The world of work
Present Simple 1 - he/she/it • Questions and negatives • Jobs • What time is it?
STARTER What are the jobs of the people in your family? Tell the class.
lft' lather is a doctor.
Present Simple he/she/it
1 ® Listen and read about All and Bob.
60b is a doctor. I le's English but now he lives
in Australia in the small town of Alice Springs.
He isn't an ordinary doctor, he's a flying doctor.
Every day, from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. he speaks to
people on his radio, then he flies to help them.
He works 16 hours a day non-stop but he loves
his job. He isn't married. He has no free time.
;i , is a scientist. She conies from Cambridge in
England but now she lives in Switzerland. She :nln �1PN��A�1
works three days a week at the Institute of Molecular
Biology in Geneva. She speaks three languages:
English, French, and German. She's married and
has a daughter. She likes skiing in winter and going GRAMMAR SPOT
for walks in summer.
1 Underline all the verbs in the texts. is comes
2 What is the last letter of these verbs?
3 Practise saying the verbs. Read the texts aloud.
20 Unit 3 • The world of work
2 Complete the sentences about All and Bob.
I She's a scientist. He's a doctor.
2 Alison comes from England. Bob England, too.
3 She lives in a big city, but he in a town.
4 She three days week. He 16 hours a day
5 He to sick people on his radio. She three languages.
6 She loves her job and he , too.
7 She daughter. He married.
8 She skiing and going walks in her free time. He never free time.
® Listen and check.
Talking about people
1 Read the information about Philippe.
a barman
in the centre of
French, a little
a dog (l)
walking his dog,
Playing football
2 "talk about Phillippe.
Philippe is a barman. He comes from France and he ... Paris.
He speaks French and ...
3 Write about a friend or a relative. Talk to a partner about hinm/her.
My friend Anna is a student. She lives in ...
Unit 3 • The world of work 21
Questions and negatives
Asking about people
1 ® Read and listen. Complete the answers. 1 Read the information
Practise the questions and answers. about Keiko or Mark.
Where does Alison come from? Cambridge. England.
What does she do? She's scientist.
Does she speak French? she does. Keiko Wilson
Does she speak Spanish? she doesn't. Job an interpreter
Country Japan
Place of work at the United
1 What does she/he do? = What's her/his job? Nations
2 Complete these sentences with the correct form of Languages Japanese, English,
come. and French
Positive Family married to an
She from England. American, two sons
Negative Free time skiing
She from America.
Where she from?
2 'T'alk to a partner.
3 Notice the pronunciation of does and doesn't.
d \znt%
Keiko's an interpreter: She
Does he speak French? Yes he does./No, he doesn't.
comes (romp Japan. She lives ...
POP-* Grammar Reference 3.1 p.126
2 Complete the questions and answers.
I Where Bob from? L
2 What he ?
He's a doctor.
3 he fly to help people?
Yes, he
4 he French and (erman?
No, he
Listen and check.
3 Write similar questions about Philippe the barnian. Ask
and answer with a partner.
Where does Philippe come lrom%
22 Unit 3 • The world of work
3 Write questions about Keiko or Mark.
• Where/come from?
Where does Keiko come from?
• Where/live?
• What/do?
• Where/work?
• Does he/she speak French/Spanish ... ?
• What ... in his/her free time?
• listen to music?
• How many children ... ?
• a dog?
4 Don't look at the information. Ask and answer questions with your partner.
5 Now ask your partner the same questions about a friend or relative.
Listening and pronunciation
6 ® Listen to the sentences about Philippe, Keiko, and 1%lark. Correct the
wrong sentences.
Philippe cnrnes from Paris.
Philippe lives in London. No, lie doesn't. He lives in Paris.
7 JM 'l'ick (âœ") the sentence you hear.
I I -' Fle likes his job.
â�' She likes her job.
2 â�' She loves walking.
â�' She loves working.
3 â�' i-ie's married.
â�' Lie isn't married.
4 â�' Does she have three children?
â�' Does he have three children?
5 â�' What does he do?
â�' Where does he go?
Mark Konig
Check it
Job a journalist for
the BBC
8 Tick (âœ"1 the correct sentence.
Country England
I â�' She conies from Japan. â�' Dues she has two sons?
Town Moscow
â�' She come from Japan. â�' Does she have two sons?
Place of work in an office
Languages English, Russian, What he do in his free time? h â�' l le doesn't play football.
and German What does lie do in his free time? â�' lie no plays football.
