Cabin in the woods
Pov Dipper
It was about eleven in the morning and this isn't normal for me to wake up at that time. I took a quick shower and got dressed. Mabel ran into my room with her cell phone in hand. She almost dropped her phone while coming in.
"Dipper let's go! " she shouted.
"Where?" I asked.
"To the mall. " Mabel said.
"Do you even have money. " I asked.
"Yes, and a lot. " Mabel said.
Our mom and dad gave us a lot of money for no reason. I didn't want that much because I don't go on a shopping spree like Mabel.
We both left the house and went to the mall.This would be a good time to find clothes for Bill. I feel like Bill would be a bit taller than me, he would have blonde hair, maybe tan or pale skin, golden brown eyes and musclar. I know Bill wouldn't be weak because he's a powerful demon. Bill would be an inch or two taller than me and Mabel.
I'm being as realistic as possible for Bill. Plus I'm still not sure if he's going to be human or not. I'm just guessing at this point.
Once we were there Mabel ran to Candy and Grendy. I see Pacifica in the distance and she was being nice to Mabel. The first time in forever, I thought she could never be nice to Mabel.
I went into a few stores and kept on thinking , what would Bill wear? The only thing I know he's going to wear blue jeans. I picked out four pairs of jeans and two pairs of shorts. After that I went to find him shirts and like two sweaters. I got him yellow shirts and sweater, but they were different designs. I bought him one fancy shirt and fancy pants, just incase.
After that I went back home and place the bag full of clothes in my closet. I ran back to the mall and looked around for Mabel. I couldn't find her anywhere so I just fully left. I walked around the town and went into the woods.
I was wondering the woods at this point and it was nice. I saw the birds, trees random magical creatures. The normal stuff. I found this little cabin in the woods. I knocked on the door and it just opened. I went in and it was empty and full of dust. It was pretty big in the inside, which was surprising. There was a homemade basement as well. The basement was full of random stuff.
"Why would a cabin be this far away from the town? " I said.
The basement was pretty small, but the it was still nice. There was a drawer, table and four chairs, broom, a small couch, a single size bed and a few kicthen supplies. I'm surprised no one even found this place. The condition of everything looks like it hasn't been touch for eleven years or so.
I went back upstairs and look a closer look at everything. It looked like everything was abandoned, like they just got up and left. Well, no one in the town goes in the woods, but me.
I started to clean up the place and it started to look nice. There was a working sink and bathroom, stone and oven, perfect electricity. I wonder if the town even knows about this. My phone started to ring and I picked it up.
"Hello?" I said.
"Dipper where are you? " I asked.
"Where are you? " I said.
"Still in the mall? " she said.
"I'm outside, I'll meet you in the center of town." I said.
"Okay. " Mabel said.
I placed the broom down and raced back to the town. I have great memory, so I can remember where the cabin is. I see Mabel waiting for me near the library.
"Where did you even go? " Mabel asked.
"To the woods for a bit. " I said
"Why are you all dusty? " Mabel said.
"I fell. " I said.
"Okay. "
Mabel and I walked back to the shack and we see Grunkle Stan waiting for us to come home. We both smile and waved at him.
"Did you kids have fun?" He asked.
"Yes." We both said.
After that I grabbed my journals and went down to Ford's lab. My plan was written in invisible pen, so Ford wouldn't see it. Ford was already writing a few things in his journals.
"Sorry that I'm late." I said.
"It's alright Dipper. " Ford said.
"So, What are we writing or doing today?" I asked.
" I'm teaching you about the mindscape." He said.
"Okay. " I said.
I pulled up a chair and grabbed my third journal. I started to write down facts and important things about it.
"In the mindscape there are lots of demons and such. The mindscape can't be viewed by any human or else there lose here sanity. The nightmare relam is apart of the mindscape for reasons. There are dangerours demons there and sometimes they would kill you for no reason. The mindscape is inside your head, but this one is dividing the nightmare relam and the human illusion. So, we can't see demons unless there in there human or other form. When you kill a demon two things happen. They will go back into the mindscape and stay there forever or go back and be turned into human. " Ford said.
"Wait, so, they can come back, but a different form. " I asked.
"Yes, but they have to be summoned by someone. " Ford said.
"Okay. " I said.
After that Ford had nothing else to tell me and told me to leave. This was just like school, teachers teach for a bit and then we leave. Ford and I would spend two hours here and then go live our normal lives. I went to the living room and saw Mabel and Ford playing cards.
"What are you playing? " I asked.
"Poker. " Stan said.
"I'm learning. "Mabel said.
"Can I play?" I asked.
"Do you know how to? " Stan asked.
"Yes. " I said.
"How?" Mabel asked.
"Mom taught me one day. " I said.
"I never knew your mother even played. " Stan said.
After Stan and I explained the rules to Mabel many times we finally played. Mabel was already out the first thirdly minutes of the game. Stan and I played an hour game, until I beat him. It was a very close game and I mean a very close games.
"good game kid. " Stan said.
"Good game. " I smiled back.
"No fair, you guys already know how to play. " Mabel said.
"It's okay, you'll get better and plus I'll teach you. " Stan said.
"fine. " I said.
Mabel and I went to our rooms and today went by quickly. I took my third journal and look at it. I looked at my plan again and again until I can remember the steps. I wrote down little pieces of information as well.
•Mindscape was a very dangerous place
• Nightmare relam and Mindscape are in the same general area
• I already found a place for Bill
• Bill is rather human or he can never come out
• The mindscape is in your head, but there's a different mindscape where humans can't see demons
That's all I added for thoses pages in my plan. I just hope I can get him back before it's too late.
I just want to see him again, to ask him questions, to hear my stupid nickname, to punch him for almost killing me.
I'll do anything to get that demon back even if it's for a day.
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