† 2P! Hetalia † (CONTINUATION...)
The lass woke up in a room that's
Strangely not designed pink and
Baby blue for hear. "Apa?.... Ollie?" She whispered and stood
Up swinging her legs to the floor
Before standing up.
"Apa!" She said and her voice started cracking missing her
Papa. The door opened and the
Italian walked in.
She took a step back by his presence. "Where's Apa?" She
Asked and he shook his head
And bent down to her.
"This is home now. I'm now your
'Apa'~" he said and she started
Slamming her fists at his chest
That didn't even made him flinch
A little at her actions.
"No! No no! I want Apa! You hurt
Big brother Mattie and Al! You
Took me away from my 'family'!"
She demanded and pulled out a
Gun at her shirt.
She cocked it and pointed it at
The Italian. "Take me back to Apa!" She yelled tears starting
To well at her dark sliver crimson Eyes.
"Seems like you can't do anything to change her mind." Germany
Said and the Italian hissed at him
Before throwing a knife at his
Way which he dodged.
"Seems like they're feeding her
Tons of cupcakes huh. Pretty sure that cupcake dork placed magic
On it." The Italian said and an
Idea popped out of his head.
"Call Norway." He told Japan
And he nodded and called him.
It didn't took long before the
Norwegian picked it up.
"What?" He asked Japan over the
Phone. "Give it to me." The Italian
Said and the Japanese man handed to him.
"What do you want?"
"Just a little request~"
"What is it?"
"Do you know a magic that can
Erase and place memories?"
"Well then can you do it for me?"
"No man. What can I get though?"
"Well it's not me you're to chant
On, you bastardo. I have here
A girl and it seems like cupcake
Loving dork casted a spell on her
And she hated us."
"Well that's fine....but... For one
"(Insert one thing 2P! Norway really likes)"
"Piece of cake. Deal?"
The call was ended and the axis
Looked at the girl in front of them
Who's starring blankly at nowhere.
"Oi, Luciano, what in the hell
Can you even get in that girl?"
Japan asked him. "Nothing much
But this girl is not human nor
An alien. I want her to be mine.
And OnLy MiNe..." He said and
Walked out with the two countries slamming the door closed.
"Apas... Big brothers... I miss you."
Norway arrived at Italy and was
Surprised seeing the red haired
Girl in the room silently whispering her 'family'.
"So that's the kid?" Norway asked
With a small grin at his face.
"Hmm. I told you everything you
Need to know so go." Italy said
Grumpily and he entered the
Room where girl is.
"Hey there. Can you sit down in
There?" He said and the girl
Looked at him before nodding and
Sitting down at the middle of the
"Do you want to get get the pain away?" He asked and she nodded
Not daring to speak. "Well then
Stay there and be a good pretty girl." He grinned and pulled out
His book of spells as he patted her head with his gloved hands.
Candles appeared around the room as he chanted slowly until
The chant was cutted off by
A loud noise outside.
"Stop!" The door burst open revealing a Brit. The girl's eyes
Widen as she run to him but
A German stopped her.
"What are you doing here you idiota?!" The Italian said running
Into view. "I don't wanna do any
Trouble! Just listen to me! It's
For poppet's good too." He
Said and Allen and Matt
Appeared at his back holding their weapons with murderous auras around them.
"Matt, Al please stay there." He
Said and took out a spell book of
His. "We both want her but you
Can't do what you're planning right now!" He said and the Italian clicked his tongue.
"Well you did! So why can't I?"
He retorted with a growl. "I
Know but that is for her safety.
If you erase and replaced a new
Memory on her again... She might
Forget. How about you Norway?
Aren't you aware of that?" He
Said and turned to Norway.
"No. Nobody told me about that
But Oliver's right, if that's the
Case then I can't continue this,
But if you insist." He said and
Turned to the Italian who's
Having an uneasy expression.
"You said that we both want her,
Sí? Then why not make her choose
Where she wants." Italy said
And someone stomped their
"That's very stupid." A Chinese
Piped in with a tall Russian at his
Side. "We all know she'll choose
Oliver yeah? Why not make her
Choose without a memory?"
He said.
"Whaddaya mean?" America asked. "What I mean is, erase
Her memories, no less, no more."
He finished and the room came
To a deafening silence and all
The gaze was fixated on the girl
That's unconscious on the German's arms.
"Yeah...." Oliver said and walked to Norway. "You know what to do, don't you?" He asked and
He nodded and pushed everyone
Out of the room leaving the two
Countries and the girl.
The two of them lit up the candles and started chanting a spell.
"Doll face wouldn't have been in
Trouble if you didn't torture her!"
Allen shouted at Luciano. "Seems
Like you haven't tortured anyone yet." He defended.
They started fighting and blood puddle on the floor while others
Just stared at them, some even
Cheered. The door opened to where the girl is and everybody looked inside as three people stepped out.
"What's with the gathering of the
Countries?" The girl stood there
Looking at the nations blankly.
"What did you do? I thought you
Erased her memory already?"
Canada asked.
"Yeah we did and as expected she
Knows lots and each and every country that had ever existed.
That's only natural though but...
She insists to stay on whatever
Nation she wanted to." Oliver
Said and she looked at all of them.
"I want to stay at Italy..." She
Said and a small smirk formed
At the Italian's face.
"Who is he?" She asked as she
Circles the cheerful boy that
Eats a fruit at his hand, who's
Being carried by the Roman at
His arms.
"He's Italy... Italy Veneziano."
He answered and set the boy to
His feet. He was first taken aback
By the presence of the girl but
Smiled back at her.
"Ciao~ I'm Italy. It's nice to meet
You Bella..." He said softly
And the little lass smiled at him.
The Roman's eyes widen at Italy's statement.
