Chapter X
And now... I opened my eyes!
Now I'm hanging on a branch.
I've had enough...
"Um... Are you alright?" I looked around and saw no one but when I looked down I saw a blue haired student. "So... I'm not the
Only one who has blue hair eh?"
I thought to myself wanting to
Scream with an unknown reason
But of course restrained myself.
"Yeah... I guess..." I said and two
Other people walked towards him looking at me. "Nagisa-kun,
Who is that?" The green haired
Girl asked looking up at me.
"I don't know but when I got here, she's already in there." The
'Nagisa' guy said. "Well do you need help?" The red haired guy
Said and I nodded. Despite being above the ground 3 meters high
He jumped and grabbed me from the branch.
Shock filled me as I felt my spirit coming out of my body. I embraced his neck and felt the
Boy land on the ground holding
Me in his arms.
"Karma-kun! She's gotten scared!" The green haired girl
Said and he set me on the ground having a small smirk. I started swaying left and right feeling the
Ground wanting to meet my face.
"Are you alright?" The green haired girl asked and once I've
Got control to my balance I nodded and lightly smiled making them lightly blush.
"Thankyou very much." I said
And they nodded. "I'm Nagisa,
This is Kayano and this is Karma. We're classmates. How did you
Get there anyway?" Nagisa asked
And I thought for a second placing my index finger near my lip.
"I can't put my finger on it..." I
Thought to myself and shook my
Head. "Maybe she fell from the
Sky." Karma said and I chuckled.
"I dunno really but...(god...
where's Canada and Prussia? Don't leave me...) Nothing" I said
And they nodded.
"You can come with us to our class. Maybe Karasuma sensei
Knows something about this."
Nagisa said and they both nodded. Just as they did a bell
Rang and they picked up pace.
Oh yes... Students...Class
We entered a small building and
I'm somehow confused because
The building is likely atop of a
Mountain and their facility is
Quite old but is somehow well
"Karasuma sensei! Bitch sensei!"
Nagisa and Kayano called two
Teachers who is having a conversation. They turned to us
And made a puzzle expression
When they saw me.
"We're sorry for being late but we helped her and it seems like
She doesn't know how did she end there." Nagisa said and their
Gazes fell on me. "I haven't heard
Anything from the government
Sending a student here." He
Said and I lightly shook my head.
"What do you mean by government? The government didn't send me here." I contradicted and he ran a hand
Through his hair.
"Where do you live?" The blonde teacher with big knockers asked.
"Uh... (As always..) Europe." I
Said and they gave me puzzled look. "You came from Europe? You're foreigner!?" Kayano said
Surprised, sparkles visible at her eyes and I nodded.
"You can say it that way." I said
And the teacher I assume to be
Karasuma looked at me. "Do
You have any job here?" He asked
And I shook my head. "Then
What are you doing here?" The
Blonde asked.
"I can join the class first if I
May Mr. Karasuma." I said and
He just nodded. "Thankyou." I
Said and felt that I was dragged to a room. "You seemed to be smart eh?" Karma said and I
Just nodded.
"Shouldn't be Canada and Prussia here or the location is wrong?"
I thought to myself and heard
A sliding door slip open.
"Everybody we have a foreign
Student for the mean time, please greet her properly!" Kayano said cheerily and many
Of them rose up from their sits
By my presence.
"She's foreign?!"
"Is she single?"
I heard a voice said and I turned seeing an octopus like creature
At the teacher's table. I tried my best not to freak out and gulped.
"Y-you should be their teacher?"
I said and he nodded. A grin
Never leaving his yellow face.
"Oh I forgot. What's your name?"
Karma asked and I turned to him. "Christina" I said and he nodded. "Wow that's a nice name." A black haired pretty girl
Said walking over us.
"I'm Kanzaki. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said and I shook her hand giving her a closed eye
Smile. "Now, now. We should focus at the activity at hand.
Don't worry Christina-san I'll
Introduce them to you later.
By the way I'm Korosensei."
He said and I shook hands with
Him. His is just a tentacle.
"Can anyone give me countries
From all around the world?"
Korosensei said and I raised
My hand in the European way.
