Chapter 5
I packed my things for the trip and made my way outside when I saw my brother drinking again and he was crying,"GODDAMMIT!" he just kept on sobbing in his hands and took another drink,"Why can't she be.." He paused and looked down at his hands,"Why can't she be known! She's going to die soon if we don't do something we can't just ignore it!" I leaned against the wall and hide,"We can't just ignore this, Germany!" I ran over to my brother and wrapped my arms around him and whipped away his tears,"Please don't cry." I held him close to me,"We will make the best of the rest..." I stopped and tried to ignore the pain,"BUT YOUR AT WAR WITH KOREA!" I felt my brothers fear for me and Germany's heart braking,"But we have to do something!" He looked at me in the eyes,"I'm afraid there's nothing we can do to stop this he's mad at me and not you." I whipped away my tears and turned around to face Germany and Scotland!? I smiled at my friends,"Please stop rejecting our help!" And in bested my friends again,"PLEASE!" They cried for me to accept there help,"No." I stood up and moved my hair out of my face,"Lets go." I grabbed my bags.
time skip to the cabin
I walked inside and saw the boys waiting for me and well no one else I was driving alone,"We thought you get lost!" I smiled and set my stuff down and walked over,"No." I sat down and Germany and Scotland sat next to me,"Just traffic." I had lied I pulled over to a crowded forest to take a brake and think to myself I cried for a few hours,"Well you have a tear stained face willow." I looked at Britain,"Pardon me Arthur?" He took another sip of his drink,"You were crying about something weren't you?" I looked at him and stood up and grabbed my bags and walked up to my room,"Stupid Arthur!" I threw my bags onto my bed and pulled my hair out of the braid and into a pony tail. I sat down at the mirror and just looked at myself,"Korea do you not know what your doing to me?" I looked down and pulled a little white flag out and pined it on,"I surrender Korea." I put the pin away when the pain ceased. I stood up and saw the glow in my skin and eyes and smile again, then I heard running and screaming and people tripping over eachother I rushed out and saw my friends running over to me."WILLOW!" I smiled and jumped down,"VILLO VHAT DIAD YOU DO?" Germany grabbed me and I saw Korea laughing his head off,"I-I-I I SURRENDERED!" I threw my arms in the air,"I couldn't go on like this I was so close to my nations death!" I saw Korea laughing,"I couldn't bare to see you all try to help me." I placed my hand on his face and leaned mine against his,"I value your lives more then mine." Just then Korea stopped laughing and just looked at me,"Do you really want to keep your friendships safe more then your nations?" I nodded and he frowned at my words but I still felt ill? I placed my hand on my stomach and my mouth and Korea hovered over me,"Your friendship makes me sick!" He pointed at me and I stopped and my eyes widened and I fell.
South Koreas POV
I felt so sick to my stomach from what my brother has done France Covered his face and everyone ran to there rooms except for Germany,japan,Canada,Russia, Italy, Britain, America ran away though poor him lost one of his closest female friends. I pulled out a handkerchief and covered my face.
I cried as I watched her brother feel for a pulse or something! I felt that I was being killed.
I rested my forearm on the wall and felt the tears rush down I made gross sobbing sounds as everyone cried for WIllow.
I covered my mouth and gasped as she collapsed down lifeless!
I covered my face and screamed,"NO!!" I let every emotion out and cried so much and collapsed onto my knees and screamed her name,"WILLOW!" I cried and cried!
I Bite my lip and fought the tears back as I asked,"Is shea really dead?" everyone was sobbing so hard and I broke out in tears,"WILLOW!! YOU CANT LEAVA MEA!"
I sat down and rested my face infront of my hands and breathed,"She'll be fine she'll fight him!" I watched her lifelss body...And collapsed and sobbed and America hugged me.
I sat and held myself and cried that night hearing the unsteadyness from Germany sobbing with WIllows brother I cried.
I watched her body Lifeless then HE spoke,"I'll let her live If I can have her Ireland!" He said with a smirk,"NO NEVER!" I screamed,"ANYTHING JUST GIVE HER BACK!" I sobbed at irelands words,"Ireland she woul-" And before I knew it she moved,"She's a dead country!" He clapped and giggled.
I walked downstairs a cigar in my mouth my shirt messy and my hair messy bags under my eyes,"Morning Scotty!" I sat down and looked to see Willow?,"WILLOW?" I sat up and saw it was only Sweden. I plopped back down and ran my fingers threw my hair as the tears streamed down my face,"Pleasea don'ta crya!" I looked at my friends,"I miss her." I spat the words out as I cried,"Ve all vill moran her." Germany sat down next to me and smiled.
WILLLOWS POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I sat up and coughed a few times,"Well I felt kinda guilty killing you off just like that." He helped me up,"Lets get brackfast." I followed him into the kitchen,"Scotty?" I rushed over to my weeping friend and gripped him closely in my arms,"Hush I'm here love!" I ran my fingers threw Germany's hair and smiled at them both,"DEAR SCOTLAND!" He kissed me on my right cheeck and Germany kissed my left cheack at the same time,"BOYS!:" I giggled and smiled,"Love ya too!"
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