🇮🇹#47 Happy Birthday Italy!🇮🇹
(In advance, sorry for the constant change of story, I know I should keep my original but I just want to try this. I really didn't know how to do this so that's why I'm kind of narrating XD, sorry)
Trash: so as you all know today is March 17. And no not here for St. Patriks Day, so happy St. Patriks day! Ok back to the scheduled program, today is the Italin bros birthday! And you will never guess who has been freaking out.... Yeah Germany. So he had baked a cake, got the party ready, did the invites but kinda forgot Italy's present...... So here's how it went:(I'm gonna do the thing I do in my other Hetalia story where I narrate the events)
Italy woke up with a huge smile. Today was him and his 5 thousand other versions and 2 brothers birthday! He felt for Germany but any sign of his presence was gone. So he went for his phone.
Italy: Ciao!
Germany: Hallo. Did you just wake up?
Italy: Sí!
Germany: Did you brush your teeth?
Italy:...... I'll be right back
Germany: Ok
So the Italian went to brush his teeth. Still wondering where his German boyfriend was. He had brushed his teeth and was heading toward his room. When he felt something touch his shoulder. He jumped and slapped whatever was touching him, but it turned out to be Japan (yes Japan, Kiku Honda did that) "Oh, I'm so sorry Itary~Kun!" The Japanese mad said. "I know I'm not usuarry one for touching bu-" the Italian cut him off with a hug. "Its ok Kiku!" He said while giggling. "H-Happy birthday Itray~kun...." As the Japanese man said these words the Italians eyes brightened, but still remand closed. "Grazie!" The Italian skipped to his room. He reached for his phone texting his German boyfriend.
Italy: ok I did it!
Germany: Good
Italy: Where are you? You weren't there when I woke up?
Italy: Germany?
Italy: Germany
Italy: Hey, are you there?
Italy: Ludwig
Italy: Ludwig Germany Beilschmidt you answer your phone this instant!
Germany: I got called into work today
Italy: But
Germany: I'm so sorry
Italy: oh...... I-its fine
Germany: Are you sure its fine?
Italy: y-yeah....
Germany: I know your mad.
Italy: No I could never be mad at you!
Germany: Ok praise the Lord! Ok well i have to go for a while, text you when I get out. Bye.
Italy: ok, well Ciao!
The Italian was very upset, but he can't be like this forever. He went into the kitchen an was greeted by a huge breakfast. So much pasta. He rushed over to see who made it. There was a note, he picked it up and read it:
Dear Italy,
Hallo, Happy birthday mein liebe (is that real German I don't know still learning) I hope you enjoy this breakfast-lunch, its both.
~Ich Liebe Dich,
The Italian smiled. He giggled and looked at the pasta, he didn't expect to see this but was very greatful. He started eating the meal. He finished all, yes all, of the pasta, and that was a lot! He went to get his phone, but realized that he was working. His phone went off as he left the room. The Italian grabbed his phone to see that Germany had texted him.
(Oh gott, more texting)
Germany: Hallo
Italy: Ciao! Are you out?
Germany: Ja, but I won't be home for a while.
Italy: buuttt Luddy! I want to see you! I want to hug you!
Germany: I'm sorry, but there's traffic.
Italy: Ok, but don't text me when you are driving.
Germany: Ok, talk to you later.
Italy: Ciao
~4 Hours later~
The Italian paced around the Axis Powers house. Germany never took this long to get home, he had started to worry about him. "Itary~kun, if you pace it onry gets worse" his Asian friend said to him. "B-but... What if he-a got hurt?!" His Italian accent at it finest. He sighed. They both turned there attention to the door, which had opened. The German walked through the door. This caused the Italian to run towards him and jump (listening to the Stereotypes song, accidentally wrote hump XD, damn)on him, hugging and causing the German to fall back onto a wall. "GERMANY, GERMANY!! I THOUGH YOU-A GOT HURT!!" The Italian said crying. The German nation looked at the Italian with a smile, hugging him back. "Don't vorry" The German said with a smile. The Italian rested his head on the German's shoulder. He then proceeded to nibble on the German's neck (and those creepy Italians who think they're smooth! This line was inspired by the stereotypes song, I need to stop). Germany's (wow, all that hard work trying to avoid saying 'Germany') eyes snapped open (yeah self, that makes sense) but fluttered shut. (Was gonna write 'being the kinkiest man alive he slapped the Italian's ass, earning a moan from the person currently attacking his neck' but I won't)Flash! The Italian shot up turning to the noise. Seeing there Japanese friend had just snapped a pic of them on the wall. The German, being embarrassed, covered his head in his Italian boyfriend's chest causing the Italian to laugh. Germany looked up at his boyfriend in shame. "Luddy? What's wrong?" Italy asked worried. Did he do something? Germany looked down in shame. The Italian thought he had done something wrong and started to cry. Germany's face shot up the second he heard the wimpers. He cupped the Italian's cheek, wiping away the tears. "Nein..." He said in a soft voice. "I.... I did...." The German once again looked down in shame. "I.... I di..... I didn't...... I...." The Italian looked at the German man, confused. The German sighed. "I...... I couldn't think of...... Of.... Of anything to get you......." The German looked down, upset with himself. The Italian smiled at the German man in front of him (italy is still in Germany's arms) who looked at him as if he was insane. The Italian laughed. "Luddy" the Italian said cupping his German boyfriends boyfriend's cheek. "You already got me everything I want..." He said with a smile. "A-and what is that?" The German asked confused. "You silly!" The Italian replied giggling. The blonde nation twirled him around stopping with a kiss. "Happy biryhday! Ich liebe dich" "Ti amo!"
And then they threw a party and then did the frickle frackle! Ok Bai!!!!!!
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