Endings (Nyo!America x Russia)
Requested by: bluecookies--
Warning: Straight and failed angst
Happily ever after never comes fast enough.
One of the main things Amelia noticed as a child, was the story books that were being read to her. They continued to drone on and on about the plot line. The little American was certain they were just buying time with their fancy words and delaying the happy ending.
" Just skip to the end daddy." The little girl stared up at her Native-American father with her big blue eyes. " That's when all the magic happens."
" No, daughter," he began," The magic is what unfolds, what creates the ending. The magic holds the power to overthrow the evil forces and let good rein. Or, it can kill us all." He would always close the book after her told her that, saying that she would never hear the end if she were not willing to wait.
Her father was so mean. He thought he was so wise. Really, she was the wise one. Every story had a happy ending. Of course they did. And everyone knew those stories from somewhere. Plus, what kind of magic is bad anyway? Psh. Her five-year-old brain was right. She was totally the smart one.
She woke up the next day with a bounce in her step. She trotted downstairs. Amelia ran outside and down the street. She pushed past a kid that was a little older than herself. " 'Scuse me!" She called over her shoulder. He shot her a smile and watched her run off, always in such a rush.
Happily ever after never comes fast enough.
Amelia fixed her necklace around her neck and pressed a small button on her glasses. She pushed the door and left the public bathroom. She held a book in her hand as her glasses recorded everything. Her hair was in a classic perm and she was in a white dress with red polkadots.
The 80s treated her nicely, with her being one of the few women working for the FBI. Amelia had stuck by her love for fairytales her entire life, especially since her foster sister — Alice had taken her in when her father died — kept that interest ablaze with her stories. The 20-year-old had only recently gotten the promotion to get to go on mission, and it was not going to be a lost cause.
She trailed her man close behind. The music thumped loudly. It was not very enjoyable, yet couples still danced. It was supposedly a love song, but she didn't hear the appeal in it. The words seemed meaningless, almost written by someone who'd never known love.
Well, she hadn't either. Her Prince Charming hadn't come for her yet. Amelia approached her target quickly. He had his eyes locked on her, and she didn't break eye contact. A few men had their eyes on her. She had wanted that. The more attention on her, the more tempted he would be to approach her.
Ivan, age 26, an illegal vodka dealer. More specifically, he snuck vodka across boarders with a little special surprise to go with it. She waited ten seconds, nine seconds, eight seconds.
She passed him with a small wink. She headed straight for the bar, empty glass in hand. She sat down in one of the tall chairs. Seven seconds, six seconds, five seconds.
She placed her middle finger on the on the top of the glass and moved it in a counter clockwise manner around the edge. Four seconds, three seconds. She made eye contact with him and smirked when he started walking towards her.
Two seconds, one second. He stopped in front of her. " May I buy you a drink?" He offered with a charming smile.
She flashed an innocent eyes. " Could you?~ You'd be my hero!" She asked, folding her hands together.
Amelia could sense his big violet eyes scanning her every curve while she sipped her Pepsi. She was a bit embarrassed by her being too young to drink.
A slow song came on and Ivan held out his hand. Amelia put down her drink as she saw his motion. " May I have this dance?" He asked politely, bowing.
She curtsied with a giggle. " Of course." She took his hand and he led her to the dance floor. She put her hand on his shoulder and intertwined her other one with his as his other hand attached itself to her hip.
He pulled her close and they began to dance. " You took dance lessons, da?" He glanced down at her feet as they moved skillfully.
" Actually no, I'm winging it. I've never done this before." She winced slightly as she stepped on his foot. He chuckled.
" I see that now. You're a natural, sunflower." He twirled her. For a moment, her heart sped up when she was pulled back to him again. She blushed then remembered why she was here.
The song ended and he gazed down at her for a solid minute. He leaned down and stole a kiss. Amelia's eyes widened and she was almost tempted to pull away, until she felt a shiver up her spine. It was exactly like the story books described it. She closed her eyes and sunk into it a bit. She didn't kiss back, however.
