Hetalia~ Halloween and April Fool's Day
(A\N: by the way, I haven't mentioned that in the 'one-shots'
That her relationship with them
Is 'that' way and not 'that' way
If you get my drift. I actually just
Noticed that.)
Now, I am walking through somewhere or a park not knowing what yo do dressed in
Basketball sportswear or something that I received and a
Black wig and snickers to match.
So this is what happened, I woke up faced the world and saw a letter on my desk saying that unless I come to the plaza down
The toad in this outfit, they'll
Spread the most embarrassing picture of me.
"Oi! Dude! Do I know you from
Somewhere?" I loud voice called and my eyes widen seeing America dressed in some weird
"You don't know me?" I asked
Feeling slightly crestfallen and
A certain Brit walked next to him
And looked at me quizzically,
So did I.
"It's me. Verse." I said slightly
Embarrassed, feeling myself look
Like a total guy looking at them uneasily. "Verse? Ahahaha! I
Didn't recognize you!" America
Said and patted my back as he laughed as I feel gloomy.
"America, stop embarrassing her
Already you bloody twat." Britain scolded him and patted
My back soothingly. "All right.
Let's find the culprit." I said
Strongly and they both nodded
And we heard an 'aiya' from somewhere.
We looked up only to see a tree
And China dressed in girlish
Chinese clothing standing at the
Middle of the tree, a blush visible on his face. "China?" We said
And he got down with a small
Thud and stated at me before
Asking who I am.
"The one and only me. Yang." I
Said with a small frown puffing
My cheeks lightly. "Verse? Aiya!
Why didn't I notice aru?' He said
And laughed nervously until I
Felt I'm being lifted from the ground from where I am standing.
I lost my balance until someone helped me and placed me on my foot. I looked down to see Russia in a manhole, probably very embarrassed to get out and be seen by the bunch.
"Oh, Russia! Sorry! Did I happened to step on you?" I
Asked and he shook his head
And hid there again. I sighed
And adjusted the short, not
Feeling very comfortable with.
"I'd rather choose wearing a
Large shirt that this." I mumbled and they quite heard me and looked away having such thoughts in mind, lightly blushing.
*3rd Person POV...*
"Now, small France... Give it up
And give us the pictures." America said with a small smile
Trying to persuade the little
Naked French tied on ropes.
"I'm not the ring leader!" Little
France denied as England watched intently, hands rocked
On his hips. "Ah... What? Then who is?" England asked baffled
Until someone rose up from the bushes.
"So you're the one who..." He
Said as he watched the figure
Walk over the three of them,
A dark red aura Sorounding
"Hm? Yeah, that's right. It's me.
And I'm very mad right now...
This isn't the right place to meet up! It's the plaza, right?! On top
Of that you're dressed funnier
Than I am!"
Spain said and the three of them
Looked at him in confusion and
The blue head was not able to contain a nerve from her forehead.
"Huh?" England said and Spain
Replied with a smile. "Oh, but
Just you guys coming here make
Me very happy!"
China: Spain! Explain what's going in!
Spain: remember? It's April
Fool's day today, right? I wanted
To do something different. So
Mt plan was to get everyone together and take an impossible
Picture. I thought it would be
Funny! But France, to think that
You gathered this many people...
What kind of letter did you send
England: how about you and I have a little talk?
France: ~o~ Pierre!!!
I knew you guys wouldn't come if I invited you in a normal way,
So... Anyway, I'll dispose of you
Embarrassing pictures, so don't
Worry. Au revoir! I had fun toda-
"Ahh! My embarrassing picture...!"
A certain picture flew through the air and landed at the ground
Like a feather and all of them looked at it as they ignored otyer pictures flying around as Verse frantically try to find hers.
Some laughed, some almost fainted and some froze. In the
Picture was a certain blue haired
Girl taking a bathe and has dozed off with her mouth slightly gaped, a drool visible at the end of her lips, a broom was visible on her hands as if she was playing a guitar. (N: she's actually wearing an oversized shirt. No dirty mind over here.)
The countries looked at the blue
Haired girl and she looked at them like she'll burst out crying or explode in so much embarrassment.
The lass was walking around peacefully at the plaza and she
Suddenly felt knives sent to her and the direction of the gravity changed.
"Ahahaha! I caught you!" Veno
Said laughing deviously as she Held on her hips in triumph of successfully pulling out a prank
On her counterpart. Knives
Stabbed on some parts of her body and she was hanging upside down from a tree.
