Sick Day (PruCan)
Requested by: VladimirTheFlirt123
Warning: Gay
A certain self-absorbed Prussian checked his hair in the window's reflection. Once he was sure it was perfect, he knocked on the door. When he got no response and several minutes had passed, he became worried. This time, not for his appearance, though he was sure the wind had messed up his hair again.
He knocked once more. This time he was sure something was wrong. He could here someone stumble over something inside. He stepped back and rushed forward again, smashing through the door.
His blood red eyes connected with a violet pair when he landed on the remains on the door. He gave a cheeky grin at the sight of the Canadian, who was completely shocked. Matthew screamed at the sight of his door shattered before his eyes.
However, his screaming turned into a violent coughing fit. Gilbert scrambled to his feet as Matthew threatened to fall over, putting his arm around him to steady him. " Are jou alright, birdie?"
Matthew shook his head. " I'm sick." He breathed out, his voice was frail and almost non-existent. Gilbert led him up the stairs to his bedroom, where he helped him under the covers.
" Zhat's totally un-awesome broha." He pouted slightly. " I vanted to get jou drunk so ve could party." He sighed in defeat. " But I guess zhe only party ve'll be having is a get-vell party."
Matthew tried to smile, but he could barely manage any expression. " I'm. . . Soorry. . . For bothering you." He wheezed.
The albino grinned and put his hands on his hips, puffing out his chest. " Zhe awesome me is not bozhered by such silly zhings! Vhat does bozher me is Lizzie's frying pan of death." He shuddered at the image forming in his brain.
The sick Canadian hadn't even heard him, as he had already fallen asleep. The man rambled on and on, not noticing the small detail.
" And zhen, I hopped out of zhe bushes, and scared zhe crap out of zhat Austrian—" He was cut off by a soft snore. He glanced down and his heart melted.
" Oh jou handsome devil, jou." He snickered at the sight of himself in Matthew's glasses. " Birdie, jou're adorable too I guess."
He stepped out of the room, flicking the lights off. " Nighty night~" He called over his shoulder. He plopped himself down on the couch and switched on the TV.
Gilbert's gaze trailed to the door he'd broken earlier. He weighed his options. He could leave it to Matthew to call a repair man, but he wasn't in the shape to deal with that, or he could fix it himself. He sighed and stood up.
" Might as vell get to vork." He stretched and began his newfound job.
He stared at the door, good as new, before him. It was missing something. Something extremely important. A finishing touch. Yes, that was exactly what it needed. That would make it perfect. So perfect, in fact, that Matthew would thank him a thousand times over.
Not even an hour later, said Canadian stirred from his state of sleep. He stumbled down the stairs and nearly passed out again when he saw the door. It was fixed for the most part. Well, actually, it was fixed beautifully, but that wasn't the problem.
The real problem was the new decoration coating the door. Gilbert wiped sweat from his brow. " How do jou like it, birdie? I vorked very hard on it." He nodded in approval.
A picture was painted on the door. It was a giant picture of the albino. Something told Matthew, that it wouldn't be easy to clean up. " Oh. My. Maple." He gaped, his voice not quite as hoarse as before, but still quiet.
The Prussian captured the sick male in a tight hug. " Oh! And I also made jou a body pillow of mein awesomeness. Jou're velcome." He said it like it was the best thing in the history of best things.
" A-A body pillow?!" He frowned. " Why would I need one of those?"
Gilbert scoffed. " Do jou not know who I am?! Vhy vouldn't jou need one!?" He looked genuinely hurt. Matthew groaned.
" Just give it to me." He grumbled. The white-haired man smirked and passed him the pillow. Matthew buried his face in the fabric, trying to get his blush to die down.
" Isn't zhat a sexy picture of me. Of course it is. It's me." He didn't wait for a reply as he strutted into the kitchen.
Matthew frowned and held the pillow out so he could see what Gilbert had been talking about. He felt the color drain from his face and he dropped the pillow. He collapsed on the couch, completely flabbergasted as to how that strange man had been legally able to put himself on a pillow like that.
He lit one of his soothing, maple-scented, candles to calm down his emotions. Gilbert skipped back into the room with a bowl of chicken noodle soup. " America said zhis helps vith fevers. He also said to put a burger on jour head, zhough, so I don't know how much I trust zhis method..."
He sat next to the sickly-looking Matthew and shoved a spoonful into his mouth. Matthew gagged and pushed it away. " What was in that?" He asked hesitantly.
Gilbert shrugged. " I added beer. It alvays makes me feel better, so I figured I'd help you." He forced another serving into Matthew's mouth.
Matthew spit it out, but he could feel the beer he had swallowed already making his brain fuzzy. " Don't. . . give me more!" He hiccuped. Gilbert grinned.
" Oh~ Mattie's no good at handling his alcohol?" He fed him another spoonful, and another, and another. Finally, Matthew was drunk enough to start acting on his emotions.
Gilbert stared as Matthew made out with a book from off the coffee table. " U-Um, Birdie? Are jou feeling alright? Do jou need some vater or somezhing?" He shifted uncomfortably.
Matthew whipped his head around dramatically with wide eyes. " How dare you interrupt my conversation with her royal highness of the book council!" Matthew exclaimed as loudly as his naturally quiet voice would allow him to, before chucking the book at Gilbert's head.
The Prussian shrieked as the book almost hit him square in the face. For a drunk, he had incredible aim. " W-Woah! Birdie! No need to get upse-" He was cut off by Matthew connecting their lips.
His breathing ceased for a moment. He never had the chance to respond to the kiss, seeing as Matthew had passed out shortly after. Gil snorted and picked him up, taking him to the bedroom.
He tucked him into the covers before getting an idea. He crawled in next to him and wrapped his arms around the other male's waist. Soon, he had drifted off himself.
Matthew laughed as Gilbert was sprawled out on the couch, utterly miserable and completely sick. " Zhis... is totally... un-awesome." He coughed.
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