Family married, three Where lives she? 7 â�' She doesn't love Peter.
daughters Where does she live? â�' She doesn't loves Peter.
Free time listening to music Ile isn't married. â�' What's he's address?
Ile doesn't married. \Vliat's his address:'
Unit 3 • The world of work 23
Seumas McSporran - the man with
thirteen jobs!
1 Seumas McSporran Jeimas mak'sporan
comes from Scotland. Look at the
photographs of some of the things he
does every day.
The man with thirteen jobs
2 Match a sentence with a photograph.
1 He helps in the shop.
2 He makes breakfast for the hotel
3 He serves petrol.
4 He delivers the beer to the pub.
5 He collects the post from the boat.
6 He drives the children to school.
7 He delivers the letters.
8 He has a glass of wine.
a- 9 He works as an undertaker.
- - -1%P_
eumas McSporran 3 Read about Seumas. Answer the questions.
I Where does Seumas live?
is a very busy man. 2 How old is he?
He is 60 years old and he 3 How many jobs does lie have?
4 What's his wife's name?
has thirteen jobs. He is a postman,
5 What does she do?
a policeman, a fireman, a taxi driver, 6 How many people live on Gigha?
7 How many tourists visit Gigha in summer?
a school-bus driver, a boatman,
8 What does Seumas do in the morning?
an ambulance nlan, an accountant, 9 What do he and Margaret do in the evening?
a petrol attendant, a barman, and 4 Look at the photos. Ask and answer questions with a
an undertaker. Also, he and his partner about times in Seumas's day.
wife, Margaret, have a shop and a What does he do at 6 o'clock?
small hotel.
Seumas lives and works on the island of He gets up and makes breakfast.
Gigha in the west of Scotland. Only 120 people
live on Gigha but in summer 150 tourists cone 5 ® Listen to four conversations from Seumas's day.
by boat every day. After each one answer these questions.
Every weekday Seumas gets up at 6.00 and I Is it morning, afternoon, or evening?
makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8.00 he 2 Who are the people? Where are they?
drives the island's children to school. At 9.00 3 What is Seumas's job?
he collects the post from the boat and delivers 6 Complete the conversations.
it to all the houses on the island. He also I A Good . Can I two ice-creams,
delivers the beer to the island's only pub. Then
he helps Margaret in the shop.
B Chocolate or vanilla?
He says: 'Margaret likes being busy, too. We
A One chocolate, one vanilla please.
never have holidays and we don't like watching
B That's . Anything ?
television. In the evenings Margaret makes
supper and I do the accounts. At 10.00 we have A No, thank you.
a Mass of wine and then we go to bed. Perhaps 2 A Only letters for you this , Mrs
our life isn't very exciting, but we like it.' Craig.
B Thank you very much, Mr McSporran. And
's Mrs McSporran this ?
A Oh, she's very well, thank you. She's in the
3 A A glass of before bed, my dear?
B Oh, yes please.
A you are.
B Thank you, my dear. I'm very this
4 A Hello, Mr McSporran!
B Good , boys and girls. Hurry up, we're late.
A Can I sit here, Mr McSporran?
C No, no, I to sit there.
B Be quiet of you, and SIT DOWN!
Practise the conversations with your partner.
Unit 3 • The world of work 25
1 L1r vaur dliiau rW and nllltiII
a picture with I lot) ill
column A.
a A pilot designs buildings. I
b An interpreter delivers letters.
c A nurse looks after people in hospital.
d A barman looks after money.
e An accountant writes for a newspaper.
f A journalist translates things.
g A postman sells things.
h An architect flies planes.
i A shopkeeper serves drinks.
2 Match a job in A with a line in B.
3 Look at the phonetic spelling of some of the words. Practise saving them.
I /ni:s/ 2 'paosmmn/ 3 %o'kaontont/ 4 /'fâ-º)pki:p)/ 5 /'u:kitekt/ 6 /'bu:mon/
4 Memorize the jobs. Close your books. Ask and answer questions with a partner.
What clot'' a pilot do?
26 Unit 3 • The world of work
What time is it?
1 Look at the clocks. Write the times. Practise saying them.
q 2-
9 3
7 6
It's five o'clock. It's half past five.
'n ?
7 6 S
It's quarter past five. It's quarter to six.
b 2
8 4
7 6
It's five past five. It's twenty-five past five.
It's twenty to six. It's ten to six.
Listen and check.
2 Look at the times.
It's about three o'clock. It's about five o'clock.
What time is it now? What time does the lesson end?
