Dragonpit Summit
[Outside King's Landing]
Grey Worm and the Unsullied stand in formation in front of King's Landing. Jaime and the Lannister forces survey them from atop the rampart. Bronn walked the length of the rampart, overseeing the men.
In the courtyard, the soldiers worked, boiling pitch, filling barrels and rolling them up to the defensive wall.
"Oil?" Bronn asked.
"Pitch, my lord." One of the soldiers responded.
"How many barrels?"
"Five hundred, my lord."
"Get five hundred more."
"Yes, my lord."
The soldier exited and Bronn walked along the wall to Jaime.
"I still enjoy it when they call me "my lord." Bronn remarked.
"The thrill will fade."
"If we live that long. Men without cocks. You wouldn't find me fighting in an army if I had no cock. What's left to fight for?"
"I spent my lif around soldiers. What do you think they spend that gold on?"
"Not without a cock, you don't."
"Maybe it really is all cocks in the end."
"Yet your brother chooses to side with the cockless."
"Yes, he's always been a champion of the downtrodden."
A trumpet blared. Men howled and whooped in the distance, accompanied by thundering hoofbeats. The Dothraki crested the hill behind the disciplined unsullied army. They were savage and shrieking. They rode through and past the Unsullied.
"I think we're about to be the downtrodden." Bronn said.
Men began giving orders around them.
"Archers, stand tall!
"Cover that wall!"
On the sea outside of King's Landing, an Ironborn fleet rested next to the castle. More Ironborn ships approached.
[Deck of Ironborn Ship]
Tyrion, Theon and Varys stood on deck, looking to the distance as their ship sailed in. Tyrion joined Jon, Jorah, Missandei and Jorah on the foredeck.
"How many people live here?" Jon asked.
"A million, give or take." Tyrion responded.
"That's more people than the entire North crammed into that. Why would anyone want to live that way?"
"There's more work in the city. And the brothels are far superior."
Below deck, Sandor descended a staircase into a dark hold, bearing a lantern. He advanced carefully and stopped at a crate. He gave it one knock, and the Wight screeched in a frenzy, shaking his crate prison. Satisfied that the Wight was still alive, Sandor turned and exited.
[King's Landing - Royal Chamber]
Cersei, Qyburn and Jaime stood in a royal chamber.
"Why isn't she with them?" Cersei asked.
"I'm afraid I don't know, Your Grace. No one has seen her." Qyburn replied.
"And the rest of them?"
"They're on their way to the dragon pit now."
"Including our brother."
"Yes, Your Grace."
"Was my daughter there?"
"No, Your Grace. Princess Aelinor has not been seen, and Dorne has not answered the summons, so I doubt Princess Myrcella will make an appearance."
Cersei and Jaime walked into the adjacent room, where The Mountain stood.
"If anything goes wrong, kill the silver-haired bitch first, then our brother, then the bastard who calls himself Warden of the North. The rest of them you can kill in any order you see fit. Come, Ser Gregor, it's time for us to meet our guests." Cersei told him.
Cersei exited, followed by The Mountain, Qyburn and Jaime.
[Outside King's Landing]
Jon, Tyrion, Jorah, Missandei and Davos walked ahead of their Dothraki guards. Varys, Theon and Sandor were further back.
"Why did they build it?" Missandei asked.
"Dragons don't understand the difference between what is theirs and what isn't. Land, livestock, children... Letting them roam free around a city was a problem." Jorah remarked.
"I imagine it was a sad joke at the end. An entire arena for a few sickly creatures smaller than dogs. But in the beginning, when it was home to Balerion the Dread, it must have been the most dangerous place in the world." Tyrion added.
Lannister guards approached, led by Bronn and accompanied by Brienne and Podrick.
"Maybe it still is." Davos said
"Welcome, my lords. Your friends arrived before you did." Bronn informed them.
The Dothraki, led by Qhono, looked suspicious. Brienne and Sandor exchanged a look.
"I've been sent to escort you all to the meeting."
The Lannister guards part, clearing the path.
Tyrion nodded to Qhono, who took the lead. The Dothraki all move forward, followed by the rest.
Podrick stood in front where Tyrion noticed him.
"A pleasant surprise in an unpleasant situation." Tyrion noted.
"I nevr thought I'd see you again, my lord."
"Supporting the enemy, no less."
"Hard to blame you."
"Cersei will anyway."
"I'm glad you're alive."
"Come on! You can suck his magic cock later." Bronn said, urging Podrick along.
Tyrion shook his head.
Further back on the road, the Wight's crate was drawn by horses, en route to the meeting site.
"What's in there?" A soldier asked The Hound.
"Fuck off." Sandor cursed, walking at a faster pace.
"I thought you were dead." Brienne told him, as he approached.
"Not yet. You came pretty close."
"I was only trying to protect her."
"You and me both."
"She's alive. Arya."
"Winterfell. But now she's here, somewhere."
"Who's protecting her if you're here instead of out searching?"
"The only one that needs protecting is the one that gets in her way."
"It won't be me."
Up ahead, Tyrion, Podrick and Bronn were reminiscing.
