STOP BEING SO CUTE!(ItalyxTsundere!Reader)
(Y/N) looked at Feliciano with a frown as he ate his pasta happily,
He looked so cute but she wasnt the one to admit,
He told her that he liked her many times,but she would always kick him and tell him to "Fuck off",
Even though she liked him back (*wiggles eyebrows*-OUCH *gets kicked by eader-chan*)
Feliciano had a "super duper plan",he asked Kiku to give him some neko ears,and here you go reader-chan,
Adrableness in person,
A.K.A. Feliciano Vargas-with neko ears,
He smiled happily as he continued eating his beloved pasta,
"(Y/N),are-a you sure-a you don't want pasta?" Feliciano asked her,giving her neko eyes (lol XD puppy eyes wouldn't work here)
She looked at him and blushed even deeper,
"NO!SHUT UP" she yelled as she looked away,
"Do-a you want to touch-a my cat ears?" Feliciano asked with all the cuteness and kawaiiness he could muster (which was A LOT)
"AHHHHHHH STOP IT!" (Y/N) yelled as she buried her face in her hands,
"Stop-a what?" Asked the confused,cute Feli,
"STOP BEING SO CUTE!" She yelled as she hugged him,still frowning though,
Feliciano giggled in her arms,
"Grazie Kiku~"
It was short indeed,bUT I COULDN'T HELP WRITING IT FELI IS SO KAWAIIIIIII >//u//< *dies*
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