The Aftermath
[this occurs after Kea's Curse]
"Long ago, many a day after Kea's friend betrayed him, he fled to the mountains. As no tribe would take him in upon finding out what he was. It was an unspoken banishment, one that I am regretful for. He spent the rest of his life there taking shelter who knows where, though I suspect hidden amongst the trees and caverns, and was never truly seen again after that time. Until more modern times that is. He never found out what had happened to his old friend. Who was punished for telling such a lie when the deed was eventually found out. And I think he never got closure for what happened. While he used to be merely strict but respectable, he is now an eccentric and angry man. Refusing any acts of kindness that come his way. I think that if only he knew that the man had been punished and the family that had first let him stay with them for so long searched for him wanting him to return then he would not be so ill as he is now. But that may be wishful thinking as I know not how he thinks nor what goes through his mind. Though I do know this, if ever the past is repeated it would tear him apart."
I can't count how many times I've heard that daft idiot tell that tale. That lie. He doesn't know anything, his head is full of clouds and dreams that could make a seasoned warrior go soft in an instant!
If you're going to be so persistent in hearing what happened after that foulest of beings did what it did then listen closely because I won't be repeating myself! And when I'm done you'll tell no one! Lest I hunt you down and lay many a plague on you! Is that understood!?
Heed my warning, imbecile, for I don't give threats lightly....
For all the incorrections of that accursed tale Moana did get few things right. I was betrayed and I did flee to far mountains. Hidden in caves until I knew the thing had long since passed away, as humans do.
But that isn't all that happened. To understand it all I'll need to go further back than that.
When I cast my curse I knew immediately that something was wrong. My totem shook and cracked. I had enough time to be startled before the very curse I'd sent returned to me. It was then I knew that the man had been innocent of the crimes told against him. But I had no time to dwell on that for a searing pain flashed in my eyes and for a moment I could no longer see. I thought I'd gone blind and, yes, for a moment I was fearful. But I wouldn't get to find out in that instant as I'd passed out from the pain.
When I came to it was dark. There was little to no light to be had from the new moon and I felt drained so I slept where I lay on the ground. Upon waking the next morning I came unto a great shock, and the world was forever changed for me. I could no longer see the color in anything. Not myself, nor the trees or grass, nor even the sky. My curse had been to make the man see only in shades of red, but I'd gone colorblind entirely. It was then I'd seen the treachery of my supposed friend's deed. And I cursed him, with words mind you, and I'll admit I wished for his death. How was I to know that none of it had been his intention?
I spent a few days trying to get used to a world without color before I finally grew sick of it all and went to hunt him down. But apparently word had spread in those few days of my absence and the whole tribe knew what I was. He ran up to me, to say or do what I don't know, and I gained my own satisfaction by dislocating his jaw. May've gotten split knuckles for it but it was well worth it. Anyway I was chased away from my home and some of the neighboring tribes as well. With no other place to go to I headed for the mountains as a place of refuge.
Though it wasn't long before I found myself collapsed again. The only thing the forests of the mountains had to offer, at least in the area I was in, were berry bushes. As I was unable to properly hunt at the time. But I couldn't tell which berries were safe to eat or not, color is the main indication. When I awoke I found myself in someone's hut. Startled, I jerked upright only to find a steady hand pushing me back down. Looking up I saw a man with long dark hair smiling down at me. It didn't take a genius to figure out he was a healer of some sort. He gave me food and water and I stayed with him for several days, even past when I had gathered my strength back.
I guess I had wanted someone to care after what had happened. But that thought aside I knew that eventually I'd have to leave.
He was a kind, middle aged man who I must say had more patience than any I'd ever seen before him. If I'm honest he felt like a father to me, though I'm fully aware that I have no such thing. He told me his name was Amiri, (which means "of the east wind"), and that he was but a mere traveller. Though I thought, and still do, that he had not told me the whole truth. But I didn't question him, not until he asked if I was indeed a Tohunga makuktu. I still do not know how he knew, and I think he knew that, but he told me not to worry. He wouldn't tell a soul. And, to my knowledge, he never did. While I made my stay he planted some herbs and waited for them to grow before he set out again. I left not many days after that. As a farewell and a thank you I enchanted the herbs he'd planted so that no harm would come to them and they would grow healthy. I'd say he knew I did that as well though I never found him again to ask.
I stayed in the mountains for a many years. Making my home in caverns and living part of my life as a bat. (Don't ask!!)
Now here is where fact turns into lie with Moana's story. I do know what became of the man who tricked me. As a matter of fact I was there when he was found out. Not as myself but a crow. And I'll admit I mocked him by cawing at that moment. Sealing his fate. Whether or not they physically punished him I don't know , however, I flew away with a twinge of satisfaction as he gazed in my red eyes with an emotion I never wish to decipher.
I also know that the family I'd stayed with had searched for me. But I stayed hidden and never let them see me. They didn't need to have a witch among them to ruin their lives. So I kept far from them until they eventually gave up, thinking I was dead.
(I'll admit, too, that I did search myself for that strange man who called himself Amiri, though I never did find him... I wish I could've.....)
Moana may think he's knows what happened, but he's wrong. He knows nothing...
And I've no wish to tell him either, the little worm doesn't need to know!
As for his last thought, if the past ever does repeat itself then I'll be ready. In fact I'm more than ready now. Never will I let anyone so close again. That's a promise....
Ugh, I've gotten all sappy....
Begone with you now! I've told you the true story, you've no reason to bother me any longer! And remember my warning, you cross me and tell anyone or anything of this and I will give you night terrors worth being frightened over!!!
And no that isn't a trick of the light, this crow really glows. It's what I'll curse you with if you don't leave!!
(Tch, idiotic humans....)
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