★ 2P! Hetalia ★
Chapter Prologue: What happens
Or might happen when the 2 Universe are together.
*1st Player Universe's POV...*
I lied at the fields bored out of my head. "Why's there nothin' to
Do?" I whined flailing my arms, rolling around the soft grass
Getting some dirt on me and some leaves on my hair.
"Wanna hang out?" I heard a
Monotonous voice ask and I stood up from the ground and
Walked to where I heard the
Voice, leading me to a small pond.
My eyes widened in surprise seeing my counterpart. "Hey!"
I said and smiled making her
Slightly roll her eyes.
"So my damn question?" She
Said from the reflection in the water. "Yeah. But how? It's not
Like I can just jump in the water
Through there." I said almost mimicking her tone.
"Remember the mirror? Go in there. I'll wait for ya okay? And
Damn be quick." She said and
Disappeared, the reflection in the water being replaced by my features.
I ran to England's house and
Sneaked in to my room quietly.
"Uh where is it again... Oh here!"
I said and sprinted through the closet and rummaged through the clothing only to find the mirror I 'used' to transport to
The 2Ps world.
I carried it to my front and and
Spoke. "Veno?" I said looking at
My reflection then suddenly it changed to a red haired, dressed
"Oi. Come on here." She said and
I nodded as is stepped in but tripped on my way falling at
"You clumsy shit girl. Get up I
Have something to give you."
She cursed and pulled me up.
I stood up and nodded following where's she's going.
She tossed a violet school uniform at me which I caught
And looked at her quizzically.
"What's there for?" I asked
Looking at her who's holding
Another pair of the purple uniform.
"You said it's boring yeah? Well
I too am bored. Pranking is good
Don't you think?" She said an
Evil grin visible at her lips.
I nodded and smiled lightly at
Her and she just bids as she wore the outfit. I wore mine and fixed it before looking at her.
"What about our hair?" I asked
And she grabbed something from a drawer. "Blonde hair
Is good. I think." She said and
Handed me a wig that reached
Just after my shoulders.
"Oh cool" I said and fixed my hair and she helped me with mine, I also helped her though.
The two of them walked over a
Large mirror and somehow gasped seeing their reflection.
"Um...who am I in there again?"
I asked and she just starred at the mirror before cursing in a low
Tone. "You're at the left you idiot." She said and flicked my
"So what do ya like to do?" I
Asked and turned to her giving her a small smile but what she returned is an emotionless and
Apathetic expression.
"First of all, I wanna fucking roam or hang out like what I said
Without being bothered by the other countries, second, now
That you're here, let's shut the hell up and go." She said and I nodded and held her hand which
Made her lightly blush but I didn't notice.
We walked out of the house without anyone noticing us
And are given unwanted attention and glances from people as we walked.
"What do you like to eat?" I
Asked and looked at her who's
In a daze. "I freaking like uh...
You want fries?" She said and
I nodded before we head through
McDonalds, stealing some glances. Again.
*When these three 2Ps are together*
Spain: what the hell! *hits the
Romano: ahaha! Die dipshit
*shots the person only to get
Run after*
Veno: frucking hell! *screams*
Ufufufu! die~ die~ die~
*shots three people and looks over at Romano's player who's
Uncontrollably running away from the murderous people*
Romano: help me motherfuckers! *screams like
A girl*
Spain: ahaha! Holy shit! Let's
Leave Roma in there!
Veno: *looks at Spain and grins
Evilly* yep! Bye bye Rome~
Romano: o-o-oi! Don't leave me
Here! *screams* ahhhh! Spain!
Spain! Help me they're closing
To mwe!
Spain and Veno: *manic laughter
While both their players are standing near a tree*
Romano: *is attacked and is dying slowly*
*targets disappear (people)*
Spain and Veno: *walks over Roma's player who's lying on the dirt on his back* *laughs once again*
Roma: what the hell is your guy's
Spain: uhu... *shoots Roma's
Player's banana*
Veno: *is laughing uncontrollably, rolling on the floor*
Roma: *his player stands up after healing and throws a grenade at the way of the two*
Spain and Veno: *looks at each other*
Veno: *her player throws the grenade back but to Spain's*
Spain: crap! *throws the grenade to Roma*
Roma: *throws to Veno's and
The two of them did the cycle
Again and again*
Spain: *sees a hawk at the game*
*shoots it*
Veno: *looks at him* YOU...
*pulls out a rifle*
Spain: oh bad idea...
Veno: *shoots him playfully but
Of course shoots somewhere*
Roma: oh I know. *pulls out a
Bow and arrow from nowhere*
Spain: *pulls out a big ass axe*
The three: *breaks the wall running out* ahhhhhhh!
*shoots everywhere*
Other countries: what the hell's
Goin' on!?
The three: oh shit. Put on a mask.
*places mask on their faces before running somewhere in the forest laughing insanely*
Italy: who the damn hell are those?
