Alfred F. Jones (America) X Surfer Reader |Beach Love| Lemon🍋
~Narrator's POV~
You are a surfer and live near the beach also with your friend Annabelle (That is my name and I am a tomboy so yeah me). Also you are strong headed and kind- heart and tomboy (Sorry because I don't like girly characters.) And you love to surf all day even in the night you surf naked.
~At the beach~
So you were just surfing while your friend was playing volleyball with your and her friends. Until three people arrived at the beach in a red sports car and they were Alfred, Arthur and Ludwig.
"Finally here, dude." Said Alfred stretching his arms.
"Yeah the bus took bloody hell forever." Said Arthur.
"I agree with you Arthur." Alfred said to Arthur. Then all three walk to the beach.
"The beach look awesome." said Alfred. Then heard noise from the front.
"OMG! Go (Your name) you doing perfect." Scream the girls and Annabelle.
"Okay now look at this new move, everyone." You said to everyone. You went to the big wave and did a trick that no human begin ever did.
"YAHOOOOO." You scream then fell into the water and swam to the surface and moved your (color) hair back.
"That was awesome, dude." You said to Annabelle . Then you shaking your head then stop.
"Wow who was that Arthur?" Alfred asked Arthur . Who was amazed at what you did.
"They just scream her name, you idiot." Arthur said to Alfred. Then you felt like someone was starting at you, so you look at the direction that Alfred was.
"Who is that guy next to the purple pirate shirt guy?" (Your name) asked Annabelle. Then you look at his beautiful light blue eyes then he looks at you so you turn around and turn red.
"Hey dude! Did you see that she look at me?" Alfred scream to the guy while smiling.
"You like (Your name) don't you Alfred?" Arthur asked Alfred with a smile.
"I doooon't, Arthur." Alfred screamed to Arthur. Alfred saw you coming with Annabelle. Then you saw Alfred and his friends.
"Hi my name is (Your name) and I saw you and your friends and I couldn't get my eyes off you so I wanted to know if you want to go surfing with me if you want to?" You said to Alfred then asked him with a smile. Alfred was surprised what you said and nod his head.
"O-okay, (Your name)." Alfred said to (Your name) and blush. After surfing with each other and your friend Annabelle talked to his two friends for a while. After an hour you talked about each other and got to know each other then it was night time already and it surprised you that it was night you was having fun with Alfred all day then you heard a voice.
"(Your name) I going home because is already night and I am sleepy *yawn*." Annabelle said to (Your name) and stretch her arm up.
"Okay then sorry Alfred I have to go now." You said and were about to go until you felt a hand on your arm and it was Alfred hand and you see you red Alfred and that made you giggle.
"Can I see you tomorrow, (Your name) please?" Alfred asked (Your name). You smile and look at Alfred.
"Of course you can, Alfred." You said Alfred. Alfred turns red and turns away. You confused about Alfred turning away. He left you at you and Annabelle's house and say goodbye then he left with his two friend.
~Next Day~
You meet Alfred and his two friends also Annabelle. The next four hours you were teaching Alfred new surfing tricks. And Annabelle teaching Germany a new wrestling move and Arthur just staring them. Then another three hours pass and it was night time so you and Annabelle say goodbye to the three boys and enter the house. Then an hour pass then (Your name) look at Annabelle.
"I'm going to surf and swim a little bit, Annabelle." You said to Annabelle while you holding your board.
"Okay, (Your name) be careful and don't catch a cold okay." Annabelle said to (Your name). You nod and left the house and walk straight to the beach and with your board. Then you took off your clothes and ran towards to the water and start to surf.
In the other hand with the boys
"I want to go to the beach a little bit okay, Arthur and Ludwig." Alfred said to them. Both of them smirk then look at Alfred
"You going think of a way to confess your love to (Your name) aren't you, Alfred?" They said to Alfred then he turns red and looks away.
"So what dude that was not cool." Alfred said to them.
"Okay me and Ludwig are going to (Your name) and Annabelle's house okay, Alfred." Arthur said to Alfred. Alfred nods his head and smirk.
