Memories and Melodies (AusHun)
Requested by: @Liza102000
Warning: Straight
Elizabeta stared at the sidewalk in front of her. Weekly shopping, checked off the list. She hid a bag of new clothes inside a grocery bag as well, because she really didn't feel like wearing the same ripped things again.
She sighed. " He's such a handful sometimes." She marveled at her husband's ability to be so. . . Aristocrat-like sometimes.
She looked up at the sky, smiling as she recalled how they met. Several years ago, as just naïve little kids. She remembered to first time she saw him. She hadn't actually noticed him, but she'd seen the boy in the purple being teased by the weird boy with the white hair.
She had been dressed in a boyish manner that day, as she did back then since she was thoroughly convinced she was a boy.
Imagine her surprise when she fell off the slide at the park, and her parents were nowhere to be seen. She groaned in pain as the sun was covered by someone's shadow. " Zhat was quite a fall. Are you alright?" He helped her up, the boy in purple.
She observed him, nearly letting his question pass her by. She nodded quickly. " I'm. . ." She paused for a second, as if deciding which name to call herself.
Roderich frowned. " You don't have to tell me if it's too hard for you —" He was surprised by her shooting her answer out at him.
He blinked, not really expecting such a girly name from a boyish looking person. " It's nice to meet you Elizabeta. I am Roderich. A pleasure."
She found the fancy way he talked amusing.
Eliza smiled at the memory and shook her head. She unlocked her door and snuck inside, past her husband's music room, where he was currently playing an old song. It was one she remember well.
The remembrance of the first time she had heard it came crawling back and she froze beside the doorway, just out of sight.
" Ode to Joy?" Eliza frowned as she stared at the music in front of her. " But I just learned a few scales!"
Roderich smirked. " If it's too hard for you, I can take you back to zhe beginner's classes." He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.
She yelped at his threat. " No! I can play it! After all, I'm a junior in high school and I've been playing the piano for almost a year now." She whispered as she observed the notes.
She set her hands against the keys. She sensed Roderich's cringe at her terrible form. She pressed a few keys, thankfully getting them all right, before pressing a wrong one and messing up.
Eliza's shoulders slumped in defeat. " Maybe I should go back to beginner's classes." She sighed sadly.
A pair of hands set themselves over hers firmly. " Not quite. It's more like zhis." He began to move both of their fingers, miraculously moving them to hit the right note at the right time. She closed her eyes, letting the sweet symphony overwhelm her.
Suddenly, some new notes were pressed, ones she hadn't heard before. They seemed to fit in perfectly with the song, however. It was as if Roderich was adding his own special touch to the song. It finished soon after, and the teenager was almost sad to hear it leave as the last note lingered in the air.
The Austrian was almost just as disappointed to release her hands, which had been so perfectly intertwined with his. A melody of its own.
Eliza smiled as the song ended, just as it had so many years before. She heard the bells of the church nearby as she stepped into the kitchen. She sighed happily. It sounded as though a new couple had just been wed.
She remembered her wedding day so clearly. Like it was yesterday. In reality, the young couple had been married for 12 years now. So hard to believe. They dated during high school, college, and after graduation for several years before he proposed.
The kitchen faded away and she was in a gazebo, looking out across a garden in full bloom. " This garden," Roderich began," is like our relationship. It's just at the peak of its growth, and though their may be droughts and other difficulties, it will always spring back up."
She gasped as he got down on one knee. " Elizabeta, will you be there with me to experience every challenge and be there to support me until the day we part?" He popped open a box, with a ring inside that actually looked expensive for once.
She'd accepted happily that day and within a year, their wedding bells chimed. For them, and only them.
Like a melody of its own.
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