"Here we are the heroes of Blackwater Bay. Strange place for a reunion." Tyrion remarked.
"It is, my lord." Podrick agreed.
"I don't think I'm anyone's lord anymore, Podrick. Save the titles for Ser Bronn of the Blackwater."
"I'm sure your new queen will be happy to restore yours if she ends up on the throne." Bronn responded.
"You've been thinking about our new queen? Perhaps you've been reconsidering your allegiances. Remember my offer – whatever they're paying you, I'll pay double."
"And that would be double what now, exactly?" Varys asked.
"Don't you worry about me. I'm doing alright. Looking after myself." Bronn replied.
"Are you? Helping me to arrange this meeting wasn't exactly looking after yourself, was it? You put yourself at risk." Tyrion responded.
"I put yourself at risk. Important difference. It's your head Queen Cersei's offered a bag of gold for, it's not mine. Now, thanks to me, she's got two traitors' heads coming right through her door. She can lop them both off as soon as she gets tired of the clever words that pour out their pieholes. All thanks to Ser Bronn of the fucking Blackwater. If that's not looking after myself, I don't know what is."
"It's good to see you again."
"Yeah, you, too."
[The Dragon Pit]
The party entered the ruin of the dragon pit. Lannister banners decorated the walls, and the stage had been furnished with open tents for the summit. Everyone filed in, Lannisters to the right, Northerns to the left.
"Come on, Pod. Let's you and me go have a drink while the fancy folks talk, eh?" Bronn suggested.
Brienne nodded her assent to Podrick, who exited with Bronn, Jon watching them go.
Jorah and Tyrion looked around.
Sandor paced. "I left this shit city because I didn't want to die in it. Am I going to die in this shit city?"
"You might." Tyrion told him.
"And this is all your idea. Seems every bad idea has some Lannister cunt behind it.
"And some Clegane cunt to help them see it through."
Cersei entered with The Mountain, Qyburn, Euron and Jaime. Jon and Cersei exchanged glances. So did Brienne and Jaime, Cersei and Tyrion, Euron and Theon.
The royal party seated themselves, and Sandor and The Mountain exchanged looks.
The Cleganes walked to confront one another before the dais.
"Remember me? Yeah, you do. You're even fucking uglier than I am now. What did they do to you? Doesn't matter. That's not how it ends for you, brother. You know who's coming for you. You've alwys known."
Sandor walked away, his brother watching him go, then resuming his place behind Cersei.
"Where is she?" Cersei asked Tyrion.
"She'll be here soon."
"Didn't travel with you?"
Everyone sat, waiting, when suddenly the sound of dragons screeching could be heard. Jaime and Euron stood to watch the dragons arrive. Drogon landed powerfully next to the stage and roared. Tyrion turned to examine his sister's reaction.
Jon and Davos looked on as Drogon roared again, lowering his head to reveal Daenerys on his back. Drogon climbed down to the dragon pit, allowing Daenerys to dismount. She walked to the dais as Drogon flew away, joining Rhaegal.
Daenerys and Cersei eyed one another as she took her seat next to Tyrion.
"We've been here for some time." Cersei told her.
"My apologies." Daenerys looked to Tyrion, who stood in response.
"We are all facing a unique-"
"Theon! I have your sister. If you don't submit to me here, now... I'll kill her." Euron interrupted.
Tyrion and Jaime exchanged confused glances. Jaime shook his head, indicating it was a lie.
"I think we ought to begin with larger concerns." Tyrion continued.
"Then why are you talking? You're the smallest concern here." Euron walked towards Tyrion.
"Do you remember when we discussed dwarf jokes?" Tyrion asked Theon.
"His wasn't even good." Theon added.
"He explained it at the end. Nevr explain. It alwys ruins it."
"We don't even let your kind live in the Iron Islands, you know? We kill you at birth. An act of mercy for the parents." Euron said.
"Perhaps you ought to sit down." Jaime told him.
"Sit down or leave." Cersei commanded.
The Mountain moved forward, threatening to enforce Cersei's will. Euron laughed and returned to his seat as Theon watched silently.
"We are a group of people who do not like one another, as this recent demonstration has shown. We have suffered at each other's hands. We have lost people we love at each other's hands. If all we wanted was more of the same, there would be no need for this gathering. We are entirely capable of waging war against each other without meeting face-to-face." Tyrion noted.
"So instead, we should settle our differences and live together in harmony for the rest of our dais?" Cersei asked, sarcastically.
"We all know that will nevr happen."
"Then why are we here?"
Jon rose and walked forward to make his case. "This isn't about living in harmony. It's just about living. The same thing is coming for all of us. A general you can't negotiate with. An army that doesn't leave corpses behind on the battlefield. Lord Tyrion tells me a million people live in this city. They're about to become a million more soldiers in the Army of the Dead."
"I imagine for most of them it would be an improvement." Cersei said.
"This is serious. I wouldn't be here if it weren't."
Cersei turned to Daenerys. "I don't think it's serious at all. I think it's another bad joke. If my brother Jaime has informed me correctly, you're asking me for a truce."
