Nation Name: 2p!Olmec (a name given by the Aztec, it means "rubber people")
Human Name: Zan (a name given to him by an ancient people, it means "providing support")
Age: roughly 21,000; appears to be about 38
Sexuality: polyamorous pansexual
Appearance: Zan has long free flowing midnight black hair that reaches down to the top of his ankles which is adorned with feathers whenever he decides to braid it. He is rather tall coming in at about 6'3 and has natural darkly tanned skin turned a few shades darker from long exposure to the sun. There doesn't seem to be much to him with his lean physique and slouching posture though make no mistake if pushed he can hit just as hard as the rest of them. He hates to wear restricting clothing and usually just goes with a loose beige T-shirt and some baggy camouflage cargo pants. He either wears flip flops or no shoes at all and equally hates wearing closed toed shoes. Zan's eyes are a light sky-metal blue and if one looks into them for long the color seems to move as if the disturbed surface of water. He wears dark black sunglasses most of the time as his eyes are very sensitive to light.
He likes to wear a leather jacket made from the pelt of a black jaguar occasionally as well as a belt that goes with it and has attached the tail of the animal. The sleeves have the claws sewn on to the ends and the jaguar's top and bottom canines are used in place of buttons on the front.
Zan has bandages wrapped around the middle of his torso which hide a large scar, near the size of the palm of one's hand, that appears on both his front and back, as if he was pierced straight through his middle. But this is an ancient wound that has long since healed, he only hides it to avoid the strange looks he's given when it is seen. Strangely, despite his age and warrior's background, this is the only physical wound he possesses.
Personality: Zan takes the word procrastinator to a new level being very lazy and putting off chores to do until either a later time or sometimes not at all, which always drives his counterpart to his wits' end. Though he wasn't always like this, back in his days as the first empire of the Americas he was very hardworking and stopped at nothing to get a job done. But nowadays he has nothing of his old empire to work for nor has he any real way of helping his youngest siblings so he prefers to let the youth of the world work while he takes "a long deserved break."
Friendly, optimistic, and laid-back he is accepting of most everyone as long as they can accept him in return. However, as normally calm and "back seated" as he is if his family is harmed or trifled with in any way he deems wrong he is willing to punish whoever has done such in any way he sees fit, unless said family member can convince him otherwise.
Although chronologically Zan is the eldest of his siblings he acts nothing like it, back in the day having left that job to his sister Native Canada even though he is about a thousand years older than her. Nevertheless he cared, and still cares, deeply for all of his siblings and if they are in need near nothing in this world or the next can stop him from getting to them.
While Zan commonly acts lazy and nonchalant, occasionally joking to be the personification of procrastinating apathy rather than the Olmec, he keeps hidden another side to him, one that he rarely lets show. A side that is cruel and unforgiving, that cares about few and couldn't care less whether e harms others or not. Though this is only because of the world he used to live in, he tries his best to keep this anger and what he considers the dead side of him in check. Thus far he has succeeded, though he occasionally needs a little help along the way.
History: [editing in process]
Other: Zan is a master of shadow magic and can use it in a number of ways. From turning his body completely into shadow to creating shadow beings and other various things. His major weakness, however, is in fact not light, but darkness. For he needs light to create a shadow and cannot do so in complete darkness. This explains why he draws magic from the sun rather than the moon as Xiuhcoatl does.
His second ability is to shift into the form of a black jaguar, an ability Xoc inherited from him, and thus is able to use that from to cross worlds into the spirit world if he so chose, though he rarely if ever does.
Zan, thousands of years ago, practiced as a shaman of sorts or medicine man. Though he doesn't usually delve into it anymore due to the rise of hospitals and doctors.
However, he will assist if no one else is around or help is needed. His best knowledge is herbs and the transference of a wound from one person to another.
A bit of explaining is in order:
The Olmec appear to be younger than those such as Teotihuacan because they disappeared shortly after the Mayans came into being and the Teotihuacan did not. Aapo and A'Tabai and their Nyos' people mixed with that of the Aztec, Toltec, and Mayan so they kept on living and as such when the Olmecs were brought back after having found descendants among the Mayans they came back at the age they disappeared and so they appear to be still in their late thirties while the Teotihuacan have aged as a result of never having disappeared themselves.
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