So this is my first actual story, so I don't think it will be that good. It's based off of a bunch of movies and my own characters from stories I've already written. I hope you guys understand some of the references.
Anakin's P.O.V:
I stood in the transport with Rex, Fives, Echo, and Kix. We had waited for the others to go so that we could make sure that there was no one left. Usually, there would be five to six more people in one of these ships so it was strangely empty.
Beep Beep
My com link rang out through the buzzing of the ship and the troopers quieted their conversations. I responded quickly, and Obi Wan's voice came through the device. "Anakin, are you almost back? The council has called us in for an emergency meeting."
My eyebrows rose on my head in annoyance. "What's so important that they called us in for an emergency meeting? They call those in a lot and they usually aren't even emergencies. They just want to have a reason to scold me when I don't show up." Fives stifled a laugh and Kix just shook his head in mock disappointment. I could almost see Obi Wan's eye roll from here. I grimaced. "Okay, OKAY, we'll be back as soon as we can. See you on the Resolute, Master."
With a long and dramatic sigh I turned off my com link and looked over to the other men on board. I opened my mouth to tell them to get some rest once we got back to the Resolute, but I was interrupted by a loud crashing sound that resulted in the transport jolting to the side. Fives wasn't holding onto the handles on the roof of the ship so he fell over into Rex who scowled at him and shoved him right-side up.
"General Skywalker," the pilot's voice blared out of the intercom above us. "We've taken a hit and we're going down hard."
Another jolt shook the transport and this time Fives and Rex tumbled down. The transport was shaking and I could barely hang on, so I used my robotic hand and locked it in place. With my other, I reached out and grabbed Echo's shoulder, seeing that he was about to fall over. Kix, however, he looked completely fine, like he was the strongest one there. I have no idea how he would be the strongest one there, but ya' know, you get used to not having any idea how anything works.
Suddenly I felt the pop of entering the atmosphere too fast. The metal walls around us began to heat up and I braced myself for impact, knowing far too well how quick a ship can crash to the surface of a planet. "Brace yourselves boys," I warned, and they all immediately locked their hands on the straps that hung from the ceiling.
"General Skywalker," the pilot's voice blared again out of the intercom. "We're gonna hit the surface soon. I can't control the landing so you're gonna have to parachute out of here."
Without hesitation Kix grabbed the emergency parachutes and tossed them to the others, leaving me and him..parachuteless? I don't know. Unarmed? I really don't know what he left us, but we were gonna take the brunt of the land. (I think that's how that word is used. Every time that I saw it or type it, it looks wrong, so please tell me if it's incorrect or not.)
I used my lightsaber to cut a hasty hole through the transport walls, and gestured for the clones to exit. Rex, Fives, and Echo saluted me and jumped out of the hole. Kix looked at me as if to ask, What's next? I sighed. "Look, I know this is going to be extremely awkward, but the only way you're gonna get out of this mostly uninjured is if I carry you. Kix grimaced. "Just please don't tell Fives about this or he'll never let it go. For either of us." Kix shuddered, as did I.
"Sounds good to me Kix. Now let's get out of here before we hit the ground." He nodded and I wrapped my arm around his waist and his arms wound around my neck. I froze and looked down at him to see him blushing madly. "Please let's just go." Kix urged and I smirked. I stepped up and out of the opening. We were free falling and the air was whipping my hair around, causing some of it to get into Kix's mouth. Just seeing him struggle with that was cute, wait WHATT aghhhhh never mind.
He saw me looking at his face as we were falling and he pushed his helmet onto his head. Why it hadn't been on before we jumped out, I'm not sure, but it covered up his beautiful--I mean chiseled--I mean...well shit.
I spotted Fives and Rex floating down from the flaming transport in their parachutes. We were a solid two hundred feet from the ground, and all I saw was sand. This could mean two things; one, landing shouldn't be too hard, and we shouldn't have to deal with too many injuries or two, we could land in a sink hole and get sucked into the ground forever, which didn't sound like a great way to go. It looked like we were going to have to take that risk though, not like we had another choice.
"REX!" I screamed over the wind. "TRY TO LAND IN A CROUCHED POSITION! IT'LL BREAK YOUR FALL!" My throat felt raw from screaming even though I had just started. "Otherwise you'll break your ankles," Kix added under his breath. "And I am not carrying anyone because they can't walk." I rolled my eyes and grinned.
We were nearing the surface. The sand. I kriffen hate sand. It gets between your toes and under your fingernails and in your hair and up your nose and ugh. I. HATE. SAND.
