Darkest of Places
Error looked down into Undertale's C.O.R.E. ("this is where the trail ends.") "th-is is wh-ere th-e tra-il en-ds." Ink, Blue, and Dream looked at each other uneasily while Killer, Horror, and Dust looked bored. Nightmare refused to even come and kicked everyone out so he could have time to himself. "so go down there and end it." Dust waved off as Error grunted. Another Au had collapsed. "dust. that's the entrance to the void. we can't just... go in without a plan." Ink tapped at the rail as he looked down as well. "welp, i'm not sitting here and doing nothing, i got mouths to feed." Horror left first, Killer and Dust not far behind, both bored. Blueberry had to go back to his au. Dream looked between Ink and Error. "you should go too, this is between me and my brother." Error scoffed as he continued to stare down into the lava. "... ok.. but.... call me, if there's any problems.." Dream knew all to well what it was like to be on opposite sides from his brother, he would want alone time with Nightmare if given the chance. Actually... he was going to take it now.
"one of us needs to go down there while the other stays here to pull the one down there up." Ink said as soon as Dream was gone. Error shook his head. ("no way i'm doing that. you cant make me.") "n-o wa-y i-m do-ing th-at. y-ou ca-n-t ma-ke me." Ink sighed. "i can't track them like you can, ruru. it has to be you." Error snarled, summoning an Error Blaster which Ink easily countered with a wall of ink. ("don't call me that ever!") "d-on-t c-c-ca-l-l m-e th-tha-a-a-at, e-e-eve-r!" He seethed. "be careful, this is undertale!" Ink snapped back before taking a breath. "i know you don't trust me, but right now we don't have a choice. we can fight as much as you want when this is over but... i won't abandon you." Error paced the catwalk. ("you've done it once before, how can i trust you?") "you-ve do-ne i-t onc-e be-for-e, ho-w c-an i t-tr-us-t yo-u?"
"i told you before, i never left you. you disappeared. i couldn't find you." Ink had searched for days, not knowing that things like the Void or the Anti-Void existed. It wasn't until later when Error started destroying that he'd found out about such spaces and dimensions.
("that's bullshit and you know it!")"th-at-s bu-ll-sh-it an-d y-ou kn-ow it!" Error hissed. "think what you want." Ink pulled out a vial of paint. "but judging by that expression on your face, they are taking code again. we are out of time." Ink uncorked the vial, Error glitched, stepping back. ("no, no,no!") "n-o, no, n-no!" Error entrapped Ink in his strings, making him drop the paint chains. "let me go!"
("you were going to force me into the void!") "y-ou we-re go-in-g to fo-rc-e me i-int-o th-e vo-id!"
"you're the only one who can knows the magic signature! i was going to make sure i could pull you up!" Ink argued, struggling to get his red vial. ("i'm not going!") "i-m no-t go-ing!" Ink dropped as Error's strings burned. ("you can't make me!") "y-ou c-an-t ma-ke m-me!" He pulled out more strings trying to recapture his brother, Ink pulled out his Broomie to defend himself. "stop being stubborn, what about the balance!" He tried to knock away his strings but... ("ink!") "i-nk!" Error was falling over the rail, Ink reached over to catch him. "error!"
But he was already gone. "... what have i done..?"
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