"What is it?" He asked and I stood up and started saying
Countries, like more than 50 and
"Woah... I think that is enough.
You seem to be quick witted."
He complimented and I shook
My head. "Um no... Not really."
I said and sat down then a shout
From outside was heard.
"Mr. Gilbert please calm down!
I'm sure she's okay!"
"What are you saying?! Didn't
You tell me that she's on a pool
Drowning the last time!?"
"Oh... Y-yeah... Uhg where is she!?"
"Oh my God! Help us! No I can't
Live without her!"
"Where is she? Where is she?"
"Gilbert! Matt!" I said and ran outside not letting anyone in the
Classroom know why. They followed me outside and what I
Saw was a frantic Prussian \German and a Canadian shouting around in worry.
"Will! Beilschmidt!" I said and
Tackled them with a hug. "Vessie!" They both said and hugged me back from the ground. I can see tears welling up
On the edges of their eyes as they
Looked at me.
"Don't cry! I'm here!" I said and
Gave them a toothy grin. They
Nodded and Prussia ruffled my
Hair like a big brother he is.
"You got us worried sick there!"
He said and I felt Canada tap
My shoulder and I turned to him.
He pointed at my back seeing
The students.
"Oh met them earlier and they helped me." I said and Karma
And Nagisa walked over us.
"Is he your boyfriend?" Nagisa
Asked pointing at Prussia. "N-no"
I said and shook my head.
"Wow they're so cool! It's like
They're triplets or something!"
Sugino said and Karasuma walked over us. "Can we talk
For a second?" He asked and the
Three of us nodded.
"Okay! Go back to your room
Kids!" Irina said and they all groaned. "We still wanna talk to
Them! It's like they have awesome skills!" Maehara said
And korosensei walked over them.
"I'm pretty sure they're not leaving yet so let's have our class first." He said and they surrendered and watched as the
Three and their teachers walked to the office.
"Do you know anything about
That teacher? Korosensei to be
Specific." Karasuma said and the three of us shook our heads. "This is a secret information but
That teacher is supposed to blow
Up earth this March so the government is finding a solution to annihilate him before the specified date." He said and the
Three of us looked at each other then back to him.
"So you mean the students here
Are supposed to assassinate him
Before the specified date? But
They're students, are they allowed to use lethal weapons?"
Canada asked and he shook his head and picked up a green knife
That seemed to be plastic, rubber
Or something.
"This is what we use. It's anti sensei knife. It certainly works
On him and there are some guns
That is also not lethal for him."
He added and looked at us clasping his hands together.
"Frankly, you're pointing for us
To help you in this assassination?" Prussia said pointing at the very point. "So these students' job is to assassinate him?" I added. He
Nodded and gave us a look.
"Can you do it?" He asked and
We nodded. "Yes! That'll be fun
Yeah Gil?" I asked and he nodded giving me his famous grin. "Kesesese~ yeah!" He agreed and
Canada simply nodded.
"These guys... They give me different atmosphere but they
Seem strong..." He thought to himself looking at the three who
Already have exited the office.
We watched outside as the students try to assassinate their teacher using the weapons that
Is lethal but fatal for him. "I'm
Already studying him. Mostly his
Actions." Canada said and pushed his glasses up.
"Ne, Canada. Would you really
Do it?" I asked and he nodded.
"But I have something in mind about them." Prussia said inhaling the cool breeze. "Hmmm. Watashi mo..." I said and leaned in his shoulder until
I fell into a slumber.
"Don't you think she's feeling fatigue already?" Canada asked
Prussia as they watched the students desperately trying to assassinate their teacher. "Ja.
Imagine that. She's been switching into worlds non stop..." Prussia said and glanced at the
Girl at his side who's sleeping peacefully.
"I've never thought of it but... If
She's seeking for the meaning of love... Why hasn't she found out
She's already in love?... Maybe
She's not just aware or love for
Her is a different word?" Canada thought to himself and felt a tug at his shirt.
He turned seeing the third year female students. "Um... Your
Matthew right? Are you from Canada?" They asked and he nodded giving them a small smile. They blushed and others
Squealed by the presence of the
Cute Canadian.