"Hi!" She greeted as blood dripped from her forehead hanging upside down. The redhead shrieked and started punching her, almost lightly.
"Wha! Wha! Wha! You should be dead!" She said and continued
Hitting her mercilessly. She
Only watched her counterpart like it was nothing and laughed.
"Why are you laughing ah?!" She
Asked and tried to shoot her
But she dodges, unbelievably
Being able to swing. "I won't
Die yet." She said, an innocent
Smile visible on her lips.
The first and second players
Sweat dropped watching the duo, Veno freaking out and
Pulling lethal weapons trying to
Murder Vessie, while she just
Laughs like nothing is happening.
(It was actually still April Fool's)
V1: I got Hungary so I bought Turkey.
V2: After that I got bored and played dutch ball.
V1: Then I accidentally
britaly hit a tree with my feet.
V2- (that ship suck...)
V1: I spained my ankle,
V2: so I put Prussia.
V1: I got home feeling Swety and
V2: Then I accidentally hit my head on the Norway
V1: I Franced to the kitchen like nothing happened to get food but to my surprise,
V2: It has Greece.
V1: So I got Cananda fork before
going to my Rome.
V2- but I saw a strange shadow and Russiad to my bed.
V1 and V2- the end... *hi-fives*
Author: Gotta give credits to people out there too. (Also no offense here.)
V2: Why the hell are you here?
Author: Gotta run.
V1: Don't be so hard. do you want to get killed?
V2: Nope. I wanna kill. not killed.
you in?
V1: Psssh. fine.
The duo 'tricked or treated' wearing red riding hood costumes walking around through countries' houses for Halloween.
"You want candy?" Veno asked as she fished some candies from her
Pocket asking her counterpart.
"Yeah. Where'd you get it?" She
Asked as she took one of the candies strangely wrapped in
A pink, purple and baby blue
"From apa's basement." She replied and lass looked at her in
Horror and she gave her a face.
"You think you'll be killed?" She
Asked and she immediately
Waved her hands at her front.
"Nyet. I just remembered that last time...it doesn't feel good."
(Probably the time with the potion. You'll know it soon) she
Replied and she shook her head
And smacked her lightly.
She unwrapped the candy so did
The blue head before eating the
Strange candy. They suddenly started to glow and as the light
Vanishes two small figures was
Seen looking at each other eccentrically.
"Who're you?" They both asked in that small voice of theirs. "You look like me!" The small blue
Head said as she circled the small
Redhead huffed before answering a, so do you.
"Oh~ what a cute poppet~ how I
Love to keep you in my closet!"
A British said and lifted both the
Small missies from the ground to his arms.
(They actually look like a chibi)
"Fuck off!" Little Veno cussed trying to push him away from
Her as she struggled and wiggled.
Little Vessie just looked at him
As she squished his cheeks, softly giggling, whilst her small counterpart cursed to be Released from the grip of the
Colorful Brit.
"I said fuck off you fuckin' freak!
Let go of us! Dammit! We're not
For sale!" The little redhead squeaked and shrieked pushing
Him until an American snickered
Behind him.
"She's so cute I want to hug her
And keep her as my Teddy bear~"
Allen said looking to the little
Redhead until a Canadian butted
In. "You morons, don't you think
They look a bit familiar? I mean,
That little girl with the red hair
Cusses so much like Veno and
This blue head is only staring
Quietly and doing nothing." He
Said looking at the two little
"Sorry for her but should we know you?" Little Vessie asked
Politely as the little redhead
Quieted down still with the emotionless expression but with her cheeks puffed.
"I'm Oliver poppet~ and I'm taking that as a yes." The Brit
Said and a yell was heard not too far from where they are.
"Porkchop? What the hell are you
Doing here?" Allen asked looking
At the American who's dressed
In a cowboy costume and the
Brit raised a swear jar and he
Shoved a dollar to the Brit's mouth due to annoyance.
"Have you passed by Vessie? Or even Veno? They said they'll be
Going to my house but they never came. I'm just worried and..." He said and looked through the arms of the Brit, his
Eyes widening seeing the familiar little girl on his arms.
"Chris?" He asked and bit his lip
Feeling a nostalgic feeling seeing the small presence of the blue head. He gently took little Vessie,
From Oliver's arms and nudges her. They were taken aback and
Silenced until the little redhead
"Don't take her away from me!"
