Code Eaters
Ink appeared in Feralbeats where Error was leaning against a tree, clutching his chest. ("we need to get ahead of the person responsible.") "w-e ne-ed t-to ge-t ah-ead of th-e per-son re-spo-nsi-ble." He panted. "this seems to be affecting you a lot more than me.." Ink noted. Error growled at Ink. (i wonder why?") "i w-won-der w-hy?" He grumbled mostly to himself. ("lets just get going. we have to stop this so i can go back to ignoring you.") "let-s jus-t g-et go-ing. we ha-ve t-to s-top thi-s so i-i ca-n g-go b-ack to ign-orin-g y-ou." He pushed off the tree and opened a portal. ("i've been noticing a pettern in their destructive behaviors.") "i-ve b-ee-n not-icin-g a pat-tern in th-eir des-truc-tive beha-viors." Ink stepped closer. "wait, error-" He was cut off as Error walked through the portal. Ink sighed and followed after the younger. "... undertube? you really think this is the next target?" Error nodded as a green haired Skeleton sauntered over. "top of the mornin, what are big shots like ya doin in my au?" Error looked over to SansSepticEye. ("you should find papiplier and make puzzles or something.") "y-ou sh-ou-ld fin-d pap-ipi-ler an-d ma-ke puz-zles o-r som-eth-ing."
"sanssepticeye seemed rather chill around you for you being the destroyer." Ink commented as the lad poofed off to find his bro. ("no thanks to you.") "n-o th-ank-s to y-ou." Error grumbled again. "what's that supposed to mean? error?" Ink demanded as Error shook his head. ("as youtubers, they don't particularly care about the works of the multiverse.") "as you-tube-rs, th-ey don-t par-tic-ular-ly ca-re a-bou-t th-e wor-ks of t-he mult-iver-se." Error grabbed Ink's scarf, taking off to the lab. ("keep an eye out for anything weird.") "ke-ep an ey-e o-ut fo-r any-thi-ng wei-rd." He walked deeper in, keeping an eye out for someone or something that was causing their problems. "error, can we talk about what happened?" Error shot Ink a glare. "no." Just then he thought he saw something off. A grey-white creature crawled into the elevator. ("there!") "th-ere!" Error went after it, Ink muttered out annoyed profanities, wishing Error would stop being a stubborn prick. He went after his brother, down into the depths of the lab. There was more of them, hundreds more. Chihuahua sized bugs with spikes, four legs, no eyes, and pinchers that were tearing into... the labs code.
Ink and Error couldn't let it continue. They had to save the au and figure out what these creatures were and why they were stealing only specific codes. Ink smashed them in with Broomie and burned them with paints. Error tore them apart with his strings, trying to keep at least one survivor of these... Code Eaters. Error left to make sure the C.O.R.E was ok, leaving Ink to the YouTube Skeletons. SansSepticEye was legit poking one with a bone while Papiplier was laughing at the annoyed creature. Others were coming up behind the two idiots. What were they even doing, did they know they were in danger? Ink splattered the ones crawling up behind them with red paint before splattering the one they were toying with with purple paint. "sorry boys, i'm taking your toy." Ink smiled at them as he grabbed the ensnared bug(?) and teleported off to meet Error again.
("are they safe?") "a-re th-ey saf-e?" Error asked when Ink got to the C.O.R.E. "they are definitely something... but yeah, they're safe." Ink held up the chained critter. (i can run a full examination at the castle.") "i-i ca-n r-un a ful-l exa-min-ati-on a-at t-he ca-stle." Error was once more making a portal. "woah, there's no way i'm going into enemy territory! not even with you!" Ink argued. ("do you want to stop this or not?!") "d-o yo-u wa-nt to s-top t-his or n-ot?!" Ink looked conflicted. "i-"
"HE'S NOT GOING IN WITHOUT US, MWEH HEH HEH!" Ink smiled in relief. "blue, dream, thank the stars you're here!" Error pinched the bridge of his nasalbone. He didn't have time for this. "we weren't going to leave you with error alone! has he tried anything?" Dream fretted. Before Ink could answer, Error cut in. ("fine. let's just go.") "f-ine. let-s ju-st go." He stepped through the portal to Nightmare's castle. Ink looked at the other two before shrugging and following with his friends right behind him.
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