I squeezed Kix's waist to alert him that we were going to land soon. He tensed up as if he remembered what position he was in and glanced over at me, probably blushing under his mask. I looked to the nearing sand and he looked down too, as if to realize that we were about to land. He bent his legs and his arms, but I just attempted an ungraceful approach of landing on my ass.
And that's exactly what I did.
While the others landed on their feet and fell over, I landed harshly on my butt, but at least I would still be able to walk. (That makes no sense because if you landed on your ass, wouldn't it hurt MORE to walk then? I'm not sure but I'm tired, it's late, and I don't care how the body works.) I stood up and brushed sand off my dark robes and watched the others attempt to get up, groaning. We were stranded in the middle of the desert. And of all deserts, a Tatooine desert. Of course. Exactly where I want to be right now. Right ever. I. JUST. HATE. IT. HERE.
A few moments later, Echo, Rex, Fives, and Kix were all brushing off their blasters and helmet visors, attempting to rid them of sand. It was impossible, as anyone from this wretched planet would already know, but they weren't from here. They were from Kamino. Warm, wet, OCEANIC Kamino. I used to dream of living there. At least there, there are animals and organisms other than Jawas and Hutts.
I sighed and walked over to the clones who were grumbling something about sand. "Well, we should head over to the transport and see if we can get a signal from it. Probably won't but it's worth a try." The men nodded their heads in agreement and we headed towards the crash, that was over what looked like three sand dunes. It was probably more but I didn't feel like estimating anything. Or mathing anything, so I decided to just keep walking.
We reached the transport and the clones were breathing hard, trying to mask their discomfort. The transport was now in pieces over the surrounding terrain. The pilot was no where to be seen, so it was safe to assume that he hadn't made it. That made me frown and Rex--who had taken his helmet off--made eye contact with me. He knew what I was thinking and nodded solemnly.
"Ok, let's see if we can find the control box (I don't know) and then from there we'll have to improvise." I said. Kix groaned at the word improvise, which I don't get. Like why does everyone hate my plans? Improvising has perks! And you don't have to stick to a plan if you improvise, so people can't get mad at you for ruining the plan.
A few minutes later Fives and Echo came skipping back from a section of the transport with a small box. There were wires hanging out of it and there were some sparks here and there, but otherwise it looked pretty much intact. "Good job Echo, Fives. Now quit the skipping and get your asses over here so we can get off this kriffen junk yard." Rex ordered. The two troopers grinned at each other and then back at their captain and then hurried over to where I was sitting at a makeshift table with Kix.
I hooked up the control box to my comlink with some of the wires that I pulled out of the ship's controls. With a few sparks, the lights on the box came on, and I smirked. Fives and Echo had started throwing sand at each other and Rex was scowling at them, but I could tell he was trying not to join in. Kix sat opposite of me and studied me as I connected wires and pressed buttons. He's so kriffen cute...shit I did it again.
"What did you do again?" Kix's voice questioned. Oh shit I said that out loud? I thought I said that in my head?! "Yeah you said that out loud.." Kix said again, smiling a little. I looked up to him and then looked back down, my cheeks on fire. What is wrong with me? "Uhh, n-nothing is wrong with you, General. At least, I don't think there is...." I looked over to him and saw his cheeks mirroring mine with a pink hue. "Uh, sorry I said that out loud. I'll just, uh, get back to this, I guess." I forced out.
Kix nodded and put his helmet back on which made me sad but helped me focus a little bit more on getting a signal out and not on his handsome face. AGHHG DAMMIT.
There was a sudden beeping and static came out. I tried connection to any nearby satellites, but nothing came through. It looked like this box wasn't going to get us anywhere. "Sorry boys," Rex, Fives, and Echo all came over and stood around the box. "It looks like this isn't going to get us anywhere, and the comlinks won't hook up either."
The clones looked gloomy and serious at this comment. Fives looked out at the sand and stared off into the distance dramatically. Echo looked down at his feet and frowned. Rex seemed to stay completely neutral and didn't say anything. Kix just shrugged and tapped his foot nervously. "But on the bright side, I have an idea." They all looked at me with the excitement and confusion of someone who was about to open a gift.
"What is it, General?" Rex asked, putting the clones on edge. I sighed and opened a secret compartment on my belt. Inside was a comlink painted bright orange. The clones looked at it in wonder. "This," I gestured to the comm. "This is my idea."
I'm sorry about this I literally have been thinking about this story in my head for the past few weeks and just needed to write it down. I also really like to write it even though I am slow to update. My parents are overprotective and don't know that I have Wattpad, so I do this at like one in the morning and attempt to finish a chapter before my parents find out my laptop isn't with all the other computers...
I hoped y'all enjoyed it and if you see any problems please tell me so that I can go back and fix them?
-KermitOnABreadstick :)
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