Pov Bill
Pinetree leads me into the town and I'm kind of nervous about his. I have the strangest feeling that everyone is going to realize that I'm the person who almost enslaved the town.
"Don't worry Bill, no one in this town is going to remember you. " Can he read my mind?
"Plus, the towns people are pretty stupid. " I agree with the statement.
"Pinetree I'm still confused." I said.
"What's wrong? " Pinetree said.
I stopped and looked at Pinetree. I know I have a meatsacks body, I have to experience emotions and other things.
"Why did you really bring me back? " I said.
"Bill.... I-I"
We stopped walking and Pinetree looked at me. I think it was a mistake to ask that question again. Pinetree came closer like a hug, his hands were on my chest. He wasn't looking at me, he was facing the floor.
"I-I brough you back because I missed you. I wanted to make that deal with you, but they stopped me. I wanted to stay with you, I wanted to be by your side. I-I missed you because you made me....happy.... You were something special to me. I was so lost with out you, you-"
I hugged Pinetree tight and I didn't know how to feel. I didn't want to let go of Pinetree either.
"I was the villain, I was so confused of what I wanted. I wanted someone to stay with me, I wanted someone to remember me, I wanted something that I can never have. Being in this meatsacks body is confusing and I don't know how to feel or what to do." I said.
I was even thinking how wants me back? I was confused when I saw you and when you hugged me. I thought it was some joke. I thought no one would miss me after all this time. " I was laughing and crying.
"I wanted you back from the beginning" Pinetree said.
Pinetree looked at me and I felt stupid. I wipped sway my tears and hugged him tight. Pinetree looked at me and I missed his loving smile. I placed my forehead on top of his and smiled.
"I missed you. " Pinetree said.
"I missed you too. " I said.
I finally let go of Pinetree, we finally left the woods and went into town. I see the town covered in decorations and random stuff. I see performers, food stands, games and cheap gifts.
"I have to hide because Mabel and my Grunkle's are here. " Pinetree said
"what was your excuse for not coming?" I asked.
"Being sick. " Pinetree said.
"Wait, are you really sick. " I asked.
"Somewhat, but I'm feeling better. " Pinetree said.
We were walking around for a bit, until Pinetree bought something. It was fluffy and a pale pink.
"What is it? " I said.
"It's cotton candy. " Pinetree said.
"It looks weird. " I said.
"You haven't tried cotton candy, you've been on this earth for how many years. " Pinetree said.
"A long time, but it doesn't mean I've tried everything. " I said.
"just try it. " Pinetree said.
I took a small bite out of the sugary treat and made a dull smile. It was so sweet and it melted in your mouth.
"it's good. " I said.
"See. " Pinetree said.
We started to walk around and we finished the cotton candy. Pinetree then bought three small chip bags. One of red, another was blue and the last one was purple.
"What's that? " I asked.
"You'll find out. " Pinetree smiled.
"I have a small feeling that your trying to poison me with your food." I said.
"No, if they were poisoned they wouldn't be selling it. " Pinetree said.
"Then what is it. " I asked.
Pinetree opened the red bag first and gave me a chip. I looked at it and it was a triangle shape.
"Eat it. " Pinetree said.
" Fine. " I said.
I ate the chip and it didn't taste as bad. This taste amazing!
"Want another one? " Pinetree smiled.
"Give me the bag." I said.
"Okay, but first try this one."
He opened the purple bag. It was the small one.
"There the same. " I said.
"Trust me there not." Pinetree said.
"Okay. " I said.
I looked at it again and ate it. I was a little sweet with a touch of something spicy, but no as spicy.
"I like the other one better. " I said.
"Okay. Now try this one. " Pinetree said.
I swear these are almost all the same, they all look like baby triangles.
"I swear there something wrong with you. " I said.
"Just eat it. " Pinetree said.
I ate the final chip and it tasted better then the red ones.
"Give me the bag. " I said.
"Guess what there called. " Pinetree said.
