Chapter 1
Hana couldn't believe her eyes.
And it wasn't a good surprise.
But let's start from the beginning.
They continued. Continued writing to each other from their windows and each day they learned something new. Hana has yet to tell Katsuki that she is deaf. She's been waiting for the perfect moment to confess about her loss of hearing.
That was...until she was called into the office.
Walking down the hallways of her school, she pondered about what Katsuki's voice would sound like. Maybe a smooth or sweet tone but also deep and hoarse. She smiled softly like she always did.
Her short frame made it to the said corridor she was called to and walked in respectful of the others inside and bowed.
She noticed the pitiful glances she was given and frowned.
"I know it isn't enough but please, give her some time---Hana!" Hana was greeted with her mother and doctor along with the administrator of her school.
Bowing slightly she took a seat next to her mother.
"Mrs. Kaede--" her principle was interrupted by Haruhi, Hana's mother, "Ms. Kaede. I'm no longer married." she states so softly that Hana could barely register what she said.
"Ms. Kaede, " the man paused, glancing at Hana he sighed. "I think that a different chose of schooling will be better for Hana." Hana read the man's lips and her mouth gaped open from shock.
Grabbing her mother's arm out of reflex she began to sign wildly.
"Mama I don't want to move again, please I don't want to go--!" Haruhi grabbed ahold of Hana's hands and held them to her chest. "We aren't going to move again, I promise."
It was a long drive, Hana couldn't stop thinking about what the doctor showed her and her principle. Her left ear was blank. Ringing ever so softly until nothing.
The scan that the doctor showed was of her left eardrum. She hadn't noticed until the man turned off her hearing aid and turned it back on and saw that their was no difference.
It completely crushed her.
Looking at the hearing aid in her hand, she frowned and let her hair cover her face from the view of her mother. Taking out her right hearing aid she got out before her mom and rushed to her room.
"Hana!--" Haruhi sighed.
Tending to herself, Haruhi began to get dinner ready, although she doubted that Hana would come out of her room to eat anything.
Hana wiped her eyes.
Looking around her darkroom she ignored her phone that kept vibrating in her skirt pocket. Setting her hearing aids on her desk her eyes swelled up in tears as she cupped her left ear.
It was only a matter of time.
Katsuki got home rather late because of nightly training and jogging. After taking a shower and getting dressed in some black sweatpants and a casual black t-shirt he looked at his window. The girl who he had been talking to, was...drained.
She looked as if she had been crying all day(almost spot-on) and got her feelings dumped in a bucket of sewage. The girl noticed the boy and smiled softly as she waved. The ash-blonde sat down at his desk and grabbed his marker only to be beaten by blush pink-haired girl.
I don't feel like talking today, sorry Katsuki.
Katsuki watched as Hana closed her window and shut the curtains. He was shocked.
She never did this. It was usually him who got tired by it and shut the curtains. He narrowed his eyes.
Why did she look so broken?
It bothered him.
Katsuki got home from another day of training. Aizawa mentioned that they would be going on a field trip the next day and to be prepared. Of course, all he thought about was how he could beat Deku in the training and also about...Hana.
Looking out the window. Hana's window remained closed and the curtains closed out all entry of sunlight. Suddenly, the window opened. The light cascading over the form in the room.
Hana was revealed to Katsuki.
She looked horrible, her cheeks a rosy red from crying and her eyes glossy, her cheeks stained with tears. She wore a large t-shirt and a pair of black shorts.
The t-shirt having a graphic design saying "suit and tie." Katsuki found it stupid.
Ruby hues met caramel brown ones.
Hana gasped and closed her curtains as fast as lightning before Katsuki could even utter a word.
He frowned. His mood worsening.
Growling out loud he collapsed on his bed unaware that Hana did the same.
The two teens looked at their windows and rolled over on their sides.