"Yes. That's all."
"That's all? Pull back my armies and stand down while you go on your monster hunt. Or while you solidify and expand your position. Hard for me to know which it is with my armies pulled back until you return and mqrch on my capital with four times the men."
"Your capital will be safe until the northern threat is dealt with. You have my word."
"The word of a would-be usurper."
"There is no conversation that will erase the last fifty yeas. We have something to show you." Tyrion said.
Sandor returned, bearing the crate with the wight on his back. He put it down, removing the chains and bars that locked it. He removed the lid, and stood back in caution, grasping the hilt of his sword. Nothing happened. He kicked over the crate to reveal the Wight, who charged towards Cersei, screeching horribly. Sandor followed, while the Wight reached for the frozen Cersei. At the last minute, Sandor pulled the chain that bound him, yanking the Wight off of its feet.
Jaime and The Mountain stood to protect Cersei. The Wight turned its attention to Sandor. He drew his sword, and sliced the Wight in half as it attacked him. Both halves of the Wight continued to move. The upper half crawled towards Sandor, who sliced away a forearm. Qyburn picked up the undead arm to examine it.
Jon took it, and with Davos' help, lit a torch.
"We can destroy them by burning them."
Jon set the hand aflame, and it writhed. The Wight screeched helplessly, causing him to drop the arm. "And we can destroy them with dragonglass. If we don't win this fight, then that is the fate of every person in the world."
Jon stabbed the Wight in the heart with his dragonglass knife, and the Wight fell lifeless after a final screech.
Cersei stared in disbelief, and Daenerys watched.
Jon approached Cersei. "There is only one war that matters the Great War. And it is here."
Cersei looked to Jaime.
"I didn't believe it until I saw them. I saw them all." Daenerys told them.
"How many?" Jaime asked.
"A hundred thousand, at least."
Euron rose to investigate the lifeless Wight. "Can they swim?
"No." Jon answered.
"Good. I'm taking the Iron Fleet back to the Iron Islands."
"What are you talking about?" Cersei asked.
"I've been around the world. I've seen everything, things you couldn't imagine, and this this is the only thing I've ever seen that terrifies me." He walked over to Daenerys. "I'm going back to my island. You should go back to yours. When winter's over, we'll be the only ones left alive. " He then exited.
"He's right to be afraid. And a coward to run. If those things come for us, there will be no kingdoms to rule. Everything we suffered will have been for nothing. Everything we lost will have been for nothing. The crown accepts your truce. Until the dead are defeated, they are the true enemy." Cersei said.
Jon sighed.
"In return, the Hand-"
"Just the Hand?" Daenerys chimed in.
Cersei chuckled. "I would nevr ask it of you. You would nevr agree to it. And if you did, I would trust you even less than I do now. I ask it only of Ned Stark's son. I know Ned Stark's son."
Jon looked to Davos and Daenerys. "I am true to my word. Or I try to be. The North does care who sits the the Iron Throne. We have our own king and queen. That..." He pointed at the dead wight. "Is all we care about. If we don't defend the enemy-the true enemy-we will all die and it won't matter who sat the Iron Throne."
"Then there is nothing left to discuss. The dead will come north first. Enjoy dealing with them. We will deal with whatever is left of you."
Cersei, Jaime, Qyburn and The Mountain moved to leave. Brienne followed.
"Ser Jaime." She greeted.
"It's been good to see you. I imagine the next time will be across a battlefield."
"We both saw what just happened. We both saw that thing.
"Yes, and I'm not looking forward to seeing more of them. But I'm loyal to the queen and you're loyal to Sansa and her dolt brother."
Brienne hit Jaime on the arm. "Oh, fuck loyalty!"
"Fuck loyalty?"
"This goes beyond houses and honor and oaths. Talk to the queen."
Jaime looked to Cersei, who turned and walked away with Qyburn. "And tell her what?" He walked away.
Those that remain contemplate what has happened.
"I wish you hadn't done that." Davos told Jon, who he stood with, alongside Daenerys.
"I'm grateful for your loyalty, but my dragon died so that we could be here. If it's all for nothing, then he died for nothing."
"I know!" Jon exclaimed.
"I'm pleased you bent the knee to our queen. I would have advised it, had you asked. But have you evr considered learning how to lie every now and then? Just a bit?" Tyrion approached.
"I'm not going to swear an oath I can't uphold. Talk about my father if you want, tell me that's the attitude that got him killed. But when enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything. Then there are no more answers, only better and better lies, and lies won't help us in this fight." Jon said.
"That is indeed a problem. The more immediate problem is that we're fucked."
"Any ideas as to how we might change that state of affairs?" Davos asked.
"Only one. Everyone stays here, and I go and talk to my sister."
"I didn't come all this way to have my Hand murdered." Daenerys told him.
"I don't want Cersei to murder me either. I could have stayed in my cell and saved a great deal of trouble."
"I did this. I should go." Jon suggested.
"She'll definitely murder you. I go see my sister alone. Or we all go home and we're right back where we started."
Daenerys nodded and Tyrion walked away.
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