Ivan pulled away after thirty seconds. He smirked and stepped back. " It's been a pleasure, Amelia." He saluted her and turned on his heel. She tensed up.
" How do you know my name?" Her voice was filled with shock. He looked over his shoulder with a childish grin.
When he held up her badge, her blood ran cold. The world stopped. She began to inwardly panic. Would they kick her out now that she'd lost the element of surprise? Would they fire her from her dream job for some stupid mistake? Great.
He walked away and she trailed close after him. He headed straight for the exit, knowing she was behind him. The second the door shut behind them and they were alone in the alleyway it let out into, they pulled guns on each other.
He snorted. " And here I was thinking you were a respectable young lady!~ You're getting involved in something too big for you're understanding. Surrender now and I'll—"
" Nah, it's kinda hard to be the heroine when you give up!" She gave him a thumbs up. " So I'm not giving in to you, bad guy!"
" To me, you are the bad guy, da?" He retorted. He fired the gun and it hit a brick next to her. She jumped slightly at the sudden noise.
" Agent Amelia Jones, I think you should quit while—"
" Amelia E. Jones." She corrected.
He frowned and lowered his gun. " What?"
" Amelia E. Jones. Not Amelia Jones." She shrugged. He stepped closer with a creepy aura.
" I don't care, da?" He continued to move forward. She took a few steps back and felt the wall prevent her movements after a bit, but he did not stop moving.
The American's gun was still raised while the Russian drew nearer, his weapon by his side, until he stopped when her gun was touching his chest. " Shoot me."
She blinked. " What?"
" Shoot me, da, it'll end everything."
She shook her head. " Dude no, I'm arresting you. You can rot in a prison cell."
He suddenly grabbed her wrist without effort and plucked her gun out of her hand. " Ooh look! I have invaded the sunflower's personal space! And I intend to get even closer." He tossed it over his should and pinned her hands above her head.
She yelped at the suddenness of it, turning extremely red. She could feel his heart beating almost as fast as hers. " Let go!" Her voice failed her and it came out as more of a squeak.
Ivan pressed his gun to her head. " It was fun while it lasted, da?" He leaned down and connected their lips one last time before a gun went off.
He bit his lip as a weak, humorless chuckle escaped him. " It was nice. . . Meeting you face to face Agent Amelia E. Jones." He fell backwards against the other wall. Her eyes were dull and emotionless.
Ivan remembered his past. He'd first seen her when she pushed past him as a child, rushing to get somewhere. He watched her weasel her way through the hallways in school. He'd always felt some sort of protectiveness over the younger girl.
Back then, he thought nothing of it. He was six years older anyway. But she caught his attention. Her determination, her skill, her positivity, they drew him closer.
Somehow, he was drawn off the bright path by the family business; Drug deals and illegal alcohol sales. He became a college drop-out as he ran the business, building a bad reputation for himself. However, he kept tabs on certain people.
She was one of them.
The day she was reported to have been accepted into the FBI, his entire hopes crumbled. His hopes that he might 'accidentally' meet her and they could fall in love. From that day forward, his heart was an inky black. He still kept tabs on her. It tore him apart when she was seen with other guys.
Then she was promoted. That was his big comeback. She was assigned to his case and he made himself painfully obvious to find, but only for her. Agent Amelia Eleanor Jones. He was going to finally meet her! But on enemy terms.
He had led her outside! He was going to take her prisoner and show her a side of himself that hadn't come out in years. That was the best answer his messed up mind could conjure up. Then there were guns and a bliss overwhelmed him.
Now the baby blue color that had once inhabited her irises had left. She was shaking, but was able to give a small smile before her body collapsed.
Her head bled from where the bullet had entered her skull. He watched her with tear-filled eyes. " Goodbye. . ."
". . . my love."
Happily ever after never comes.
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