This one-shot requested by Leona_01 ~thank you~make sure to check her account out!~
Prussia (Gilbirt)'s P.O.V:
"GILBIRD!!MEIN AWESOME GILBIRD!!VHERE ARE JOU??!!" I searched everywhere,calling "Gilbird",but it was no use,I couldn't find him.
"It's ok bruder,jou can get anozher chick or vhatever zhat "Gilbird" vas" West tried to calm me down,no!I want MEIN Gilbird!!not another Gilbird!he is awesome!
I started feeling my tears running down my face 'no jou stupid tears,zhat's so unawesome of jou!' I tried to look around for Gilbird,I literally looked everywhere!!why did we even come to this park anyway!Gilbird got lost because of this unawesome park!
'I want mein awesome Gilbird back...'
Your P.O.V:
' I even have to be here right now!!I could have been in my room right now!reading fanfictions or watching anime!!did mom really have to send me out because "I never leave my room blah blah blah!" who needs going out when you can sit all the day using your phone or laptop!!' I talked to myself,kicking a small rock that was in front of me,I hate being outside!
I heard some strange sound next to a little...chick?
I looked down and saw a little fluffy chick next to me,awww!it's so cute!!
I picked the chick up and hugged him,he is very fluffy!
But wait!what is a little chick doing here??!!!it should be lost,I will look for his owner!
I started looking around,asking people if it's theirs,but,sadly,none of them recognized the little bird in my hands,I was about to give up and head home,I already looked for its owner for like,1 hour!
When I turned back to walk home,I heard someone yelling "Gilbird!Gilbird!Vhere are jou??!!"
Wow,is that some kind of a German accent or what? I tuned to where the voice came from,and saw an albino,tears filling his red eyes,looking for what I think is the chick in my hands,I rushed to the guy.
"Hey!are you looking for this?" I shoved the little chick in his face.
"GILBIRD!" The albino yelled happily,grabbing the chick from my hand immediately,hugging and kissing the little chick like if he was his long-lost-son or something,I giggled at how beautiful the scene was,but the other blonde man was facepalming,blushing in embarrassment,the albino finally finished kissing and hugging his precious "son" he faced me and started thanking me.
I chuckled when he said 'you are almost as awesome as me',he was really good looking,and his accent was somewhat cute~
"It was no problem,now if you excuse me,I have to go home now,good bye"I waved at him and was about to turn and leave,before he grabbed my wrist,I looked at him,wide-eyed,when I noticed his blush,even if it was a faint blush,it was so cute!
"F-frau.."he paused,then looked at my eyes,which caused me to blush now,then,he leaned closer and pecked my cheek,which was burning,I blushed a million shade of red,then he said once again "..zhank jou.."
He took out a paper of his pocket,and wrote something,then handed my the paper,when I looked at it, there was a phone number,and some thing written below it,it said: "zhe awesome Gilbirt Beilscmidt,call me later ok liebe?" I blushed slightly,then placed the paper in my pocket.
"I guess I will see you later"I said and waved at that "Awesome Gilbert" albino,who laughed a weird laugh.
"Kesesesese~ja liebling,Later~"
And with that,I returned back home,well...let's just say I called him immediately...HEY!I COULDN'T HELP IT!!
Yay!my first requested one-shot ever finally finished!thank you again Leona_01 ~ hasta la pasta guys~
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