3 IM Listen and practise the conversat ions.
Conversation 1 Conversation 2
Exc Ilse inc. Can you tell Excuse inc. Can you tell
me the tune, please? Inc the time, please?
Yes, of course. It's I'm sorry, I don't know.
(about) six o'clock. I don't have a watch.
With a partner, draw clocks on a piece of paper. Make more conversations.
Unit 3 • The world of work 27
Take it easy!
Present Simple 2 -1/you/we/they • Leisure activities • Social expressions
STARTER 1 What year is it? What month is it? What day is it today?
2 Say the days of the week. Which days are the weekend?
Present Simple 1/you/we/they
1 Read about Bobbi Brown's weekends. Complete the text with the verbs.
gets up lives is loves works doesn't work interviews starts
Bobbi Brown in New Jersey. She thirty-four and for SKY TV in New
York City. But she on weekdays, she only works at weekends. She famous
people for an early morning news programme called The World This Weekend. On
Saturdays and Sundays she at 3.00 in the morning because she work at 6.30!
She her job because it is exciting.
28 Unit 4 • Take it easy!
Questions and negatives
2 � Now read and listen to what Bobbi says about
her weekdays. 4 IM Read and listen. Complete Bobbi's answers.
Practise the questions and answers.
Where do you work? New York.
Do you like your work? Yes. I
Do you relax at weekends? No. I
Why don't you relax at weekends? I work.
5 Work in pairs. One of you is Bobbi Brown. Ask and
answer questions about your life.
• Where ... you live/work?
• Are ... married?
• Do ... have children?
• What time ... get up/Saturday morning/Monday morning?
• Why ... get up at ... ? Because I ...
• like your work?
• Why ... like it? Because it ...
• like cooking?
• your husband like cooking?
• Who ... you visit on Tuesdays and Thursdays?
• Where ... your father live?
• . go out on Friday evenings? Why not?
L â- My weekends are fast and exciting. My • have a busy life?
weekdays are fast and domestic! I _ two sons,
Dylan, 7, and Dakota, 5. Every morning I one hour
before them, at 6.00, and I to the gym. I _ --
home and I breakfast, then I them to 1 Complete the table for the Present Simple.
school. On Mondays I always _ I all the
Positive Negative
food for the week. I often dinner in the evenings,
but not every day because I don't cooking. I work don't work
Fortunately, my husband, Don, cooking. On
Tuesdays and Thursdays I my father. He
on the next block. Every afternoon I the kids We
from school. in the evenings Don and I usually , They
but sometimes we friends. We never
on Friday evenings because I work so early 2 Complete the questions and answers.
on Saturdays. Where you work?
55 Where she work?
you work in New York? Yes, I
he work in New York? No. he
3 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in
3 Find the words in the text:
the box. Look up new words in your dictionary.
always usually often sometimes never
love relax have like go live start come Po-� Grammar Reference 4.1 and 4.2 p127
visit x2 go shopping pick up go out get up take
buy make cook
Listen again and check. Read the text aloud.
Unit 4 • Take it easy! 29
Talking about you
1 \lake the questions. Then match the questions and answers.
Questions Answers
1 What time do you like your job? a My mother and sisters.
2 Where do you travel to school? b To Spain or Portugal.
3 What do you go on holiday? c After dinner.
4 When do you go to bed? d At 11 o'clock.
5 Who you go out on Friday evenings? e I always relax.
6 Why do you live with? f Because it's interesting.
7 How do you do on Sundays? g By bus.
8 Do do you do your homework? h Yes, I do sometimes.
I Listen and check.
2 Ask and answer the questions with a partner. Give true answers.
3 Tell the class about you and your partner.
r ;Maria gets tip at half past eight. I get up at 8.00 I live with nt), parents and my graâ-ºulnurther.
on weekdays but at 11.00 at weekends. Maria lives with her parents, too.
Listening and pronunciation
4 Tick (âœ") the sentence you hear.
I \Vhat does he do on Sundays? 4 â�' W here do you go on Saturday evenings?
â�' \Vhat does she do on Sundays? â�' W hat do you do on Saturday evenings?
2 â�' Do you stay home on "Tuesday evenings? 5 â�' Iread a lot.
â�' Do 1ou stay hone on Thursday evenings? â�' Ieatalot.
3 â�' He lives here. 6 â�' W hy do you like your job?
â�' He leaves here. â�' W hy don't you like your job?
A questionnaire
5 Read the questionnaire on p31. Answer the questions about you. Put âœ" or X in column 1.
6 Ask your teacher the questions, then ask two students. Complete columns 2, 3, and 4.
Yes, I do./Yes, sometimes.
