Slip of the Tongue
It was an accident really. I hadn't meant to. But what else was I to do? Leave the boy to die? Not likely. Though in fact I hadn't meant to go to that world at all, yet there I went. A slip of the tongue can do much more than hurt someone's feelings. Apparently it can also send you into another universe...
I'd been practicing his spells and had a minor distraction, misread a word or two, and the next thing I knew I was teleported away. Whisked into a completely different world by a portal that had suddenly and unexpectedly appeared. It was gone as quick as it came. And what I stumbled upon was far from ordinary even by my own universe's standards.
There in the middle of an abandoned alleyway lay a young boy with sloppy hair that reached his shoulders and covered part of his face wearing a striped sweater and seemingly out cold. He looked to have been beaten and lay in a small puddle of his own blood. Which was what had drawn my attention in the first place, else I wouldn't have seen him in such dim lighting at night, even with my own superior vision. I rushed over to kneel down next to him and checked his pulse, he was still alive and breathing. Though presumably not for long if he kept laying there in the cold dead of night. I didn't know him but I do admittedly have a soft spot for children, so I took him into an abandoned building id found a few blocks away from the alley where he'd been.
I could only assume he was cold to the touch, as I have no natural body heat of my own to tell. At least... not anymore. So I took off my coat to lay over him in hopes that it might keep off the cold at least a little. I then set about trying to deduce the source of the blood, which I found had been a wound on his back. A deep wound at that. Judging from his unnatural paleness I could only assume that he'd lost much of his body's supply of blood and most likely didn't have much left within him to help him heal. As if to back up my assumptions his breathing began to slow, and not from slumber, and his heartbeat seemed to skip a beat here and there. As if his heart and lungs were too tired to continue doing their much needed and life sustaining job.
I waited for what felt like an eternity. I waited for his body to heal. I had prior to this searched for any sign of a hospital of some sort but found none and him in worse condition when I returned. It then resorted to something I had not done in many, many, many, years on my living. I'd given him some of my own blood. Done this in hopes that it might help the poor boy. But, much to my disbelief and despair, it didn't help hardly at all. I'd most likely only served to worsen him by making his death stretch out longer. So then I decided to do something I'd told myself I'd never do again.
I managed to use what little magic I had remaining at the time to awaken him and once the shock was over and we acquainted ourselves and I explained the situation to him I gave him a choice. Because I firmly believe that this should be a choice. We had a small talk before I told him the ugly truth that he wouldn't last much longer. He agreed to allow me to give him my.... Gift? Curse? To speak the truth I am never sure, when it is addressed, just what to call it.
I told him not to worry or to be frightened, that he would be just fine. The same lie I'd once been told myself. Then I elongated my fangs and I bit him. On the jugular to be precise. For that is the only way to successfully ensure that the gene (I myself think of it more of a virus really, but to each their own I suppose) will be passed on. Though I knew I had to I simply couldn't help myself, I was weak from the travel and once his blood entered my mouth I greedily took more. It took more effort than I am willing to admit even to myself to pull away and let the deed be done. It took more out of me but I had to manage a small sound barrier spell to keep anyone from hearing his screams as the poison spread through his system. But finally, after what felt like ages, he stopped. Stopped dead that is. It always kills you if you're so close to the brink of death. The only way it can't is if you are simply born this way. And I feel truly and deeply sorry for whoever is. I laid him back down carefully as if he were a newborn and once more covered him with my now blood stained jacket. It would take a while more for him to Awaken*.
And it was the next night, after the sun had risen and sunk again, that he did. I made sure to be awake myself for it, as it doesn't do to have a fledgling Vampir to Awaken on his own. The story isn't much from beginning to end. I stayed in that world, which I would later come to find was the what is referred to as the "Third Player" "Nyo" version of my own, for longer than truly necessary. Just to help him on his feet. But eventually I felt the pang of homesickness driving me to return. And so I did, with the promise to visit him every so often to check up on him.
I was pleasantly surprised much later to find out that young Christopher-- ah sorry, he prefers to be called Chris—turned out to be a nation-being as well as I. Vancouver I believe. Though I've found my home of Romania to be much more pleasant (not that I would tell him so aloud lest I incur a Vampir temper tantrum, not something I wish to experience more than once ever again...
Perhaps one day I may let him learn of how I came to be there that night and what led me to make such an admittedly rash decision. But I feel that, that day is a long way off. As is the day I reveal my true intentions of staying with him and continuing to visit him. Perhaps I will also one day learn myself of just what happened to him that night... Or perhaps not, who knows?
But one thing is for certain, I have never before felt such fatherly pride as watching that young man grow into the strong nation-being that he was meant to be. If my heart still beat I think it might just burst with the warmth I no longer possess. Yes, the slip of the tongue can do many things indeed.
In case you couldn't tell, or didn't know, this is an account from Andrei, my character for 2P!Romania. The young boy mentioned is Chris, also my character, who is 3p!Nyo!Vancouver.
Also they are vampires. Vampir is the Romanian way to say vampire.
*in most cases Awakened is a term for when the fledgling vampire has died and "come back to life" or "awakened".
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