Error ended up going to where that Au was destroyed... ok he couldn't say destroyed, more like corrupted. The main code was still mostly there, but it was heavily glitched and shifting, the code trying to repair itself but unable to. Error realized it was because large parts of the code were missing. ("this doesn't look like the work of cross though... so who..") "th-is do-oe-es-sn-t l-oo-k li-ke th-the wor-k of c-ro-ss th-ough... s-so w-ho.." He pulled up the main code, trying to see what went missing. ("sans and papyrus... undyne... the lab... and the c.o.r.e...?") "s-ans a-and pap-yrus... un-dyne... th-e l-ab... a-and th-e c-o-r-e...?" But why? Why those? Was it a strange coincidence or something more? One thing Error did know, the Au couldn't repair itself. Error had to finish the job before someone tried to come here or they and anyone they went to would corrupt and collapse as well. Error completed his mission without much complaint, exiting the erasing Au only to feel that another was collapsing. ("shit!!! am i too late?!") "sh-it!!! a-am i-i t-oo l-ate?!" Had someone went into the Au before he got there? Error opened a portal quickly and jumped through.
It was over before Error stop it. The glitching space devoid of life as Error looked around. ("what the hell is going on?!") "wh-at th-e he-ll is go-ing on?!" He found once again that large parts of code were taken out, the same pieces gone as before. ("this wasnt a coincidence...") "th-is w-asn-t a coin-cide-nce..." He realized it was going to happen again... and keep happening. Something was destroying the precious balance... which mean Ink had to get involved. ("stars dammit..") "s-sta-rs da-mm-it.." Error hissed out as yet another Au collapsed. He was going to have to deal with these first before he went to the squid for help. Stars he hated even thinking that sentence. Ink helping him was laughable, but if these collapses continued while he was with the older, Ink would realize that Error was serious and step up, if not for Error himself, than for the sake of the Multiverse. Once that was done, Error went to Ink's Doodle Sphere. The number of Aus always amazed him and worried him. But as long as it was stable, that didn't matter. ("ink!") "i-nk!" Error looked for the Creator and called for him, but nobody came. Ink wasn't home.
Error found him at the Star Sanses Base of operations. ("ink!") "in-k!" The Skeleton threw Broomie at Error, the glitch dodged. "stop destroying!!" Error growled, itching to fight Ink but more pressing matters were at hand. He held his hands up in surrender. ("it. wasn't. me.") "i-t. wa-sn-t. m-me." As if on que Ink and Error both grabbed their shirts where their souls were. ("someone or something is stealing large chunks of code somehow. it doesn't look like cross doing...") "s-som-eone o-or some-thin-g i-is ste-alin-g l-lar-ge chun-ks of c-ode s-som-ehow. i-t do-esn-t l-ook t-o be cro-ss-s do-ing..." Error opened a portal once more. ("i need your help, ink. the balanceis at stake. if you are willing, meet me in feralbeats.") "i-i nee-d yo-ur he-lp, in-k. th-e bal-lanc-e is a-t sta-ke. if y-ou ar-e wi-ll-ing, m-eet me i-in fer-al-be-ats." Error stepped though to destroy the newest collapsed Au, leaving Ink, Dream, and Blue genuinely surprised with Error's request for help. Ink sighed and picked up Broomie. Well his brother needed him, what more could he do but follow him and stop the Multiverse from collapsing in on itself. "i'll be back."
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