#20 Stories part 2
(This is the events after “Stories part 1”, after most of us woke up, brushed our teeth and are in the kitchen)
Prussia:*Walks into kitchen*
Germany: guten Morgen
Prussia: kesesese, jou're vearing a pink apron
Germany:*doesn't take eyes of the stove where he us cooking wurst and German pancake* so….
Austria:*plays quiet piano music* shhhhh, your little schwester (sister) is sleeping
Author/Trash: no I'm not
Austria: oh *plays loud, beautiful piano music*
Trash: are you making*mocking German accent* VURST, instead of inviting Feli over
Germany: I'll do zhat later
Trash: you better *sits down*
Prussia and Austria: OHHHHHHHHH
Germany:*facepalms and German death glares Trash* vhat vas zhat
Trash: nothing, just me saying what is on my mind *innocent Russia smile*
Germany:*sighs as he finishes the food* set ze table
Trash:*sets table* done
Prussia:*plops down in chair* VHERE’Z ZE FOOD
Austria:*sits elegantly* ja, Vhat Gilbert said *strange Austrian noises and laugh*
Trash:*laughs evilly, because Austria's noises remind her of yaoi*
Germany:*puts food on plates and goes to get his phone*
Italy: Ciao!
Germany: Hallo, I was vondering *blushed a bit* if jou vanted to come over
Italy:*laughs* ok, yay! ROMANO I’M-A GOING TO DOISTU’S
Romano: WHAT NO
Italy: all ready going, all be-a there in a couple *hangs up*
(Normal time, a couple of minutes later)
Trash:*opens door and let's him in. Closes and locks Door*
Italy:*hug attacks Germany* ve~
Germany:*blushes and sighs*
Trash:*secretly recording their every move, for her, Hungary, and Japan’s yaoi collection*
Prussia:KESESESE!!*Is laughing over Germany still wearing the pink apron* jour still vearing ze pink apron
Italy:*looks at Germany’s pink apron, which says “Kiss the cook-WEST”, cook being crossed out and west written in Prussia’s handwriting*
Germany:*blushes out of embarrassment* i-is ju-
Italy:*follows the apron’s directions and kisses Germany's cheek*
Trash:*is flipping out because of the cuteness*
Italy:*pulls away with a smile*
Germany: mein gott *giggles*
Trash:*squeals* I'm totally sending this to Hungary
Prussia:*looks at Trash and Austria while wiggling his eyebrows*
Trash:*weirds Spanish squeals*
Italy:*pulls away smiling*
Trash:*screams out of fangirling*
Prussia:*clapping over dramatically* ZHAT VAS BEAUTIFUL
Germany:*tries to get up but since Italy was still holding on to him he brought Italy up with him*
Italy:*clinging on Germany for dear life*
Germany:*pulls Italy closer* don't worry I got you *kisses forehead*
Trash: ok let's end this before I explode ok. Ok. Well thank you for reading and BAI!!
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