Chapter 6: Secrets Untold, Love Unfolds
Author's note: Yeah I know, I said I'd post a chapter for my Uglydolls fanfic but I'm lazy (I'm so sorry, I will do it soon for all y'all who are waiting for it!). This one I enjoyed making since there was a lot of things happening (and Sean shipping). I was so engrossed in this story that I forgot to write out a chapter for the Uglydolls fanfic. Also look at Zander and Luke in this picture, they're so cute that I'm fangirling right now!!!!
—-------------------------------Luke's perspective--------------------------------
I want to tell Zander how I feel for him, but how can I when he pushes me away and I get nervous. I wish I could just tell my feelings but all he's focused on right now is making sure Hailey is safe from anyone. Man, why do I feel so sick whenever I think about him?
(Yes, I'm starting off with a song. Get over it.)
(Luke is looking at the sky. He doesn't look at the sky for all of the song. It's just like when he sings Seasons.)
It's a little bit funny this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money, but, boy, if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live
If I was a sculptor, but then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a travelling show
I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song and this one's for you
And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple, but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world
I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
Well, a few of the verses, well, they've got me quite cross
But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on
So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do
You see, I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway the thing is what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen
And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple, but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world
(Luke stares off into space as he sighs)
"Hey lovesick puppy, we need to keep up!" Hailey said teasingly.
Hailey and everyone in the Music club knows about my crush, except Zander. I want to focus on the mission but it's hard when I'm thinking about Zander. Sean picks the lock with a bobby pin (because of course basic movie spy skills) and we sneak in. The security guards are too easy because they're asleep (why is this like a movie?). All I can focus on is Zander and how cute he is when he is focused.
(See the Mean Girls reference? Eh? Maybe I'm just obsessed with Mean Girls now heheheh)
I wake up and remember why I am stuck on an exam table. Those guys were testing how much pain I could feel (when they raised it to the max it hurt the most), whether I could fly, and more. Now my whole body aches (and I sound like Zoey now) and my wrists hurt from being held with the cold metal cuffs that bind me to the exam table.
"We're gonna get you out of this," a voice says.
I don't know who it was but it was most probably an angel. My eyes then close and the world goes black.
—----------------------------Sean's perspective--------------------------------
Carmi looked at me with pain in her eyes before passing out. I play around with the tech before the cuffs let her go. I lift her out and hold her bridal style. Now the whole club is smirking at me as I blush hard.
I look closer at Carmi. Her usual shoulder length magenta ruby colored hair that is in a side ponytail is loose. Part of her hair makes a braided crown that leads to a big black bow. She still wore her regular clothes though. She looks like a princess. No, a beautiful sleeping beauty. All I can do is stare at her face.
"Back off, hoodie boyfriend," a voice called out. It was the light green haired guy. He definitely looks jealous of me.
"Why? Jealous that I have the one you love?" I joke as he glared heavily at me.
"I am the one meant for her because I supported her when she was in 6th grade. She even helped me when I needed her."
"Then why does she feel uncomfortable around you?"
"She doesn't remember me because when I joined this organization I had to erase myself from her memories."
"Don't do whatever you're doing to Carmi."
"Hah, you can't stop me. After all, we will either get the Elrod twins on our side or suck their power for our use."
I then turn off the light with my shoulder and he yelps, "Hey, I'm scared of the dark!"
"Seriously, and you graduated from Jasmine High, Mo de Angelo?" I say while smirking.
"How'd you-"
"I looked in some old yearbooks and found your picture," I interrupted him.
As he is in shock, I kick the door open with my foot and pace myself to go fast. It isn't until I see another guy with a black tuxedo. "Hello Sean Everett, I see you have my experiment."
I take a step back just to bump into some security guards. I look around and see that I'm cornered in a circle. Where is the Music club?
"Now let's do a little trade. If you hand in Carmine then we'll let your band, The Music Freaks, go," the guy says.
"That's not our band name! It's just what stupid idiots call us!" I hear Zander call out.
I stand on my tiptoes to see all my friends tied up to a chair of their own. Moreover, one of them is kicking at Zander to shut him up.
"Whatever, like I have the time to remember the stupid band name you all are called. Anyways, what do you say Everett?"
"Don't do it, they're the bad guys and she's your girlfriend!" Milly shouts while using her legs to kick a guy who is trying to kick her.