A memory flashed at her mind which everyone in the location
Saw themselves and they all stayed silent.
The girl stayed on the Italian's
House and felt a needing to bathe
So she walked in the bathroom
But forgot something, more like
"Italy can you?" She asked as she
Walked over to the Italian who is
Playing with his throwing knives.
A small blush casted at his cheeks
As he guide her to the bathroom.
She undressed herself without Caring if there is someone at her
Back and the Italian somehow
Blushed again.
He removed his top military uniform and his pants leaving
Him at his shirt and his boxers so
He'll not get his clothes wet.
When she's undressed already he
Grabbed their sponge and started
Cleaning her up. "Sorry..." She muttered and he down at her
Preventing to look at her region.
Well she looks like a thirteen year old human now.
"Why ragazza?" He asked scrubbing her back gently. "Because I always needed you to
Bathe me." She said and he shook
His head.
"Well that's fine for me. I can't
Assure myself that no one will
Peek on you though." He said
And shampooed her hair.
"Hmmm. Thanks. At least I know
How to wash some parts." She
Said and that made the Italian
Blush and choke at his own saliva but quickly got back to his composure.
"O-of course." He said and smiled
Lightly. He can be soft around her
But he always wanted to kill
Anyone that gets two meters
Close to her.
When he's done on the soaping
And stuff he rinsed her and let
Her do the things she should.
It's very natural for her to ask
The Italian to take her to bathe
And the Italian himself knows
That he should always be with her
While she's bathing because
She might slip or someone would
Peek on her.
One time when he let her bathe on
Her own she went missing and
Was kidnapped by the Nordics.
But she was retrieved safely at the end.
After she's done taking a bath
She thanked Italy and walked to
Her room with him, of course she's wearing a towel, and there, the Italian's brother is waiting for The girl.
"Honey! Let's go! Let's go! Let's
Go! Good bye and Thankyou mia
Fratello!" Romano or Flavio
Said pulling her in before closing
The door, slamming it closed to the Italian's face.
"Now you use this!" He said and
Handed her a dress. "Thanks
Flav." She said and he nodded
And picked a shoes for her as
She dressed in her wardrobe.
"Tomodachi (friend) Romano, can we take a walk later?" She asked
As her hair was being fixed by
The south Italian.
He smiled and nodded at her request. A knock was heard
From the door and the door opened revealing a guy holding
A bloody bat and another one
With a hockey stick at hand.
"Why hello doll."
The Italian tensed and stood up
In front of her protectively.
"What do you want Allen?" He
Asked poison dripping from
His words.
"Just the doll~" he said and in
A split second he was behind the
Italian and hit him at the back knocking him out.
"Matt get her." He said and the
Canadian scooped her from
The ground into a sack.
"Let's go." He said and they both
Kicked the window and jumped
Outside, shards falling on the
Floor with an ear piercing sound.
"Oi wha---" Italy ran in only
To see the room of his beloved ragazza stained with blood.
His eyes darted to his fratello
That is unconscious on the floor.
"Shit. Get r-ragazza. America and
Canada kidnapped her." He said
And he nodded as he ran to
Where the American and Canadian is with Germany and
Japan at his back.
*time skip*
The girl opened her eyes seeing
A rather familiar room, colored
In baby blue and pink. "Poppet,
You want cupcakes?" A voice
Said and she turned seeing a Brit
Dressed in pink, blue and lavender.
"Britain?" She said and he nodded
And sat down at her side. "Why did you kidnapped me?" She
Asked and he grinned at her before handing her a cupcake.
"I didn't actually kidnapped you but yes. Actually Italy doesn't
Want you to be with us nor did he
Want you to be out of his sight in
A second." He said and sighed.
She looked at the cupcake he have
She and she lightly smiled before
Eating it which she finished in
A short period of time.
"You bastardos! Give her back now!" A loud voice from outside
Shouted angrily. "Oh frosting..."
He muttered under his breath then their house was raided.
"Bring her out!" Italy shouted again and Allen and Matt
Ran in. "Let's go!" They both said
In unison and the girl snapped
Back to reality and shook her head.
"Let's just talk this out. What's
The purpose of the mouths if you don't. Let's go...Face them." She
Said calmly and dragged the three
Of them downstairs.
"Belle, what are you doing?" France asked holding a gun.
"We can talk this out." She said
And walked to where the Axis is.
"Bella! Come with me!" Italy
Said and she shook her head.
"I told you so. They already gave her a cupcake." Lutz hissed glaring at the Allies.
"We didn't!" Allen said and pointed his bloody bat at them.
A gunshot was heard and they
All became silent, their gazes turning towards the red haired girl.
"Please stop already..." She said,
Tears trickling from her eyes.
Italy walked over her and hugged
Her, taking the gun away from her but...
That didn't took away the anger he feels for the Allies. He pointed
The gun at Oliver and pulled
The trigger.
The room was filled with yells
And shouts as someone dropped
To the floor, blood puddling around its body.
England looked down to his chest seeing the girl hugging him,
Slowly slipping from him to the
Floor but caught her before she could even hit the floor.
"Poppet! Hey!" He said and looked at her, a hole at her small back.
"I'm fine. I'm immortal too." She
Said and the Brit's eyes was filled
With tears as he hugged her tightly.
All of them was frozen seeing the
Scene before them. No one
Budge and all of them dropped
Their weapons as they hugged the critically wounded girl.
"I'm so sorry bella...." Italy said
And hugged her too. "I have
One request..." She said and Allen
"What's your problem?" Canada
Asked. "Don't tell me you're giving a last word!?" He said and she shook her head and lightly smiled.
"Apa Ollie, Apa Luci... Please don't leave me in the dark. It's scary...."
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