She lightly whined trying to reach for her. "Fantastic, it's really her but why is she like
That? They don't even remember us." François said a certain Brit
And a flirty Frenchman walked
Through the commotion.
"What the bloody hell are you guys doing here?" England asked
Trying not to show any of his
Annoyance. "Artie~ aren't we
Allowed? It's Halloween, after all~" Oliver said with his usual
Grin, while little Veno had slipped out of his grasp and is
Been trying to steal little Verse
From America's hug like she was
Her twin.
"All I remember is that Vessie will go 'trick or treat' with Veno,
Which I have no problem with but, with you, I'm not quite
Pleased." He said giving a small
Grimace the second players and
His gaze fell upon on a redhead
That held the little blue head's
Little hand protectively.
"Is that Vessie?!" He asked shocked looking at the chibi looking girl that looked at him
Innocently as he picked her up,
Holding her on her armpits.
"Hold it. I didn't do anything, we
Didn't do anything." Allen said
And pointed a bloody baseball
Bat to the first players except for
"Now, what do we do to them?
Will they be like this forever?
Poor thing..." France said lightly
Making a pout and then Oliver
Noticed a candy wrapper on the pavements and picked it up
Taking suspicion on the candy wrap then...
He started laughing, somewhat
Odd I say. America and England
Pulled their Verse close to them
Thinking that he's dangerous,
It's not like he isn't though.
"Why the heck are you laughing?" François asked and
He slowly gained his composure
Wiping a single tear from his eye.
"What the fuck old man? We ain't
Jokin'." Allen cursed and he
Threw a swear jar to the American before speaking.
"I just remembered that earlier
Someone got into my basement and some things are missing in
There. I think Veno got the candies since she's the only one
Able to get in there except for me." He said and the second player Canadian raised an eye
"Your point?" He said and the
Englishman chuckled. "That
Candy makes you young and
Also you'll lose your memories."
He said and they all looked at him in shock and horror as they. Watched the two chomp on some
Candies almost arguing on who
Will get the twix.
"No! I like it! You get the milky
Way!" Little Vessie wailed trying
To reach for the twix little Veno
Held tip toeing and raising the chocolate and trying to push her
Away, cussing at the same time.
"No! I like it so suck it! I'll kick you to the milky way!" Veno said
Until both of them were lifted
By the same Englands. "Anyway,
It's only temporary." He said and
America handed little Vessie a
Big twix and she squealed and
Started nibbling on it.
Veno pouted and hid herself on
Oliver's chest hugging him like a
Koala. "Damn adorable. Here,
Just get snickers." Matthieu said
And gave her a big bar of snickers. She looked at him before getting the chocolate and
Unwrapping it, eating it at the same time once it's unwrapped.
"Tch. Why does she get to curse so much without paying." Allen
Grumbled and Oliver glanced at him. "Because she has her own
Swear jar." He thought to himself and after the unsociable silence
Canada spoke.
"I remembered that there is a
Party in your house, yea?" Canada asked America and the American nodded with his usual
Little Veno and Vessie played around running in circles and
Allen and America joined. They
All face planes seeing the Americans and something suddenly exploded making powder like thing spread around the air.
Once the strange substance vanished, 2 figures returned back to its normal state. "Dudes,
What happened?" Veno asked
Standing up and holding Vessie
Up to her feet as the blue haired
Girl was slightly dizzy.
"America? Ollie? Can? What are you guys doing here?" She asked
And the men looked at each other before shaking their heads not wanting to use their time more because they have to do
Some adiendas.
"Ah! We've come to fetch you!
Let's make cupcakes and give it to kids okay!?" Oliver said and
Gently pulled Veno to a portal
He made in a minute. "Uhhh...
Fine." Allen said and dragged his
Brother inside the portal leaving the first players.
"Wow... Deja vu... Was it?
Let's go."
"Happy Halloween!" Countries
Shouted as they partied dancing
And drinking around, wearing
Costumes and eating such.
"Vessie! Vessie! You made it!"
Italy said and plopped himself to
Her hugging her. She hugged back and smiled back. She looked
At him slightly weirdly seeing his
Costume. "Italia, what are you wearing?" She asked and he gave
Her his usual smile before answering.
"The guys in the changing room say that it doesn't look good on me." He said and looked at her costume, his jaw dropping. "What are you wearing?" He asked and she lifted her sword
And grinned.
"I'm a pirate~" she said and looked at Germany and Japan
Who is now wearing the same
Costume Italy does. "That's so cool!" Italy said and I waved my hand to them before walking to
A certain group.