I just eye her like she's crazy but I reply back saying, "No, Carmi's my friend and I won't let you take her."
"I thought you'd say no so I considered the fact that you are going to graduate from Rosemeadow High. I know about your parents and I honestly feel sympathy for you. We also know that you're turning 18 on March 5."
"Ok, that's just plain stalking," I state bluntly.
"Call it whatever you want," the guy says, waving it off, "However, you would be a great addition with your hacking skills."
"Hey, you never told us you can hack!" Milly shouts out.
"Would you mind shutting up?" the guy asks, his patience wearing thin.
"I do mind," Milly simply states.
He just sighs heavily and says, "Anyways, if you do then Carmi will be able to get back to her friends. When you are a part of us, nobody should know your identity. What we do to ensure so is burn all evidence of your existence and fake your death."
Damn, I didn't expect them to find me as Shy_Guy0305. As a hacker, I hacked banks when I needed the money because either my parents refused to pay for stuff like field trips or they're too busy fighting to even care. So now I know that this guy is the master of blackmail. Well, I have an insane backup plan prepared that just might work.
"Fine, I'll join. Just leave Carmi and her brother alone," I say with fake worry.
"Can you scratch the part where you guys leave Carmi's brother alone? It would bring me pleasure if you did so," Zander pointed out as Hailey glared at him, "Also my butt hurts."
"No one cares about your goddamn butt, Zander," Milly points out.
Zander smiled instead of talking back signaling that he used his knife to cut everyone's rope. Yes, I had factored in Zander's unusual want for a knife into my backup plan. Me and Zander discussed it after I made him promise not to harm anyone with it.
"Good choice, Everett. As planned, we will let your friends go along with Carmine."
That's when Milly beat up multiple people with her insanely good fighting skills that she learnt off of random YouTube videos. It took them by surprise so we were all running now. As heavy as it was to carry Carmi, I had to since I was the only person who could carry her. At that thought, I heard a groan and felt movement.
"S-SEAN! W-what are you doing?!" Carmi says, slowly realizing where she was.
"Sorry, to bust you out I needed to carry you since you passed out," I say, still running while carrying her.
"Well, it was a nice dream and some nice sleep," I say, stretching in a way in which it didn't hurt me.
"Nice to know that you took that time to catch up on sleep, Sleeping Beauty," I say teasingly.
"Wait, what'd you call me?"
"Oh sorry, I just realized that you don't like being called anything by anyone other than Jake."
"No, I liked it. It felt good when you called me that. I haven't felt that way in a long time," Carmi says blushing.
Her blush just makes her even more beautiful. My heart is racing at the same pace as I'm running. I'm thanking God that he set me up with this beautiful Junior girl. Soon, we get out of the game store and we stop to take a breath.
"H-hey Sean, you can put me down now," Carmi says, her blush turning into a deeper shade of cherry red.
"O-oh yeah, s-sorry," I say, realizing that Carmi was in my arms.
I gently set her down by holding her hips. It's like setting down a pretty human sized doll. Carmi turns pale and shouts, "Look out!"
That's when the sensation of pain hits me hard. I hold my hand against the back of my head and feel a huge lump. I turn to see an angry Mo. It was dark but I could see his face red from humiliation and anger.
"Don't think that you're the hotshot here. After all, the light brown haired guy is obviously in love with the grape guy," Mo sneered.
Carmi's cheeks go red with her own anger and her usually muddy brown eyes were now periwinkle as she growled, "Get away from my friends!"
She was being lifted from the ground and the wind was blowing her hair to her right side perfectly. Carmi grew a black and dark purplish energy ball and threw it at him. It then exploded and you could see him in the air. And then suddenly the air gave way and he was on the ground with his senses gone numb. He looked to his right and the members were coming to get him.
We outran the other members and finally stopped nearby Carmi's mansion. I was so tired and my back and arms ached from carrying Carmi. It was so worth it since Carmi was my friend.
"Thank you Sean, for saving me and bringing the Music club," Carmi says, "I know, I look stupid. I don't usually have my hair this way and-"
"No, you look beautiful like a princess," I say.
Carmi turned cherry red all over and just gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Your reward for saving me, my shining knight in armor."
And so she goes back home and flashes me one of the sweetest smiles I've ever seen. I get flustered as I realize that the Music club is eyeing me jokingly.
