go! Death P.A.C.T never gives up!
Pie: Right
Bottle: Yeah! Let's go!!
I hear Bottle yell but then she stumbles again and I hold her in place
Bottle: Oh!
Pie: See?
Tree: ...Alright let's get going
No one's POV:
The three exit their house and start to walk off to where the forest would be located, to get there they have to walk for 2 miles then go into the forest. Which is filled with many trees and mentioned before, traps
They walked in no problem and Tree almost steps in a beartrap
Tree: WOAH
He lifted his leg in the air as he sees the beartrap close
Tree: Geez Louise...
Pie: Don't want your leg to get cut off again do you?
Tree: *Sighs* be quiet, lets go...Nature I wish Remote was here so she could scan the area for traps...
Bottle: Oh yeah...now we have to look around for it...
Tree: Yep
They continue walking in, missing the traps like the spikes, spike balls, even a landmine which was a very close call since Bottle wasn't looking
They continue to walk, Pie let go of Bottle so she's now walking behind them (trying to)
Then Tree spoke
Tree: You know...I also wished that Black Hole was here
Pie: Tree seriously, what will he do in this situation?
Tree: It's not that! Just- to help us in battles with Pen!
Pie: Okay yeah, but it's been a year and we've been doing good so far, please just let him go
Tree: You don't understand! He was more than just a teammate to me!
Pie: He's your friend I get it, but you don't have to mention him every time!
Tree: He wasn't just a friend to me...he was... Special, to me...and I miss him just like how I miss my pet dog...
Pie: So what? You see him as your pet?
Tree: NO! I mean- not literally! I meant that he was helpful and- and actually understands me! I know Bottle does too but I felt more... comfortable, with him. It's why I miss him so much!
Pie: Okay now you're just being dramatic
Tree: I am not dramatic! How can you say that!?
Pie: Just let him go! It's been a year! We'll search for him again tomorrow!
Tree: Pie you-
Before Tree spoke, a blast was suddenly heard, they both turned around to see Bottle, who supposedly shot a Hyper Beam to something, with her swords getting launched as well
Bottle: Uh-
They both turned to see the thing Bottle beamed at and it was...a little dummy of Pen sticking out
Tree: ...Bottle seriously?
Bottle: I Got startled okay!?
Pie: I just let go of you and this is what you first do?...
Bottle: Sorry Pie...
Tree: *Facepalms* Lets get going...
They continued their journey through the forest, thankfully Tree memorized the path, the bad news was that there was still many traps awaiting...
They will get through this
Death P.A.C.T never gives up.
To be continued
After 17 days (I think)...Chapter 9 was finally out!!!
Sorry if it wasn't as enjoyable as the others, I kinda rushed this haha-
Anyway, Leafy
Super Leafy!!
I love her design actually
Also, some type logos or bracelets are different, like this one, Leafy's bracelets and logo is grass instead of a leaf, why? Because Grassy took her leaf ones to help with Robot Flower, so she used her old grass ones instead
But yea, that's all
The next design will be Lightning's design (yes I'm adding him here soon)
Yeah, anyways, hope you enjoyed reading this chapter!
Words: 1209
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