"You guys only going to go to Annabelle's house because you both like her and want to make love to her hard aren't you two?" Alfred said to them. They both turn red and look away from Alfred.
"Nooo we dooon't likkkke Annabelle and waaaant tooo mmmmmaaake lllllove to herrrr." They said to Alfred. Alfred laugh then look at the guys.
"Dudes just be honest with your feeling and just tell her. Because (Your name) told me that Annabelle like both of you." Alfred said to them. Then walks away and walks to the beach. Arthur and Ludwig stay like that for three second then look at the direction where Alfred left.
"Really Alfred?" They both scream to Alfred.
"Yeah she does so better hurry or else someone will take her away." Alfred screams to them. They nod and walk to (Your name) and Annabelle's house. Alfred arrived at the beach and Arthur and Ludwig arrived at (Your name) and Annabelle's house.
~ Annabelle's POV~
I was sitting in the couch while watching TV then I heard a knock on the door so I got up and walk toward the door and open it. I saw Arthur and Ludwig I blush because I have a crush on both of them because after meeting them and talking and playing I started to develop feelings for both of them. After shaking my head then I look at them.
"Would you two like to come in please?" I asked them. They nod and went inside and look at each other then blush. I was confused then look at them.
"Why are you two blushing?" I asked them. They got close to me then I blush.
"What is it, you guys?" I asked them. Then they look at me.
"We love you, Annabelle." They both said to me. I was surprised they feel the same way as I do so I blush then I look at them.
"I love you guys too." I said to them and kiss them. They both turn red and I laugh. They look at each other again and carry me bridal style and go upstairs then enter to my room. Then they put down gently to my bed.
"Annabelle we really love you please let us make love to you." They said to me. I blush and nod then I look at them.
"I also love you guy I really want to give both of you my first time." I said to them then they blush. They smile and look at me.
"We didn't know, so we will be gentle with you." They said to me and kiss me rough. After making-out we broke the kiss and start to undress ourselves and now we're naked. Now I'm naked and laying in the bed and the two crawled to me.
"We will be gentle." They said to me and blush also I did too.
With Alfred
Alfred arrived at the beach and sat down on the sand and thought about how to confess to you. He was still thinking until he heard a familiar voice in the water. He got up and saw you surfing naked in the water; he blush.
"(YOUR NAME) HI BRA." Alfred screams to you and still blushing. You heard him and saw him then you fell off your surf board and into the water. Alfred was worry that he made you fell so he ran to the water and swam toward you and got you and swam to the surface and lay you down the sand. He wait for you move then you move and look at Alfred.
"What are you doing here, Alfred?" You asked Alfred. Alfred was about to answer but he saw you naked and turn red; you saw him turn red and was confused until you look at yourself.
"Don't look Alfred, you pervert." You scream to Alfred. Alfred turns around and cover his eyes.
"It's not my fault bra that you're naked." Alfred said to you then saw you blush then it hit him. Annabelle says something about something; he thought hard and remembers.
"(Your name) only blush to a guy that she loves." Annabelle said to Alfred. Alfred blushes and turns around to your back and hugs you and starts to kiss your neck. You moan then cover your mouth; you about to say something but Alfred interrupted you.
"I love you (Your name) so much. Also it's cute when you blush." Alfred said to you. You turn around and look at him.
"You do, Alfred?" You asked to Alfred to make sure you aren't hearing nonsense. Alfred nod and attack you; you laugh and kiss him after four second of making-out; you felt something tingly inside your womanhood so you move your leg together and Alfred notice you moving your legs together and was about to say something until both of you heard something.
"AHHHH LUDWIG RIGHT THERE. AHHHH FASTER ARTHUR PLEASE. I'M ABOUT TO COME ARTHUR AND LUDWIG." That was the noise. Then you and Alfred knew who was that and sigh and look at each other still in the ground.
"Wow! Annabelle is loud when she doing you know what, (Your name)." Alfred said to you. You nod then look at Alfred.
"Well it's her first time also mine too Alfred so if we going to make love please be gentle.... Because I'm a virgin." You said to Alfred then he blush and nod. He starts to take off his clothes and now is only wearing his American boxer. You giggle how cute his boxer is that you sit you and kiss his chest. Alfred flinches and moans when you kiss his chest. Alfred attacks you with a kiss and french kiss you then grope your breasts.
