News of a Lifetime
A note before I continue, from now on I'll be putting Error's text in bold so that those who use Google translate to read can translate his text. I'll be doing this for all my books with Error in it... eventually.
Error lead them through the castle and to one of the torture rooms where the buglike creature was strapped down. It wasn't long after that, that Nightmare and the Murder Time Trio came in, the former looking beyond pissed. "error what the fuck are you doing, bringing them here." Nightmare all but growled. Error didn't bother to answer as he tried to skim the beings code, only... it's code was corrupt, the magic traces on it, unfamiliar. ("what is this thing..?") "w-hat i-s th-is th-in-g..?" Nightmare wasn't going to take being ignored and slammed the glitch into the wall, along with the enemy. "answer me error. what are they doing here and what is that." Nightmare hissed. Error glowered at the Negative King. ("the balances as we know it are at stake. yours, mine, life and death, all of it.") "th-e ba-lan-ces as w-e kn-ow it i-is at sta-ke. y-our-s, m-in-e, li-fe an-d dea-th, al-l of i-t."
Nightmare loosened his hold. "ok, that explains this, but why are they here." To that, Error glowered at Ink. ("i needed his help to maintain our balance, but he wouldn't come without them.") "i-i ne-eded his he-lp to ma-in-tai-n o-ur bala-nce, b-ut he wou-ldn-t co-me with-out the-m." Nightmare dropped all of them, aggravated. "get whatever this is done and leave." Nightmare stepped back, watching the Star Sanses closely. "good friends you have there.." Ink grumbled, rubbing his 'neck' as he walked back over to the creature. Error tisked. ("like you care.") "li-ke y-ou ca-re." Ink turned on Error, annoyed. "look, i'm trying here, stop pushing me away! you were the one that asked for my help!" In seconds Ink was bound in string, all other parties prepared to go at each other's throats. ("maybe if you hadn't abandoned me and made me the bad guy, i'd give you another chance, but ink, we haven't been brother's in years and we never will be. i only brought you here because you're my opposite and you need to take responsibility for once.") "may-be if y-ou hadn-t aban-done-d me an-d mad-e m-e t-he ba-d g-uy, i-d gi-ve yo-u ano-ther chan-ce, b-ut in-k, we hav-en-t b-ee-n bro-the-r-s in ye-ars a-nd we ne-ve-r wi-ll be. i on-ly bro-ugh-t yo-u he-re bec-aus-e you-re my oppo-site a-nd yo-u nee-d to ta-ke resp-onsi-bili-ty f-or on-ce." With that said, Error released Ink and turned to the creature.
The room went silent. Ink didn't know what to say. The others were still processing that Ink and Error were brother's. Error broke the silence. ("the creature's code is corrupted, i can't tell who's it is.") "th-e crea-ture-s co-de is corr-upte-d, i-i can-t te-ll who-s it i-is." Ink wanted to say something, but what could he say that Error would listen to? His little brother was stubborn, and held tight to grudges. No amount of apologies would work. "could we track its magic signature?" Error hummed in thought, shoving aside his resentment in favor of getting rid of these things. ("it's faint, almost nonexistent, but it's there.") "it-s fai-nt, al-mo-st non-exi-ste-nt, bu-t it-s the-re." Error responded. "then that's what we will do." While Error did his thing, tracking the magic signature, Ink went to his companions. "ink, are you ok..? error is..?" Ink nodded. "error's my little brother, i'm a few years older than him." Blue hugged Ink. "IF I MAY ASK, WHAT HAPPENED..?"
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