Chapter 35
Kiera walked through a hallway, heart in her throat. She had stopped crying because she had no more tears to cry. Her eyes were puffy and red and her cheeks were covered in tear stains. The blood on her catsuit had dried a while ago, leaving rust red marks and blotches on the crisp white fabric.
The images of Zavesti's dying body and blood spilling onto the floor replayed over and over in her mind. It felt like enough to make her go insane. She didn't want to talk to anyone.
Especially not her brother or Shiro. They had seen the whole thing. They had seen how much of a monster she was and how much of a murderer she was. Kiera had no desire to see their faces. If she saw them, she'd probably break. And then maybe die.
She deserved to die.
Nothing can relieve the feeling of killing someone.
A year or two ago, after Kiera had escaped from Galra prison the first time, she had been almost psychotic. She had felt no emotion or empathy for a solid six months. She had been mugged a few times during that time period.
The space patrols had never figured out who had stabbed those three aliens in that alley to death.
She knew. She had stabbed them. All three of them.
Kiera didn't like talking about her past much. It felt like giving away what had happened in her past meant giving away herself. She had to protect herself.
But, now, after remembering how utterly depressed she had felt after regaining her emotions and realizing she had killed three people, she felt the desire to tell someone to kill her. Or to go out into space without an oxygen helmet. Her body would literally wither like a plant and probably dissolve.
Kiera focused on her feet as she walked, not paying any attention to where she was.
Her steps echoed off the walls, sending strange tapping sounds down the hallway. She could hear the echo fade off in both directions.
She just hoped no one else could.
Her feet brought her to the window room she had found the night before the dinner party. Had that really been only a day and a half ago?
The room was illuminated by the glowing stars all around it. Kiera stood in the middle of the room and slowly turned in a full circle. Space was vast and endless. She could disappear into space and never return, never see anyone she had known ever again.
"Matt. Commander Holt." Her voice caught as she remembered her promise. She needed to get them back to Pidge. Then she could leave. And when she left, who knew?
She could go back to a life of thievery and thuggery. She could go back to Earth and live out a normal rest of her life. She could turn herself in to the Galra and die in the prison. She could join a rebel team and just cause minor chaos around the universe.
The possibilities were endless.
Kiera's eyes scanned the constellations and stars around her. The stars made her feel at peace.
"Kiera?" A soft voice behind her shook her out of her daydream.
Kiera fixed her eyes ahead of her and said "Go away."
The person said nothing. Kiera heard them step closer to her.
She scowled "I said, go away."
The quiet voice said "No."
"Why am I so important all of a sudden?" Kiera burst "Why is the murderer still being respected? Why are you here to talk to someone who has killed people?!?"
A sigh "Because we all make mistakes."
Kiera scoffed "Probably not as bad as mine. I've killed more than just him, you know. I stabbed three people to death in an alley when they tried to mug me." She hugged her arms close to her "I've killed worse than anyone in this castle ship."
A hand on her shoulder "We all make mistakes, Kiera."
"But nobody here," she squeezed her eyes shut and screamed "has MURDERED FOUR PEOPLE! Only I have! I don't deserve to be given any kindness. I don't deserve to live!"
The persons hand flinched off her shoulder. They said nothing.
Kiera finally said "I'm sorry. I'm leaving. After we find Pidge's family, I'm leaving. For good."
"You can't leave!" The voice said "Keith needs you! Pidge needs you! Even the rest of us need you."
"I don't believe anyone wants to keep a murderer in hospitality. Especially after watching that murderer kill someone." Kiera growled.
The person sighed and stood next to her "Where will you go?"
"I don't know." Kiera said "Might go back to Earth. Might change my name, face and identity and disappear into the vast stretches of the universe. Might just turn myself in to the Galra. They'll probably want me. That way I can get what I deserve." She squeezed her eyes shut harder.
The person grabbed her elbow "I won't make you stay, but promise me one thing. Promise me that you won't turn yourself in to the Galra. They'll kill you."
Kiera wrenched her arm out of their grasp "I'd be getting what I deserve."
"That's not what you deserve." The voice said "I've been thinking about you killing that rebel. And after I thought about it for a while, I began to realize how justified it was."
Kiera gasped as the person kept talking "You were being held captive by a group of rebels. They were going to take advantage of you. You'd already been through that. Twice. It makes sense. I think you killing him was justified."
"If only I believe that." Kiera said miserably "I mean, thanks for the support, but I don't believe that I was justified."
"Well, you were." The voice said.
Kiera turned her head towards the voice, eyes still clamped shut "Who am I talking to?"
"Shiro." The voice said "And I fully believe that that guy you killed deserved what he got. I was shocked at the time and maybe a little disgusted, seeing all that blood all over the place. But I believe you were justified."
Kiera let her impulse take over and she spun and hugged him. Hard.
She pressed her face into his chest and mumbled "Thank you. Thank you, Shiro."
He put his hands on her back and said "You're welcome." He sounded sad when he said "Are you really leaving?"
"Yes." Kiera pulled away from the hug and opened her eyes, looking up at his face "Yes, I'm really leaving."
"Well, Pidge is going to be very disappointed." Shiro said matter if factly.
Kiera flinched a little "What?"
"Don't think I didn't see how you two looked at each other at the dinner party." He wagged a finger in her face, almost father-like "She needs you."
"Well, there are things we have to learn to live with." Kiera blushed and looked down "I kind of need her too."
Shiro smiled warmly "You're still going though, right?"
"Yes." Kiera nodded "I am a nomad. I don't really like staying in one place too long. I will visit though. I mean, if I'm welcome."
"You will be welcome." He said "I need to go talk to the others, talk to them about you." He started to walk out.
"Hey, about needing someone," Kiera smirked "What about you and Allura?"
Shiro's face went bright red "What are you talking about?"
"You went all blushy when you saw her in the dinner dress." Kiera noted "Don't tell her I told you this, but she went all blushy and kind of drooly when she saw you in your suit. Even I have to admit you looked pretty freaking good. You should talk to her."
He started spluttering at her and she waved him out the door "Night, Space Dad."
He said nothing and walked from the room.
Kiera turned and stared out the windows. Her legs were exhausted from the long day so she sat down, knees up to her chest. Stars that were many light years away all blinked happily at Kiera.
She felt her eyelids grow heavy and she fell asleep in the star filled room.
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