"Ahhhhhh, Alfred!" You moan to Alfred. Then he smirk and then he broke the kiss and move his mouth to your neck and suck on it. You moan his Alfred and that made him turn on that he was in pain. You notice it and look down 'He has a boner and look he is a lot of pain.' You thought then had an idea. You move you hand on his boner and move your hand up and down. Alfred felt your hand moving on his boner and that made him moan then he start to gently bite and suck on your neck and that made you moan loud then your hand move faster on Alfred that both of you felt you about to explore but Alfred didn't want to come yet until he come inside of you so he move your hand away. You whimper the pain between her legs; Alfred smirks and took off his boxers and throws them with the pale of clothes. Then he looks at you.
"Are you ready, (Your name)?" Alfred asked you and you nod. Alfred slowly thrust into your womanhood then you felt the pain and starch his back. Alfred hisses but still continues until he was all inside of you and waited for you to adjust to you. Alfred thrust slowly for you then after two second the pain fades and you buck your hip into his telling him you want more. Alfred got the hint and thrust hard on you and you moan his name.
"Ahhhhhhh Alfred!" You moan to Alfred then he thrust harder and faster on you and that made you moan loud.
~After five minutes of making hot love in the beach~
You moan his name over and over until you felt a knot on your stomach again then Alfred hit your g-spot and you moan his name loud that Annabelle, Ludwig and Arthur heard you.
"That its Alfred hit me there again please." You moan to him .And Alfred listens to and hit your g-spot again and again. Then you felt the knot growing more and more.
"Alfred I'm about to come ahhhhhhh!" You moan to him. Alfred looks at you.
"Me too (Your name) let's come together please ahhhhh." Alfred moans to you. You nod and he thrust deeper and harder.
"Ahhhhh (Your name) you're so....tight ahhhhh!" Alfred moans to you. Then both of you felt that you both about to come so Alfred hit your g-spot again.
"ALFRED AHHHHHHHH!" You scream then come. Alfred felt your tighten and come after you and filling your womb with his seed until he was dry off. You both stay in the position that both of you are on. Alfred kiss you and you kiss him back and you felt so full that she can't move.
"I love you (Your name) so much." Alfred said to you. You smile and peck on his lip then look at him.
"I love you too Alfred ever since I meet you my hero." You said to Alfred. Alfred kiss you hard then mark you as his.
"Now you're mine forever, (Your name)." Alfred said to you. You sigh and just nod.
"Okay Alfred I'm yours forever Hehehehe." You said to him with a smile. Alfred slid off of you and laid on the ground and you whimper of the empty feeling. Alfred chuckle and hug you.
"Tonight's moon is beautiful right, (Your name)." Alfred said to you and you nod then fell asleep on his arms. Alfred saw you fell asleep so he got his shirt and cover you. He smiles that you're finally his and his forever then he fell asleep too.
~With Annabelle~
Annabelle, Ludwig and Arthur are asleep on her bed and hugging her. Ludwig on her right and Arthur on the left. They make love to Annabelle hard that now that her bed broke and now she has to buy a new bed but she didn't care because now she has a German and a British as lover. But in the morning it will hurt like hell when she gets up.
~A year pass~
You and Annabelle are married to your dream guys. You are married to Alfred and still living near the beach however had to buy another house because you wanted Annabelle to have the house and Alfred already buy the house next to her. Annabelle is married to both Ludwig and Arthur because she couldn't decide who she love more and marry who, so she marries both. You have three boy and one girl and their names are (Boy name), (Boy name), (Boy name) and (Girl name) and your sons had the same eye color and hair color as their father and your daughter has your (Eye color) and (Hair color) and you and Alfred are happy to be married and had beautiful and handsome kids. Annabelle had two girls and two boys and their name is Ludwig Jr, Arthur Jr, Kagura and Gou. The boys had their father's eye and hair color while the girls had their mother's eyes and hair color and Annabelle, Ludwig and Arthur are happy to be married and had beautiful and handsome kids too.
~ Happy ending~
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