"Tranigle chips." I said.
"No, but remember the nickname we gave you. " Pinetree said.
"Dorito?" I said.
"Yes. " Pinetree said.
"So, you named me, after two really good chips." I said.
"Yes. " Pinetree smiled.
"Do you like them?" Pinetree asked.
"Just give me a bag. " I said.
He gave me the blue bag and smiled at me. I see him with his phone out and I just look at him.
"What are you doing. " I asked.
"Nothing. " Pinetree smiled.
"Pinetree " I said.
"Yes. " He smiled at me.
"Pinetree" I said
"Yes. "
"Yes. "
"Pinetree it's a video isn't it." I said.
"Maybe. " Pinetree said.
"It is. " I said.
Pinetree just chucked and looked at me. I tried to take away his phone but he typed in something and then pressed a button.
"You post it didn't you. " I said.
"Maybe. " Pinetree chuckled.
It was a minute video of me and Pinetree talking and then me finding out about the video.
"Where did you post it?" I asked.
I know about social media and all that stuff because I know what going on these days. Now I sound like an old person.
" Snapchat" he smiled
"Let me see." I said
"You look fine. " Pinetree said.
"I do? " I said.
"You do. " He chuckled
People started to look at us and it felt kind of weird. I haven't been in this meatsack body for even a day.
"Pinetree can we leave? " I asked.
"Sure. "
We went to mystery shack. We went to the attic, but not in his room. It was the little living room there. We sat infront of the window.
"When is you family coming back?"
I asked.
"Until six. " he smiled.
"What time is it? " I asked.
"Four. " Pinetree said.
"Two more hours until I leave. " I said.
"What do you wanna do?" Pinetree asked.
"I don't know? " I said.
Pinetree was on his phone and I just sat next to him and looked at his screen. He started to laughed and looked at me.
"What's so funny. " I said.
"Look." Pinetree said.
I looked back at the screen and he was on snapchat. He put the dog filter on me.
"Funny. " I said.
"But you look adorable in this one." Pinetree said.
"Let me pick out one. " I said.
"Okay. "
I took some pictures of Pinetree smiling and laughing. We took a photo together and I smiled for once.
"You smiled! " Pinetree said.
"I was smiling this whole day. " I said.
"But I got a photo of you smiling. " Pinetree said.
"Delete it. " I said.
"No... I'm keeping it " Pinetree smiled.
Pov Mabel
The festival is soooo fun!
Grunkle Stan and Ford have been enjoying themselves. I told them that I forgot something back at the shack. I'm going to check up on Dipper too, he must be lonely by himself.
I walked back to the shack and went to the living room to grab my phone. I forgot my phone and didn't realize until now. I heard laughing from upstairs. I went upstairs and I saw Dipper with this blonde guy.
"Dipper? " I said.
"M-Mabel, hey" He said.
"Who's this?" I asked.
They look at each other and then the blonde guy whispered in his ear. Dipper made a soft laugh and looks at me.
"His name is Will. " Dipper said.
"Okay." I said
He waved at me and looked back at Dipper. I didn't really questioned him for some reason. I went back down stairs and left the house. The guy with the blonde hair reminds me of someone, but who?
Pov Bill
Shooting star came in and then left with no questions. I looked at Pinetree and he gave me a nervous smile.
"I didn't know. " he said.
"It's okay. " I said.
"Where did you come up with Will? " Pinetree asked.
"There's someone named Will in the mindspace." I said.
Pinetree didn't ask any questions and I felt kind of bad for using my brothers name. He's never going to show up here tho, so I'm fine. We both got up and went to my cabin.
We can do anything we want there so it was better.
"Pinetree did I miss anything when I was gone? " I asked.
"Not much, nothing at all really. " Pinetree said.
"Okay, because I feel like something is different. " I said.
"The only thing is that we're friends now. " Pinetree said.
"That's true. " I said.
The rest of the day we were talking or looking at Pinetree's social media updates and stuff.
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