(More stories, YAY! Oh and I don't ship PruAus, but I've just wanted to write a story for the ship for so long, so😂😂)
Prologue: To save Prussia from torture, maybe even death, Austria must marry Hungary. But, things don't go as planned.
Austria P.O.V
I can't believe it, I'm actually being forced to marry Hungary. But it's to save Prussia so it's worth it. I'm at the altar, and I see Elizabeta walking towards me. She looks great of course, but not that great. The priest starts to speak.
Priest: dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the holy matrimony of Roderich Edelstein and Elizabeta Héderváry. Anyone who has any reason that these two should not be married speak now or forever hold y-
Prussia:*runs through door while guards chase after him* NEIN! ICH ERHEBE EINSPRUCH!!!! (NO I OBJECT!!!!)
Trash: I know this is really short but the Next one will be longer, so don't worry, and as always BAI!
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