"Hmph... He's stealing my popularity..." Korosensei complained and Karma chuckled.
"He's simply naturally attractive."
He said and the teacher failed his tentacles around complaining.
"Am I not attractive? I'm natural,
Aren't I?!" He said and after a small while you can see him sulking at a corner punching the
Wall with his squishy tentacles.
I woke up and saw that Prussia
And Canada is already sleeping at my side. Either leaning on me
And lying at the soft grass. "Hey...
Let's do it now..." I whispered to
Them giving them a small pat at
Their heads.
They immediately woke up and
Looked at me. " 's there a problem?" Canada asked rubbing his eyes and I shook my head. "While they're having a class let's
Engage." I said and Prussia grinned.
"Yep! Let's go!" Prussia said and we got ready and sneaked into the room. Since they have a small break they are all having conversations or playing while
Korosensei just stands there looking outside.
I grinned and pulled out the gun
That I got from Karasuma and shoot him. He dodged it and the
Students looked at me. I continued shooting him until
His attention was all on me. He's
Really fast.
I made a hand gesture and out of nowhere Prussia and Canada
Ran in holding some ropes. They
Quickly wrapped it around the
Teacher's tentacles as he started to panic and struggle.
As expected from Canada, he
Has strength inside him and for
About Prussia. Just being great
As he is. They both took him down and pointed a gun at him
And I launched at him in a pace I never expected that I can do.
I pulled out the anti Korosensei
Knife and stabbed him in the heart. Everyone was really silent
As the room started to get the
Ear piercing silence.
I deepened the knife with my teeth clench and felt the pressure from him get down. Sparkly and
Glinting things started to flow in
The air and I heard a scream.
"How did you do that!?" Kurahashi said and dropped to the floor on her knees and started sobbing. "No..." Nakamura said looking very confused with wide eyes.
I heard someone said and I smiled lightly. I stood up so did
Prussia and Canada. I heard
Collective gasps and I looked at Korosensei who's got nothing on
Him but the dust he collected from the floor.
"You didn't kill him?" Karma asked and I shook my head. "I'm
Very sorry... I just won't do." I
Said and someone stepped forward. "Why didn't you when
You can?" Okuda said and I lightly smiled and turned to korosensei.
"I don't actually take orders and
Also... Karasuma-san told me that it was your job to assassinate him." I said and felt a weight at
My shoulder. "What do you mean
By their job?" Korosensei asked.
"I'm not from here so are they.
It's not our job but theirs. If we'd
have murdered him, what would you guys feel? I'm pretty sure you guys will find solution to this. I'm sure you think of each
Other as family. Class 3-E. Anyways... Who wants to eat Italian pasta?" I asked and they
All raised their hands quietly.
"Please go to the room where you eat and I'll cook pasta!" I said
And they all walked outside leaving us in there with the three teachers. "Why didn't you continue?" Karasuma asked and
I lightly smiled.
"I can do it but I bluffed. And
Repeating it. I don't accept orders. Also... Nagisa-kun looks like he's going to stab me any second." I said with a small smirk. "But how did that happen!?" Korosensei asked.
"All the things that we did are
True except for the sparkles and
The knife. I actually swiped the
Knife into one of my knives,
Probably a prank knife." I said and Canada looked at me in disbelief.
"I'm sorry but how did you got those!?" He shouted more like whispered. "I'm sorry I love
Doing pranks, that's all." I said and went to walk away when someone stopped me.
"You mean that's all joke!?" Prussia asked. "Nope. I don't joke when it comes to words." I said and continued on my tracks.
We all ate pasta and for the rest of the day we taught them some combat skills or some military something. I can't say anything
About Prussia. He's da boss.
"Woah. It seemed very fast but look. We need to go." Canada said
And a sad sigh escaped mine and Prussia's lips. "Well it's already
Dismissal time so yeah." He
Said and we all nodded. We said
Our goodbyes to them and got somewhere before leaving the world. Nope not the world.
"Yosh! I was right! They are unknown enigmatic humans!"
Korosensei said in a ninja costume.
(A\N: plEaSe acCePt my aPolOgIeS it jUsT suck. If not, then forgive me!)
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