"I-if you want you can call me Peter Pan," I say randomly. Probably shouldn't have said anything.
"Alright but why?" Carmi asked with confusion in her muddy brown eyes.
"Because Peter Pan is the boy that never grows up, and I am the friend that will never leave you."
Then her smile lit her face up again and she said, "Alright, Peter Pan."
And so the club went back to their homes as I walked home with a warm smile on my face. For once, I didn't care about the night long fight that my parents would be having.
—----------------------------Luke's perspective--------------------------------
Me and Zander walked in silence til he said, "What did Mo mean by the fact that you like me?"
"W-well, I've been hiding this for a long time but I love you. Everything about you is perfect in my eyes. You're caring,
empathetic, and loving and this is what I love about you," I say with blush decorating my face.
I shut my eyes, waiting for the rejection to come out of his mouth. Instead I hear Zander say, "I've actually loved you for a long time but I thought you wouldn't love me in return. After all, I'm not that affectionate or-" I cut him off with a kiss. He kisses me back with the same affection.
When we break off I say, "This is affectionate enough to me."
And that was what was needed for Zander to be my boyfriend.
A week later
"Hey Carmi, wake up!" Drew calls out.
To his surprise I am already awake listening to Dove Cameron songs. Moreover, I'm actually happy to go to school. He is just stunned.
"You're actually awake for once?!"
"Well yeah, I figured I should be more positive."
And so when I go to school I drag Jake away from the Homies. "What's up? Someone hurt you?"
"No, I made a song. I want you to listen to it," I say, dragging my best friend to the Choir room.
"Alright, you're the musician. Let's see what you got."
(She's not doing much in this song too so it's just the lyrics.)
(Carmi is playing the piano and her eyes are closed.)
There was a time when I was alone
Nowhere to go and no place to call home
My only friend was the man in the Moon
And even, sometimes, he would go away, too
Then one night, as I closed my eyes
I saw a shadow flying high
He came to me with the sweetest smile
Told me he wanted to talk for a while
He said, "Peter Pan, that's what they call me
I promise that you'll never be lonely"
And ever since that day
I am a Lost Boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored, we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
"Run, run, Lost Boy", they say to me
"Away from all of reality"
Neverland is home to Lost Boys like me
And Lost Boys like me are free
Neverland is home to Lost Boys like me
And Lost Boys like me are free
He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe
Believe in him and believe in me
Together, we will fly away in a cloud of green
To your beautiful destiny
As we soared above the town that never loved me
I realized I finally had a family
Soon enough, we reached Neverland
Peacefully, my feet hit the sand
And ever since that day
I am a Lost Boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored, we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
"Run, run, Lost Boy", they say to me
"Away from all of reality"
Neverland is home to Lost Boys like me
And Lost Boys like me are free
Neverland is home to Lost Boys like me
And Lost Boys like me are free
Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, Wendy Darling
Even Captain Hook, you are my perfect storybook
Neverland, I love you so
You are now my home sweet home
Forever a Lost Boy at last
Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, Wendy Darling
Even Captain Hook, you are my perfect storybook
Neverland, I love you so
You are now my home sweet home
Forever a Lost Boy at last
And for always, I will say
I am a Lost Boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored, we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
"Run, run, Lost Boy", they say to me
"Away from all of reality"
Neverland is home to Lost Boys like me
And Lost Boys like me are free
Neverland is home to Lost Boys like me
And Lost Boys like me are free
(Carmi is done and relaxes her hands. She hears clapping and assumes it's Jake.)
"Wow, I never knew you could sing and play the piano," a voice that is not Jake says.
I turned around to see that it was Hailey who applauded me. Her kind dark gray eyes twinkled with kindness as the rest of the members stayed shocked.
"It's not something I advertise," I say looking down.
"Aw c'mon, it's not like Drew bullied you," Zander says, waving it off.
Zander may not have meant it but it struck a nerve in me like sparking a fire. I play a loud, not so melodic chord, to which everyone blocked their ears with their hands, and I say, "This is not a game I like playing! You think it's funny? Well guess what, I'm not talking about it!"
I huff and push past the members to cool off. I pretend not to see their hurt, surprised, and scared faces.
Author's note: I know, I've outdone myself. You're welcome for this beautiful chapter.
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