7 t'se the information in the questionnaire. \Vrite about you and your teacher.
I don't get up early on weekdays, but my teacher does. We don't play tennis ...
30 Unit 4 • Take it easy!
A Questionnaire
Do you...?
get up early on weekdays [-]
play tennis â�'
smoke â�'
drink wine â�'
like Chinese food â�'
watch TV a lot â�'
have a big breakfast â�'
have a computer â�'
Positives and negatives
8 Make the sentences opposite.
1 She's French. She isn't French.
2 1 don't like cooking. I like cooking.
3 She doesn't speak Spanish.
4 They want to learn English.
5 We're tired and want to go to bed.
6 Roberto likes watching football on TV, but he doesn't like playing it.
7 1 work at home because I have a computer.
8 Amelia isn't happy because she doesn't have a new car.
9 1 smoke, I drink, and I don't go to bed early.
10 He doesn't smoke, he doesn't drink, and he goes to bed early.
Unit 4 • Take it easy! 31
from Japan
I work for Pentax
cameras, in the export
department. I don't
\. / ' have a lot of free
J* time, but I have one
special hobby - taking photographs,
of course! I like taking photographs
of flowers, especially in spring.
Sometimes, after work, I relax in a
bar near my office with friends. My
friend. Shigeru. likes singing pop
songs in the bar. This has a special
name, 'karaoke'. I don't sing - I'm
too shy!
4 Answer the questions.
1 Do they all play sports? 6 What do Manuela and her friends do in summer?
2 What do Al and Manuela do in winter? 7 Do you know all their jobs?
3 Do Manuela and Toshi like going to bars? 8 Why does Al like autumn?
4 Where is Al's holiday home? 9 Why doesn't Toshi sing in the bar?
5 \N'hen does Toshi like taking photographs of flowers? 10 Which colours are in the texts?
5 There are six mistakes about Al, Manuela, and Toshi. Correct them.
Al comes from Canada. In Manuela comes from Toshi comes from Japan.
winter he plays ice hockey Brazil. She likes sunbathing He has a lot of free time. He
and goes skiing. He has a and sailing in summer. likes taking photographs and
holiday home near the sea. singing pop songs in bars.
6 IM Listen to the conversations. Is it Al, Manuela, or Toshi? Where are they? How
do you know? Discuss with a partner.
What do you think?
• What is your favourite season? Why?
• What do you do in the dif1 'rent seasons?
Unit 4 • Take it easy! 33
Leisure activities
1 Match the words and pictures. Tick (âœ") the things that you like doing.
â�' playing football
â�' dancing
â�' skiing
â�' watching TV
â�' going to the gym
â�' taking photographs
â�' cooking
â�' playing computer
â�' sailing
â�' listening to music
â�' swimming
â�' reading
â�' eating in restaurants
â�' going to the cinema
â�' jogging
â�' sunbathing
2 Discuss in groups what you think your teacher likes doing. Choose five activities.
I think he/she likes cooking. No, I think he/she likes eating in restaurants.
Ask your teacher questions to find out who is correct.
Do you like cooking? Do you like eating in restaurants?
3 Tell the other students what you like doing and what you don't like doing from the
list. Ask questions about the activities.
I don't like watching TV, but I like Oh, really? What do you read?
reading very much.
Why don't you like watching TV?
4 Tell the other students things you like doing which are not on the list.
34 Unit 4 • Take it easy!
Social expressions
1 Complete the conversations with the expressions.
1 A . The traffic is bad
today. Don't worry.
B Come and sit down. I'm sorry I'm late.
We're on page 25.
2 A
B Yes? I'm sorry,
A Do you have a dictionary? Excuse me.
B I don't. It's at home. That's OK.
3 A It's very hot in here. ? Really?
B ? I'm quite cold. Can I open the window?
A OK. It doesn't matter.
4 A
B Can I help you?
A Can I have a film for my camera? Pardon?
B How many exposures? Now I understand!
A Excuse me!
B How many exposures?
What does 'exposures'
A mean?
B How many pictures? 24? 36? 40?
A Ah! ! 40, please.
Listen and check.
2 Practise the conversations with a partner.
Unit 4 • Take it easy! 35
Where do you live?
There is/are • Prepositions • some/any • this/that • Furniture • Directions 1
STARTER 1 Write the words in the correct column.
The living room The kitchen both
an armchair a fridge a television
a coffee table a shelf a plant a stereo
a lamp a cooker a washing machine
a telephone a cupboard a cup a sofa
2 What's in your living room?
Tell a partner.