Katsuki awoke the next morning and got ready for school. Quieter than usual. The way that Hana ignored him was sickening. Was this how she felt all those times that he did that to her?
Something bubbled in his chest as he left not noticing that Hana left the same time that he did. Both going the opposite way.
His mood worsened the whole way to school, first, some asshat decided to start an argument with a girl and bumped into him allowing Katsuki to set off his quirk and then get a scolding afterward.
It wasn't his fault.
And it seemed that Hana was there wherever he went!
He groaned. This day would be terrible for him.
Katsuki and Hana stared at each other, not saying a word. Haruhi and Mitsuki chatted away while the two teens stayed silent.
"I feel bad for Hana, " Haruhi started. Her blush pink hair a duller color than Hana's. "We had to place her out of school two days ago, her hearing is getting worse by the days. Of course, Hana was born deaf, but her eardrums we're well enough for us to get her some hearing aids." Haruhi concluded. Katsuki glared bullets into Hana's head.
Hana couldn't believe her eyes.
Why of all things?
Haruhi decided to enroll Hana into a school nearby UA so the two could walk home together and especially after Katsuki's class was attacked by villains earlier that day.
Hana looked at her mom, "I'm going to show Katsuki upstairs." Haruhi waved her off and Hana glanced at Katsuki and gently grabbed his hand before tugging him up the stairs.
Katsuki walked inside the room.
It was neat, not messy.
Organized and homey.
Katsuki took a seat at Hana's desk and waited for the girl to explain herself.
Hana grabbed the whiteboard.
Do you know sign language?
She asked.
Katsuki shook his head.
Well, as you know, I'm deaf.
The boy nodded once more and Hana erased the board before continuing.
I'm sorry for avoiding you, that wasn't nice, but I thought you would leave me too if I told you that I was Deaf. It happened with one of my friends in grade school.
Hana paused, she smiled fondly before continuing.
He bullied me because thought i was strange. Because I couldn't hear like the other kids. Because I wasn't who he thought I was.
Looking up to see Katsuki's reaction. She smiled softer and moved her hair before writing some more down.
He kept telling me to leave him alone and I only now saw what he meant, he didn't want me to be his friend because he thought it would make him a lesser person. But I forgive him.
Katsuki gritted his teeth.
He finally remembered where he saw her from.
It had been on his mind for a few days now ever since they gotten closer. He looked at the girl, his ruby eyes hardening with a cold glare.
"What were you asking him?" he seethed.
She read his lips.
Looking at her hands she pointed to herself, to him, and then clasped them together shaking them gently.
Can me and you be friends?
He laid his face in his hands.
"I was that kid. I was the one that bullied you!"
She nodded.
Katsuki looked at her with slight shock as rage boiled within him. How? How can she forgive him?
Can you and I be friends?
She wrote.
Katsuki stood up harshly, tipping the chair over. Grabbing her shoulders he glared into her eyes.
"Why?!" he screamed.
She began to sign something but Katsuki pushed her gently and walked to the door.
"Iwh Wahnt you tou beh happy!" she cried.
Her Japanese was disoriented.
Katsuki froze. His hand hovering over the doorknob. Dropping his hand to his side, he turned to look at the blush pink-haired girl. Her eyes glossed over with tears. The caressed her cheeks as they rolled down one at a time. She didn't bother to wipe them away.
To focused on Katsuki to care.
"Happy?" he questioned. Hana didn't catch it.
"How can I be happy knowing that you were the one that I bullied when it wasn't your fault! God...You're just like Deku! Always saying that you're sorry and that you admired me!" he snapped. Hana looked at the boy.
Walking closer to him, she wrapped her arms around him gently patting his back.
Katsuki wiped his eyes harshly.
That way too out of character for him. He knew it would affect them both, but he also knew that he considered himself weak and if he said that he was strong he would begin to believe what he says. The lies he said to himself.
What a fool he believe that the deaf girl of his childhood was the one that made him feel at home in her arms.
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