The Adventurous Trio/Quartet
Sorry for the delay guys. Things have been super busy! Hopefully we can update this book more often. Steve belongs to our friend AmericaHazHamburger .
In Gauken High School, teens Amanda, Aurel, and Dana all sat in one of the empty classrooms as the teacher sat at the front desk. They had all gotten sent to detention for thinking that they could look for the supposed underground society that lived beneath the school by pretty much tossing over all the desks in one of the classrooms when they told the teacher they were just looking for Aurel's contact case. Now no one else really believed the three adventurous capitals on this theory of a secret society, but they knew for a fact that there was something beneath the school, and they were determined to find out what it was.
Soon, a timer went off and the teacher on duty put up her book and opened the door to let the three out. "Next time, it will be suspension, am I clear?" The teacher stated as she let the capitals all out.
"Yes ma'am," they all replied monotonously.
"Good." With a slam of the door, the three capitals retreated to their club's "hideout", aka, the one table outside near the skatepark.
"Okay, that mission was a fail," Amanda stated after they had all sat down.
"Agreed," Dana noted. "I knew it was the contact excuse wasn't going to buy us enough time."
"I told you guys that we should've check the history classrooms, not one of the math ones," Aurel said.
"Well now we gotta figure out what to do now," Amanda reached into her backpack and pulled out a notebook and an envelope of photos. The notebook contained recorded "sightings" of secret society activity, and the photos were also ones of conformation of secret society activity. "This secret society is still lurking around school and we gotta figure out what to do."
"Yeah," Dana grabbed one of the many photos in the envelope and pulled out one that had a figure covered by a blue cloak. "They might be up to something big; like, super crazy end-of-the-world stuff or summoning a dragon or something!"
"Vell all ve have to go on are blurry photos, possible sightings near the math and history department, and our vits(wits) and intuition," Aurel summarized. "Plus, vere basically banned from the classrooms after class is over. So vhat's our next step?"
The three capitals sat and overlooked the matter, trying to figure out what their next course of action should be. As they did that, Steve skated on by on his skateboard but stopped when he saw all the photos laid out and the notebook. "Hey guys," Steve greeted as he made his way on back over to the other three. "What'cha up to?"
"Nothing!" The three quickly replied, covering the photos and notebook up so he couldn't read/see any of it.
"It's just, uh, homework!" Aurel quickly answered. "You know, for history."
"Was there an assignment that I didn't know about or something?" Steve asked, leaning in to get a better look.
"It's for extra credit!" Amanda quickly added. "We gotta try and boost our grades up, you know?"
Steve gave them a skeptical look. He knew that something else was up. He had heard how the three had gotten detention earlier for tossing over a classroom, but they never explicitly explained why. "Okay guys, you can't fool me; what's up?" Steve questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.
The three in question quickly pushed all their evidence back into Amanda's backpack and then huddled up.
"Okay, should we let Steve in on this?" Amanda whispered to the others.
"He might be working for the secret society and is just trying to spy for them," Dana suggested.
"But he might be just curious about vhat ve're up to and vant to see for himself," Aurel reasoned. "Plus, ve could use another guy member here.....No offense to you two of course!"
Amanda and Dana gave a collective glare at Aurel but then dropped the issue.
"Steve is a pretty adventurous guy," Amanda said. "I mean, he is Australia's capital."
"It could be cool to call ourselves The Adventurous Four," Dana noted.
After a little more whisper debating, the three capitals agreed to let Steve into their group.
"Steve Kirkland, you are hereby welcomed into the Adventurous Trio's secret matters!" Amanda told Steve.
"Cool!" Steve said.
"In being accepted into this group, you must promise to keep all matters concerning the group a secret from those not affiliated with us, understand?" Dana asked.
"I hear ya loud and clear," Steve answered back.
"Good, because ve need another adventurous capital to join us in investigating the secret society that's at the school," Aurel told him.
"There's a secret society at school?!" Steve somewhat shouted, being quickly tackled down by the three other capitals to keep him quiet.
"We're investigating it! You gotta keep it down!" Amanda whispered to Steve, who nodded before he was released.
