1. The start of the story...
Tree's POV
I wake up to hear the sound of my alarm and I shut it off then get up, looks like another day for Super Tree... hopefully there's no trouble from...him...again
Hi, I'm Tree, My type is Nature and currently level 39 as I'm speaking, the rest are my teammates, I'm sure you might know who they are
I got out of bed and started to get my mask and cape to get prepared, then i went to where the others are, in the living room, I saw no one but Super Pie on the couch, I sigh. She's always like this
She has two types, Ground and Steel, Steel because of her tin and Ground...I actually don't know why her other type is Ground, but I'll ask her about it sooner
I go to her and shake her to wake her up, she groans and sits up, rubbing her eyes
Pie: *Groggily* What?!...
Tree: You have to get up, it's another day for us
Pie: it's only 6:00...
Tree: And? What if he plans something early in the morning so we wouldn't be there on time! Who knows-
Pie: Alright alright!
Pie got off the couch, looking irritated at me and went off to eat something, But I walked up to her and grabbed her arm
Pie: *Annoyed* What!?
She pushed my hand away from her arm and crosses her arms, I forgot how feisty she can get from just physical touch
Tree: Do you have any idea where the others are?
Pie: What- I just woke up! Check the training area or something!
Tree: Alright alright, just get your cape and mask too alright?
Pie: yeah yeah!
She goes to her room, while I go to the training area, where we test our powers and, well, you get the idea...
Remote's POV:
???: Do it! Do it! Do it!
I hear Super Liy yell for Super Pillow to unleash her power on the wood dummy, Pillow sighs and looks at Liy, and speaks in a soft, calming tone
Pillow: Patient...I'm still preparing it...
Liy: Aw- how long does it take!?
Pillow: Just be patient...your acting like a child...
I see Liy cross her arms and pout, I chuckle a little as Pillow goes back to focusing to do her move onto the dummy, I suspect that she's doing the move "Dazzling Gleam" but it's just a guess
Super Remote here, hi. My type is Electric and Steel, I'm Steel because since I'm a mechanical mind, my limbs are steel, currently level 35
Liy, the arrogant one, also has two types but the other one can only appear if she switches to her "murder mode", her types are Electric and Dark by the way, currently level 29
Pillow is our team's calming figure as she has such a soft voice and calming aura, her type is Fairy which, I don't exactly know how it works but, nonetheless it's pretty cool, currently level 32
Okay, going back to the present, Pillow was about to shoot her move onto the dummy, But before she could, Super Tree barged in and yelled "Everyone!" Causing Pillow to lose accuracy and miss the dummy, I then hear Liy groan
Liy: Tree! What was that for!?
Tree: What? I wanted to check if everyone was here!
Liy: Of course we're here you Black Hole admirer!
Tree: Hey! I just miss him! It's been forever since we last saw him!
Pillow: That's right...he just disappeared 1 year ago...and we even checked in space...
Liy: Fine, But you admired him last time he was here!
Tree: Shut up! Where's Bottle!?
Remote: I don't know, I haven't seen her since...
I look around, then Pillow suddenly bumps into me
Remote: Hey, can I get some personal space?
Pillow: *Gets off her* But I didn't do that on purpose?...
Liy: Yeah I saw that!
Then I see Tree suddenly floating, but it looks like someone is carrying him, though no one is there, he then yells:
Tree: Ahh! Hey! Bottle is that you!?
The sound of giggling can be heard and it slowly reveals to be Super Bottle, who has two swords levitating on each side, she puts Tree down on the ground again
Tree: Geez...
Bottle: Sorry! It's too fun to be invisible and trick you!
Pillow: So it was you who pushed me...
Bottle: Yeah! Sorry!!
Bottle giggles again then she fades away, she turned invisible again, huh?
Bottle, also known as our team's most childish member, is currently level 35 and the only Normal Type in the team, but I get the feeling she's not just Normal considering that she can levitate those swords and everything...
But I shrugged it off, Normal Types can still learn other moves from other Types...
Remote: Such a silly girl...
Liy: Can we go back to training now??
Tree: Alright, Liy, you use your electricity powers to the test
Tree said as Liy gets in the position where Pillow was, then she charges her Electro Ball and shoots it to the dummy, which gets badly burned
I hear Liy groan out of disappointment
Liy: It didn't even get a piece of it burned up!
Pillow: eh? What do you mean?...it did get burned?...
Liy: No like- it didn't even disintegrate!
Pillow: ...What?
Liy: Nevermind...I just know it's not strong enough
Remote: But look at the damage you did! It is strong enough to take heavy damage!
Liy: Hm...I guess so...
She says, but I can hear the skeptical tone in her voice, I just sigh and shake my head. Liy really wants to be the best at everything, huh?...
Well, I hope there's no trouble later on...but who knows
To be continued
holy shit my first time ever writing something serious oh my gosh- hwkwh
But i'm not gonna reveal the villain that early! So, wait for the next chapter guys!
Other than that, uh, hope you guys uh, at least liked this first chapter and stay tuned for the next chapter! Bye!
Words: 1003
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