There is/are, prepositions
1 Helen has a new flat. Describe her living room on p37. 3 Ask and answer questions about these things.
a dog a cat a computer
There's a telephone. There are two plants.
a fire a mirror a clock
a rug
2 ® Read and listen. Complete the answers.
Practise the questions and answers.
plants pictures bookshelves
Is there a television? Yes. there lamps newspapers photos
Is there a radio? No, there flowers
Are there any books? Yes, there
How many books are there? There a lot.
Are there any photographs? No, there
4 Look at the picture of Helen's living room.
Complete the tables. Complete the sentences with a preposition.
Positive a television. on under next to in front of
some books. I The television is the cupboard.
Negative a radio. 2 The coffee table is the sofa.
There 3 There are some magazines the
any photos.
a television? 4 The television is the stereo.
any books? 5 There are two pictures the walls.
6 The cat is the rug the tire.
04mo, Grammar Reference S.1 and S.2 p127
36 Unit 5 • Where do you live?
What's in your picture?
1 Work with a partner. Look at the pictures from your teacher.
There's a picture of another living room and lots of things that
go in it. Don't look at you- partner's picture.
I Student A Your picture is not complete. Student B Your picture is complete. Answer Student As
Ask Student B questions and find out where the questions and help him/her complete the picture.
things go. Draw them on your picture.
Where'S the lamp? Where exai tl}'? It's on the table. Next to the hook.
2 ® Look at the complete picture together. Listen to someone
d escr ibi ng it There are jrie mistakes in the descri p tionSa y
Stop!' when you hear a mistake.
C Stop! There aren't three people! There are foâ-ºâ-ºr people!
Unit 5 • Where do you live? 37
some/any, this/that/these/those
1 This is the kitchen in Helen's new flat. Describe it.
2 ® listen and complete the conversation between Helen and her Irlend, Bob.
Helen And this is the kitchen.
Bob Mmm, it's very nice.
Helen Well, it's not very big, but there a of cupboards. And 's
a new fridge, and a cooker. That's new, too.
Bob But what's in all these cupboards?
Helen Well, not a lot. There are some cups, but there aren't any plates. And I have
knives and forks, but I don't have spoons!
Bob Do you have glasses?
Helen No. Sorry.
Bob Never mind. We can drink this champagne from those cups! Cheers!
3 What is there in your kitchen? How is your kitchen different from Helen's?
38 Unit 5 • Where do you live?
GRAMMAR SPOT What's in Pierre's briefcase?
1 What's the difference between the sentences? 4 IM Pierre is a Frenchman on business in
There are two magazines. Boston. Listen to him describe what's in his
There are some magazines. briefs: si. Tick (âœ") the things in it.
2 When do we say some? When do we say any?
There are some cups. â�' a newspaper
There aren't any glasses. a dictionary
Are there any spoons? â�' a sandwich
3 Complete the sentences with this, that, these, or those. pens
n a notebook
a bus ticket
a letter
1 a mobile phone
1 I like champagne. 3 cooker is new.
i L an address book
2 flowers are lovely. 4 Give me cups. 5 Look in your bag. Ask and answer yurstions about
040P. Grammar Reference 5.3 and S.4 p127 your bags with a partner.
is there a dictionary in your bag?
Are there any stamps? How many stamps are there?
In our classroom
1 Complete the sentences with some or any. Check it
I In our classroom there are books onthe
6 Tick (âœ") the correct sentence.
1 â�' There aren't some sandwiches.
2 There aren't plants. â�' There aren't any sandwiches.
3 Are there Spanish students in your class? 2 â�' Do you have some good dictionary?
4 There aren't Chinese students. â�' Do you have a good dictionary?
5 We have dictionaries in the cupboard. 3 â�' I have some photos of my dog.
6 There aren't pens in my bag. â�' I have any photos of my dog.
4 â�' I have lot of books.
2 What is there in your classroom? Describe it.
â�' I have a lot of books.
3 Talk about things in your classroom, using â�' How many students are there in this class?
this/that/these/those. Point to or hold the things. â�' How many of students are there in this class?
6 â�' Next my house there's a park.
This is my favourite pcrr. â�' Next to my house there's a park.
7 â�' Look at this house over there!
â�' Look at that house over there!
These chairs are nice. Those windows are dirty. â�' Henry, that is my mother. Muni, that is Henry.
â�' Henry, this is my mother. Muni, this is Henry.
Unit 5 • Where do you live? 39
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