The Aftermath
(Before I start I want to say that I own absolutely nothing of Hey Arnold. It all goes to Craig Bartlett and Nickelodeon.)
He almost couldn't believe this was happening to a guy like him right now. The Dino Spumoni music was booming through the speakers of his rooftop along with the Boarders playing musical instruments sounding.............. not so bad. Many of Arnold's friends, both young and old, were all on his rooftop to celebrate. To celebrate him winning the trip to San Lorenzo. He couldn't believe his dream was one step closer to coming true, he was getting a chance to find his parents. The parents he has last seen when he was only a baby. And without any of his friends, this would have probably never happens. He almost couldn't believe this was happening right now. Though the key word there is almost.
"Gerald, I was wondering. How did you and Helga make that video? And we're did you get all those video's of me doing all those good deeds?" Arnold asked his best friend at the buffet table. They were both watching everyone around them dance to the music, socialize, and just have a good time.
Gerald responded, "well a few nights ago Phoebe and Helga came by with a bunch of small clips of you for the video contest. Man she has the most insane videos of you, all organized! It was kind of creepy in a way though at the same time it was the coolest thing I've ever seen. Almost as cool as me! She had the time were you helped Stoop Kid, the time you and your grandma rescued Lockjaw, the time were you accidentally killed Eugene's fish and tried to get him a new one, and even the time you tutored Torvald! I almost forgot about that one. What happens to Torvald anyway?"
" I'm pretty sure he moved to another part of the city." Arnold responded. Gerald took a sip of some of his Yahoo Soda and after taking a glimpse of his best friend watching the crowd. His giant, wide smile could hold about 40 golf balls if he tried, and his eyelids were so awake he could probably stare at the sun for forever. He has never seen his best friend so happy after years of friendship. And his happiness couldn't make him any happier.
"Hey Arnold." Gerald spoke sending his daydreaming best friend away from fantasy land and pulled him back down to the real world. Like he has done so many times before, "Besides looking for your parents, what else are you looking forward to?"
Arnold took a moment to think before responding, "I don't really know. It's just.......... finding my parents or at least finding out something about them is so important to me. Have you ever had something that was just taken away and you couldn't control the situation?" A silence was between the two friends as Gerald took the time to really think it won't. He snapped his fingers from his free hand saying, "my tonsils. Those were taken away from me a few years ago. Man that was one of the worst weeks of my entire life." Being positive
"Well at least it turned out okay in the end." Arnold spoke to his best friend. Gerald responded, "yeah. It did didn't it." He took a minute to glance as his best friend. He had his head down loosing the wide smile that was now a bit softer, and his wide, gleaming Eyes looked down with the eyelids starting to drop a bit. Gerald put his hand on his shoulder, the touch sent electricity through Arnold as he looked up to his best friend as he said, " and hopefully, your adventure will turn out okay in the end as well." Arnold couldn't help but put on a smile on his face. He couldn't imagine a better light drinking Yahoo sodas with his best friend watching a Crows full of cheers.
"Hello there Arnold." Spoke words at such a quiet tone you could barley hear them. Arnold heard them loud and clear, they were words of an angel. Arnold turned his head away from Gerald and onto the approaching Lila along with Sheena.
"Congratulations on winning the contest Arnold!" Sheena spoke, "you must have had an angel looking out for you or something." Lila commented, "oh yes. It is ever so lucky of you to have won the contest. What are you going to do at San Lorenzo Arnold?"
"Well I will probably spend time with Gerald and my class doing the things Mr. Simmons probably has planned for us. And if I have any time I would like to try and find out information about my parents." Arnold responded to the two girls. Lila responds ever so sweetly, "oh that sounds ever so much fun. I'm really upset that I can't go though. Me and Sheena are supposed to travel up north to attend a music festival." Sheena gladly commented, "oh yes. Here's going to be music, dancing, a wide range of exotic foods, and I heard there might be fireworks. It's going to be so much fun! We're leaving next week." A slight disappointment traveled through Arnold's skin. He really wanted Lila to come. His crush on Lila kind of decreased through the courts of 5th grade and passed on to..................someone else. Though it doesn't mean that he can't feel a bit of pain knowing that one of his great friends was not going to be on the trip.