"Hi, Svi!" She said and smiled at them. They turned to her and
Denmark gave back the smile and scooped her from her feet
To his arms.
"Ahahahaha! She's part of the crew now!" He laughed and ran away only to be tripped by Norway and Sweden getting her
In an instant. "You idiot. Where
Do you think you're taking her?"
Norway asked and he pouted
Standing up on his feet.
"I want to go to the horror booth!" He said and clang to
The lass' arms. "Ahaha." She
Said baffled until someone pulls on her other arm.
"No! She's going with us!" Belarus said and the two of them
Just pulled her from different
Directions and she starts to faint because of dizziness until
A Russian stepped in and cutted them out.
"Vessie? Are you alright?" Lithuania asked her slightly slapping her cheeks, a drool
Visible on her cheeks. She nodded and regained her composure before jumping up
And down in excitement.
"Oh? What is it you want?" Estonia asked and she pointed to the horror booth. "Let's go there!
I think it's a good idea!" She said
And some shook their heads
Italy: They said it's so scary in there that you'll be pulled somewhere...
Japan: *nods*
Finland: I think that's fun!
France: Will we go?
Russia: Da.
Spain: then vamos!
Verse: wait? What if we go there
By groups?
Germany: that's a good idea.
Verse: choose you groupings please!
Denmark: Vessie! Join our group!
Italy: no! She'll join our group!
Finland: Please just once!
Sweden: *looks at her* hmm.
Verse: Uh... Then fine. Sorry
*few minutes later after getting in*
Verse: why is it so dark?
Denmark: be careful. You want
To hold to me?
Norway: *hits him in the face*
Oops, my hand slipped.
???: ahhhh! >o<
The six of them except for Sweden: ahhhh! >o<
???: aaaahhhh!
TSOTEFS: aaahhhh!
???: Aaaahhhh!
TSOTEFS: Aaaahhh!
Iceland: *slaps '???' And the others before yelling.* what the heck. Stop screaming already! Who are you!?
???: no! Who. Are. You?!
Iceland: what do you mean 'who
Are you?' You're a 'scarer', aren't
???: 'scarer'? What the bloody hell is that?!
Verse: huh? *points flashlight to
???* Britain?! What you doing
Here alone?
Britain: what do you mean? This
Is my house?
Finland: how come it's 'become'
Denmark: your house? The horror booth is in your house?
Britain:... Horror booth?
Britain's mind: *America laughing loudly*
That bloody delinquent.
Italy: wow. We passed that easily.
Japan: hai. Also it's too familiar
To Mr. England's house.
Germany: who set up the horror
Booth anyway?
Russia: I think it's America.
Estonia: oh, I see. That's why he's not here.
China: where is Korea?
Philippines: ahhhh! Korea! Get
Away from me!
Korea: ahahahah! No!
Romano: I think someone familiar is screaming.
Spain: *trembles* yeah. Me too.
Mollosia: I'm not f**king afraid!
*holds up a shotgun*
Prussia: kesesese!
France: *cries* you douche bag!
You shouldn't have done that.
Prussia: it's your fault. I told
You not to follow me.
Canada: *just walks peacefully*
*back to the Nordics and Britain*
Finland: finally. We passed through it.
Britain: I can't believe you guys
Made it a maze.
Verse: it's fun though. Who likes
To drink?
Denmark: you're allowed to drink!?
Verse: huh!? Why? Of course.
Sweden: it think it's because you
Looked too young to drink.
Verse: *whispers* I could be older than any of you.
Prussia: kesesese~ you guys are
Denmark: heck we are!
Germany: *drinks beer* I'm
Belarus: What's wrong with the
Burned kitchen there?
Poland: is that even a kitchen?
Lithuania: Poland!? I don't know
You came there?
Poland: Where?
America: congratulations ladies
And gentledudes! You passed
The horror booth! Ahahahaha!
Britain: *chases him*
Italy: I thought we're in America?
How come we reached Europe?
All: ...
Sealand: ugh... We've been walking around in circles.
Wy: this is your fault. I shouldn't have listened.
Seborga: where're the other countries?
???: *screech screech*
Three: ... *runs away*
Kugelmugel: what's wrong with them?
*the next day*
Verse and the others: *laying on the ground with candies and bottles of beer*
Italy: *sleeps* hmmmm.
Ve~ pasta!
See you again!
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