It was Fate
At first, it was just Ink. Ink and Fate. Fate couldn't always be there to watch the Multiverse, so she created the little Creator. Of course she hadn't meant to make him the Creator, he wasn't supposed to have the ability to create, but it happened. So when Ink started making his little doodles come to life, she knew she had to make another 'son' who did the opposite. "Be careful with it, Ink, it's is still young and vulnerable." Thus Ink held Error for the first time. He loved his brother, he really did, but Fate couldn't allow for that. Their fate was to be opposites, enemies. "Ink, don't get attached to it." She warned lowly as a baby Error cooed, grabbing onto his big brothers fingers. "why not?" Ink asked in confusion. "he's my brother, i should love him, right?" Fate sighed and took Error away from Ink. "He's your opposite. He will destroy what you create."
"but... why?" Fate stared at Ink. She shouldn't have let him hold Error. "Because I made him to. You have to keep the balance of Creation and Destruction. That is your one and only purpose Ink, the only thing you should EVER care about."
Ink didn't really listen though. Error got bigger. They played a lot, much to Fate's disapproval. Her sister, Destiny, thought the opposite. "It's good for them to have positive relationships. They don't HAVE to be enemies to keep the balance."
"It is more efficient if they are, Destiny." Fate replied as Ink showed Error something he created. Error gasped in excitement. ("can i do that?!") "c-an i-i d-do th-at?!" Ink pondered the question, remembering what Fate had said about Error destroying what he created. Maybe he could prove her wrong though..? "yeah! let's create something together!" Ink cheered. So the trials began in finding out what Error was good at creating. It didn't go very well at all, at first. Just as Fate had told him, Error ended up being better at destroying what they were creating. He had a habit of pushing down to hard on the pen or pencil or crayon or paintbrush or wood carving tool and ripping the paper or breaking the wood. It discouraged Error. ("maybe mom is right.. i am only good at destroying..") "ma-ybe m-om i-is rig-ht.. i-i am on-ly g-oo-d at des-tro-ying.." Ink rubbed Error's skull. "we will find something you can create, ruru. i promise."
One day, they finally found it. Ink brought over blue string and knitting needles. "let's try this!" Ink held out the items for Error to see. He sighed and turned away. ("what's the point, kiki, i'll just break it anyway..") "wh-at-s th-e poi-nt, ki-ki, i-ll ju-st bre-ak it any-way.." Ink deflated. "oh.. well! let's give this one shot and if it doesn't work, then we can call it quits." Error didn't see the point, but he amused his brother and agreed... only to find that he really WAS great at knitting! Soon he and Ink had made a blue scarf together, one that he never took off. (thank you! thank you, ink!") "tha-nk yo-u! th-ank y-ou, in-k!" When Fate found out... she knew she had to break the brothers apart. What better way than making Error think that Ink abandoned him to the Anti-Void?
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