With disappointment in his eyes and tone, he tried to fake a smile speaking, "that's okay Sheena and Lila. I hope you guys have fun on your trip." Lila gladly responded, "thank you so much Arnold. And I hope you have ever so much fun on your trip and well. I hope you can find something of your parents." He didn't even need to fake it this time. Arnold gave a genuine smile towards the girls filled with hope. He spoke, "so do I. So I guess I will see you later then."
"Hold on a second Arnold." Lila suddenly stopped Arnold catching him on his breath, " I need something to say to you first. Helga did just a great job putting that video together don't you think?" Arnold responded in total agreement, "yeah, she definitely did. It must take some greet talent to find all the footage and working with everyone to put it all together." Lila answers, "definitely. Though I was wondering, did you thank Helga for all that work she did for you?" Surprised by her question, Arnold answered, "yeah I did. I said thank you to her and than she ran off daunting something about washing her socks."
Lila giggled at the fact. He couldn't help but think that her giggle was the sweetest music that has ever played his ears. It reminded him of sheep jumping over a fence or even Timberly when she hung around Arnold a lot. Either way, her giggle was sweet, sickeningly sweet.
"That's good to hear." Lila responds breaking Arnold from his thought, "because I was worried that Helga might not have gotten the appreciation she deserved since she worked so hard in this project. And it would be just ever so mean if you didn't give her what she deserved considering she put her soul in this project for you and not many people have ever given her recognition. I'm glad you did trough Arnold."
Everything he said made him become silent. He wanted to speak, though he ended up squeaking. He couldn't find the right words to what what Lilla just said. Once the stunning information wasn't so stunning anymore, he spoke with a tiny bit of guilt, "I guess she really did work hard on it didn't she? I'm really grateful that she did this for me." Lilla responded, "and you should be. Not everyone would do what she has been doing the last few days. Anyway, we're going to head off. I will see you next you year. Have a great summer Arnold." Shenna yelled, "yes, have a great summer Arnold! Have fun with the class." And the two girls ran off leaving Arnold with his thoughts.
Gerald filled his cup with more of the delicious Yahoo soda before turning his attention back to Arnold. He wasn't looking back at him, almost as if he forgot that he existed. He had his eyes squinted facing the ground very deep in thought. And he was................smiling??? Gerald didn't even remember the last time he saw Arnold express that look.
"Hey Arnold?" Gerald questioned his best friend, no response was given. Gerald spoke again, "Arnold????? Earth to Arnold! Anyone in there???" He waved his hand over his face, and still nothing. His best friend was in deep though indeed. Whatever it was, it sure had to be some thought.
"Hey Arnold!!!!" Gerald yelled at his friend.
"Huh??" Arnold responded as he quickly got out of his trance to face his concerned best friend. He responded nervously, "oh, sorry Gerald. It's nothing, I'm fine." Gerald wasn't convinced
"It had to be that serious if you were that lost in thought!" Gerald sternly spoke in concern, "what were you thinking about?" He didn't even need words to see that Arnold was a nervous wreck at this point. There was no immediate response except for the slight blush forming on both of his cheeks.
"Gerald........" Arnold started speaking quietly. He paused for a second finding a loss in words. He then started speaking again in a louder tone, "Gerald...... I don't think I can tell you." Gerald was a tiny bit stunned at his response, he hated secrets, especially form his best friend!! He responded irritated, "Arnold you know I don't like secrets. You can tell me." Arnold responded, " Gerald. I can't tell you how I feel because...........I'm not so sure about how I feel." A confusion swept through Gerald's body fast, "Huh?" He spoke 100% puzzled. Arnold gave a sigh through his nose and said, "Gerlad I know it's confusing and it's a bit confusing for me to. Though can you patient with me. I need time to think it through and one day I will tell you, I will. Just........not right now okay?" Gerald just blinked at his explanation. He really didn't like secrets, he really didn't. Though he trusts Arnold more than anyone in the world. So with a heavy heart he told Arnold, "Alright. Whatever you say Arnold." And together the two friends did their handshakes and grabbed some more Yahoo sodas. Enjoying the evening as their friends around them partied on.
It wasn't much later when people started to leave. First Helga, three Lila and Sheena, one by one everyone started to leave. Gerald was the last one to leave the rooftop that evening leaving Arnold and the Boarders. Soon after everyone was fast asleep, tucked in bed and let their dreams take them anywhere they would rather be than reality. Everyone except for Arnold. He way way to excited to go to sleep. After more than a decade he finally has that chance to go off in search for his long lost parents. He could be the happiest kid in the world, however something was bothering him.