Germany: I think your crybaby
Brother and your baby and Spain.
Japan: how come?
America: oh I wanna join! *pulls out a shotgun* runs like a maniac shooting anyone in his
Me and Veno are eating French fries then I saw America and
Canada outside with the cheerful Brit at their side.
We finished eating and sat on a
Bench. "So who's the first victim?" I asked and she thought
For a second before clicking
Her tongue.
"What about make their things
Explode?" She said monotonously. "Well that's good.
You have materials?" I asked
Looking over her and she nodded.
"Oh hell yeah. First is on Europe,
America then Asia!" She said
And and the two of us started
Running through the house but in our way two guys stopped us.
"Look at this twins. Aren't you
Cute?" One of them said and went to touch me but Veno slapped his hands.
"Don't you dare you fucking shit." She said, dark and deadly aura Sorounding her. The two guys ran away afraid of the
Red haired girl in disguise.
"Let's go." She said with an evil grin and I nodded as we run
On the road like a boss Because
Of disobeying traffic rules.
I saw a motor bike heading to
Our way and I pulled her and we
Both fell...
On a cliff.
We both screamed in fear preparing for the fatal impact but it didn't came because we landed on a ground full of dry
"Ahaha! I'm alive! I'm alive!" I
Cheered and heard her snicker.
"Didn't see that fucking coming."
She said and looked up to see that we broke the safety something.
"Oh... Look it's getting nighttime." I said looking at the
Beautiful sunset from afar. "Have
Any shitting idea on how we can
Get out of here?" She asked and
I shook my head looking around only to see trees and some tons of dry leave on the ground.
(The three 2Ps playing a video
Game.... Again.)
Romano and Veno: *trembles then laughs like they're insane.
Well no one says they're not?*
Spain: *walks in only to see the
Two playing another video game.* what are you two doing now?
Romano: Spwain... Help...
Veno: *nods in agreement*
Spain: *walks over them only to
See that they're playing 'Emily
Wants to play* f-fine
( italicized- character\player, bold-
1- Roma
2- Veno
3- Spain)
*in the game*
Walks into the room turning switches on.
1- *trembles and starts to cry internally*
2- *holds the controller with a rather serious face*
*a creepy laugh on the background*
Turns around and sees a clown
Toy smiling creepily before raising its arms as if it's asking for a hug.
3- *strange stare at the screen*
What the hell is that?
2- fuck fuck fuck... W-we shouldn't move!
1- a-ah! It's turning around! Run!
2- no you idiot! If we move we die!
The clown disappears and starts
Walking again opening doors
And switches open.
2- h-how the hell are we going out of here?
1- ahhh! I don't know! Faster!
I can hear things!
2- shuut up! *trembles* I'm still
Finding where but these c-creepy dolls kept appearing...
3- *is silent*
Sees papers with drawings and
Words then the lights switched off and doors bang closed.
2- Imma pizza guy! Fuck it Emily! I won't get out of here unless I get my tip!
1- *screams like a girl only to be hit by Spain*
Walks around again flicking switches open until a creepy laugh interrupts the skin crawling silence.
Turns around and runs back and fort from the doll in a black dress with a creepy smile at the couch. Turns around and the doll is on the floor.
1- ahhhhhhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! Wahhhh! Spain! Ah shit! Ah! Shit!
2- *laughs nervously* you fuCking dOll! I'M A PiZza gUy and i'm nOt afRaid oF yOu! I WoN't get oUt of hErE UnLesS I gEt My tIp oR YoU wOn't Get A sliCE oF eiTher of thEse piZza! YoU WaNt pizZa!? GEt a pIzZa cutTer aNd I'Ll cUt yO fazE!
3- *starts to shake Romano and
His eyes turns slightly bright*
Oh shit! No...
2- *pauses the game and turns
To Spain only to see green eyes
Matched with a scared expression* Antonio? Why the
Fuck are you here? Where the hell is Andres?
3- i-i don't know! I don't even know why I got here and turn
Off that game! *shakes Romano
And they both hugged each other in fear*
2- *resumes the game*
Another creepy laugh and turns
Around to see a puppet in a
Suit... Runs and runs hearing banging and stuff and died.
2- that fucking puppet is creepy! I didn't know that eh! Antonio you think you can help me with this!? This isn't funny anymore. It's too creepy...
3- I'm very sorry but I can't... I
Might throw the TV.
2- fine... *continues the game*
Hears a laugh again...
2- oh fuck it! I won't move you
Bitch! I won't move!
1 and 3- *screams*
The creepy clown doll disappears
And starts walking again reading papers that had drawings and more like 'why did they leave her' or something.
2- this is so creepy! Bitches let me out of here! I need to deliver pizza on another houses! And I'm not playin' with you Emily!
After some runs and reading a
Sound of a clock echoed through
The halls.
2- ahaha! I survived an hour
In this shitty house Emily!
1- yeah! We did great!