The three let him sit at their table and they went over all the facts with Steve; how the society seemed to meet at least twice a week at night (usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays); how they were seen in cloaks of blue, green, and orange-red; and how they always disappeared around the math and history department. Steve overlooked the evidence and then noticed something; he took out an old map of the school and made a discovery; "Guys, the principal's office is right in-between the math and history department. What if the members are going through the principal's office and not individual classrooms?"
"Of course! That makes so much more sense!" Dana agreed. "They're probably mocking us right now at how foolish we were."
"Vell not anymore!" Aurel stated with a smirk. "There should be a meeting tonight and ve're going to pay them a visit."
When night had fallen upon the Gauken campus, Amanda, Aurel, Dana, and Steve all snuck their way across the quad and made their way into the school that was always kept unlocked at night for the janitor. They hid in the bathrooms and surveyed for any sign of secret society members. For the first hour; nothing. The second hour; still nothing. Around 10:23, when they were about to give-up, Dana noticed a familiar blue-cloaked figure sneaking into the principal's office, followed several minutes later by someone in a green cloak, and then followed several minutes afterwards by someone in a orange-red cloak.
After the one in the orange-red cloak went into the office, the four capitals soon followed after them and found that everything was normal in the office. "Dang it! They got away!" Amanda stated. "We better look around to see if we can find a secret entrance."
Instead of tossing the office apart like they had done with the classroom, the capitals methodically eliminated areas of interest and then went to check in places least expected. While Steve and Aurel were checking being pictures that lined the wall, Aurel moved one just a little to the right and a door opened up in the floor of the room, with a staircase leading downwards. "Well I'll be a Dingo far beyond the black stump (A/N: look it up); we found something!" Steve said.
"Let's go guys!" Dana stated.
The four made their way downwards, being guided by lit torches the lined the staircase, and continued downwards until they reached the bottom of the stairs, where they found a hallway that stretched on towards a door that was at the end of said hallway. The four cautiously walked along said hallway, making sure to be careful in case of hidden traps, and were nearly at the door when Steve stepped on an off-colored tile by accident and caused arrows to come flying out of both sides of the wall, making Steve and Aurel push Amanda and Dana to the floor to keep from getting hit.
When the arrows had stopped, the four got up and went to the door and peaked inside to find the three cloaked figures were huddled around what looked to be a large, black pot. They seemed to be murmuring something as they added odd things into the pot. Amanda pulled out her camera and went to take a picture, forgetting that she had the flash on. When the picture was taken, the flash caught the attention of the three cloaked figures, who definitely seemed upset when they noticed the four intruders. Before they could even run, the door slammed the adventurous capitals into the room, locking them inside.
"Ah crud," Amanda said when that happened.
The three cloaked figures all made their way over to the four intruding capitals and the one in blue murmured something that seemed to cause the four to be frozen to the spot they stood. (Mostly because their feet were now frozen to the floor.). They tried to escape but were unable to do so.
When the three cloaked figures were close enough to the trapped capitals, they took off their hoods to reveal themselves as Amelia, Bell, and Maddie!
"Wait, you guys are the secret society?!" Amanda shouted.
"What are you talking about?" Amelia questioned. "And why were you spying on us?!"
"We thought you were some sort-of secret society!" Dana said. "You guys were sneaking around school and doing secret meetings!"
"Actually, they're regularly scheduled meetings that were approved by the principal," Bell corrected.
"But vhat about the cloaks?" Aurel asked.
"They're apart of the magic club's uniform," Maddie answered. "Plus they're really comfy."
"But what about the stuff you were putting in that pot?" Steve asked.
"It's for a special magic trick for the school's festival coming up next month," Amelia stated.
"We're the closer with a firework's show," Maddie answered further.
"Oh." The four intruding capitals stated.
"Guess we were wrong," Amanda said.
"It was kinda silly to think that there was a secret society at school," Dana admitted.
"It makes a lot of sense now," Aurel agreed.
"Yeah. We kinda did jump the gun," Steve added.
"Well now that that's all settled, we can destroy you all for viewing our secret meeting," Amelia said.
"Wait what?!" The adventurous four shouted.
JK! Amelia didn't really destroy them! (She did threaten to turn them all into rocks though). Anyway, Steve belongs to @AmericaHazHamburgers, and we will try to update soon! Until next time!
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