"Helga did just a great job putting that video together don't you think?"
"Did you thank Helga for all that work she did for you?"
"She worked so hard in this project."
"Not many people have ever given her recognition."
"It would be just ever so mean if you didn't give her what she deserved"
" you didn't give her what she deserved"
"What she deserved"
The next thing Arnold knew he was already by his cell phone unplugging the charger. ( AN: Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie takes place on modern times so yeah, they have cellphones.) he scrolled down his contact list until he finally found the contact he was looking for. How did he have her number in the first place? He didn't know, and he didn't care. All he knew is that he had to do the right thing. And so her called her number. The football headed boy waited patiently for someone to pick up the phone. And after a while of ringing, a familiar girl spoke with that fiery tone he have come to known and like.
" Alright this better be good Pheebs. I'm trying to download my latest footage form the......."
"Arnold??? I mean, What are you doing calling me at this time of hour Hair Boy!!! Ever heard of a thing called sleeping??? It's something that is NORMAL people like to do around here."
" Listen Helga, I wanted to call you to say thank you for making me that presentation for the contest. I know I already thanked you already though you put a lot of dedication to it and I find it fascinating that you did this for me, someone you claim to hate."
"Yeah well I'm a pretty amazing person football head! And don't think I did this just because I'm going soft on you. I still hate your guts!!"
"Whatever you say Helga.................Hey Helga, can I ask you something?"
"What's on your mind football head, I'm sure here there's enough room in there to have at least a dozen stupid thoughts."
"Very funny Helga. Lauren, Gerald stated that you and Gerald made the video because of organized content you said you got from 'around the city.' Were did you get all that footage?
"Well......I..... Thats none of your business Arnoldo!! Hough if you must know my dad......KNOWS a guy who works with the city's security. Anymore dumb questions floating in that weird head of yours."
"Know Helga that's it. And thank you again for making that video. I couldn't have made it to San Lorenzo without you."
"Helga? Are you still there???"
"Why of COURSE I am Paste for Brains. Now I got to go, one of us needs to get some shut eye around here. And never call me again!!"
"Alright, goodnight Helga."
And with that he hung up the cell phone. The Boarding House was to quiet. WAY to quiet. Usually there would be something going on in the boarding house at this time of hour like Oskar arguing on the phone again with his now ex-wife, Grandma giving out a screech of maniacal laughter, or grandpa having to go to the bathroom again after eating something with raspberry's in them. Either way it was to quiet. Quiet enough. For him to close his eyes and lead him into a deep trance of slumber. Though that didn't happen. He lays awake thinking about one girl with a pink bow she's worn since as far back as he could remember.
"Not many people have ever given her recognition."
The idea Lila out into his head out a heavy load of guilt on him, though that's because it might be true. Helga has always bossed him and his other classmates around, throwing spitballs at him, calling him a wide range of names that weren't his own, she says mean hints about her sister all the times, always has a scowl and a mean attitude twists everyone! Even Phoebe who only tries to help her. Helga G. Pataki is definitely the nastiest person he's ever met.
And yet
He just can't seem to get his mind of her. He knows that her family doesn't treat her the best so maybe that's why she doesn't treat her classmates the best, her family is now living at the Beeper Store because their business hasn't been going well, and no matter how many times she's mean to him for no reason at all, it's still attention even if it is negative. And he dissent know what he would do without her attention. She has done so many good things behind that ruff exterior including exposing that girl (who he can't remember her name) who was cheating on him that one time, helping him sort out his Thanksgiving when her's has gone in the dumps as well, and no matter how many times she stated 'Heat of the Moment', he just couldn't let it slide away from his fingertips. He really wanted to hate Helga and yet he never could. Helga is different than any other girl he's ever met. He feels something different around Helga. Not like a friendship thing like he does with Rhonda, Sheena, or any other girl in his class. Though it isn't a crush either like the one he had on Lila in the 4th grade. What was it about Helga that was so different to him???? It puzzled him, it really did. He just needed more time to think it through.
And not long later, the 10 year old boy couldn't keep him eyes open anymore and fell into a deep slumber filled with adventures of his parents, planes, and sometimes pink bow. Hough these dreams never made sense or had an ending. Though hopefully soon, it will.
Wait a second...........was Helga even eating socks?????
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