2- what?! You didn't even do anything more than to scream and cry! *tries to breath comfortably* you even make it
More thrilling and creepier!
1- it's not my fault if it's scary!
The 3- *stops and looks at the screen with wide eyes* oh damn...
On the white board: let's play hide and seek in the dark :)
A countdown appears from 75
2- oh you wanna play hide and seek!? Then let's play you bitch!
3- you can do that!
2- nobody helps me so I sounded like I'm a shitting Mary sue...
1- d-don't worry you really don't.
58 seconds
Runs around in the dark and sees
A girl with messy hair and torn
Dirty clothes.
2- I found yah motherfucker!
1 and 3- *cheers like an idiot*
75 seconds
2- let's play hide and seek!.... Where the fuck are you now! You crap butt! Oh look she's in the bathroom! Ahaha! Let's wait for her maybe she's using it!
Finds her and the cycle repeats but in different parts of the house.
2- fuck it! Let's see... ArE yOu hIdiNg iN yOur mOtHer's cLoSeT! MaN! YoU EvEn kiLlEd yOuR wHoLe faMilY! I'm A PiZzA gUy aNd ThIs PizZa gUy iS nOt GoInG aWaY uNleSs YoU giVe Me mAh tIp! Or yoU wOn't Get thEse 3 bOxEs oF piZza noR a dElicIoUs sLiCe of It toPpEd wItH pEpPerOnI, cHeEsE aNd salAmI!
3- oh there she is!
2- thanks!
After running here and there a clock made sound again for another hour has passed.
2- What now?
1- fine... I'll play it...
3- really Romano?!
1- yeah...
2- grazie. *hands the controller to him*
90 seconds
2 and 1- what the fuck is this now!? You want another hide
And seek!?
Evil laughter in the background and turns around and stops.
The creepy clown is in there again
Slowly raising its hands an eerie
Grin on its face.
3- what!? Why is there that!?
Faster! The time is running!
2- I fucking know! Look! It
Looks like it's going to grab something.... Eeeew...
1 and 3- *the face*
After the clown disappeared, runs
To find Emily and found her at the
Closet her front facing the wall
Covering her face.
90 seconds
Runs again and hears a girl's
Laughter. Turns around to see the
The three- fuck fuck fuck! Oh
Crap! Oh crap! I won't look at
You! I. won't. LOOK. at. YOU.
I'm brave and I came here to
Deliver pizza! I'm a heck of
A pizza guy that ascended from
Hears another laughter and turns
Around to see the clown. Its
Head turns around 360° and faces
Them always and disappears after some seconds.
35 seconds
2- Emily come out already! I'm
Not playing with you! I still
Wanna live my life! Don't you know YOLOw? We're not cat! We don't have freaking 9 lives! Is it nine or seven?! Whatever!
20 seconds
1- ahhh! Ahhh! Ahh! We're
Going to die!
3- Emily get out now!
2- ahhhhh!!! We're going to die!
The three- *scream, yells and shrieks*
Turns around and starts running to find somewhere to hide.
Loud footsteps coming...
Getting louder.
2- fuck shit! Faster Roma!
1- Y-y-yeah! I'm trying!
3- there she is! There she is!
Dies by being attacked by Emily.
2- bullshit! This game is creepy!
1- it really damn is.
3- g-guys...
2- how the fuck will we get out of the house?!
3- guys please...
1- every time we go through the halls in there there will be that
Freaking puppet!
3- GUYS!
2 and 1- what?
3- l-look *points at the screen seeing that the game is somehow crashing making noises. Scary noises*
1 and 2- t-t-turn it off!
3- n-no!
1- turn it off or we'll be the one to kill you Antonio?
3- f-fine... *walks over the TV and presses the turn off but nothing happened* *internal
2- hey we told you to turn if off!
3- I tried but it won't! *looks
At the TV and sees the dolls and the clown and EMILY*
4?- te-hee~
All three: *hears laughter*
*turns around and sees someone near the door frame
Peaking inside, its bangs covering its face* *gulps*
*Pulls out a scythe, military tank and a big ass axe...*
*runs screaming at the top of their lungs through the walls breaking the whole house for
Their dear life*
4- w-what did I do? I'm just looking at what's with the screaming and they all ran...
(2P Prussia)
4- *turns around and sees a
Random doll from nowhere*
Oh fucking hell... *runs out
Of the house breaking the wall and is picked up by a
hawk\eagle (Gilbird)*
LeT's pLAy hIdE and sEeK?
An hour later we're still in the bottoms of the cliff not knowing what to do. I looked over Veno
And saw her lightly trembling.
"Ne, what's the problem?" I asked and she looked at me with terrified eyes, don't wanna mention but it looked really cute.
"I-i don't like the dark...." She muttered and I walked over her.
I have her and embrace as I
Slowly led her to lean on a tree and stare at the night sky, stars
Twinkling above.
"Don't worry I don't like the cold so yeah...." I said and we stayed like that for the whole time falling into a deep slumber.
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